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Statting Kerrigan? Alex Mercer? Panacea? Joshua Foley? SCP-040?


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Hi, I'm trying to come up with some reasonable ways of statting characters that use 'biological manipulation' (or one of the related powers with names like 'DNA manipulation' or 'wet nano/biotech' or 'biological essence manipulation' or any of the sciency variants) as their core powerset. For the most part, this would be for a superhero game, and I've been looking at various examples in different roleplaying game systems, and I decided that I should look into how HERO/Champion would do it, as a comparison to other systems.

The problem I've been having is the sheer variety of effects that could happen under the aegis of 'biological manipulation', that these characters and those like them exemplify! From ways of permanently enhancing the base character itself, to attacks of acid, hot chemical spray, spider-silk based attacks, to various sorts of shapeshifting into animal-like forms (which some might be able to do, though more common is slow ways of changing the self), to ways of manipulating the physiology of others to their detriment or benefit, to the sorts of things that are possible for biological systems to do (like have electricity attacks, or biological radios, which are possible to have evolved, even if it didn't), to all the various sorts of healing and regeneration, to all of the awesomeness of being something like 'genetically perfect', to plant manipulation, to puppeting creatures, to making temporary 'minion' creatures by shaping some sort of temporary force (meatspace? All that regeneration matter has to come from somewhere... same for the plant growth matter...), to being some sort of hive queen (psychic communication? direct power manipulation? radio communication with the minions?), to plagues...

Argh, it's just too much. If I were to stat it out based on all the effects I might want a character to plausibly have, it'd be wayyyy overcosted. How might one stat some of the 'example' characters for this power, and what would be an efficient way to get the most important effects? Hell, how do you determine the most important effects that exemplify this type of superhuman? What methods does the system have for Siloing abilities together, or providing a set of points that can be adjusted on the fly, or other ways, presumably not using that sort of method, of making things a bit saner? Any help would be appreciated!
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What you are describing is one of those all-encompassing meta-special effects that usually demands the use of the Variable Power Pool (VPP) Framework.  The big question to ask first though is whether this is intended to be a PC or NPC?  A PC would be better to start out with a smaller/tighter sfx that can be expanded later with XP.



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Right now, there is not a true Hero/Champions character who does such things. Cloestest is a certain biological genius who's name excapes me but is also refered to as "The Perfect Man".


I created Paradox Timely, a timetravling agent of The T.E.D., who has shapeshift and regeneration with a nanomachien special effect. I also created a villain called D.N.A. (short for Diana Nelle Armestrong, or something like that), and her mutant power is the ability to read another's biological profile at a touch. Once read, she can turn off or on any biological powers they possess (bought as a limited Mind Control vs Con).

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Having minions is usually either 'summon' or 'followers' depending on 'things',  Or some actions which technically are the actions of summons can be done up as other powers, with things like the 'has a physical manifestation' limitation.



Chibi-Kerrigan has 'many' 'Zerg' followers, the most fearsome of which is the 250 point 'hydralisk'

Maximum follower points 250 (50 points)

256 followers (40 points)


'True' Kerrigan has nigh infinite Zerg followers, the most fearsome of which is the 5000 points living space battleship, Please, not in the face

Maximum follower points 5000 (1000 points)

68,719,476,736 followers (190 points)


(assuming I remembered the follower rules correctly off the top of my head, anyway)


The hero system can mostly give you what you ask for, but you have to learn to ask for exactly what you want, because it's mostly deliberately made to not give you what you don't ask for.  Alas, if you are new, you may forget to ask for important things, like a pair of pants. :P

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If, for example, you want the character to be able to significantly change themselves to meet changing circumstances, then there are various applications of shapechange, multiform, and variable power pool that may get you what you want.



This character can turn into many different shapes that do different things.  Some are small, some are big.  Some have wings (and fly) some tunnel through the earth.  Some has claws, etc

So we build the character with

Shapechange (so they look different)

and a variable power pool so that they can be different in whatever shape they happen to be in at the time.

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Right.  So since I'm not that familiar with these people, let's go with a character I'll make up as I type.  Doctor Evolvo.  Doctor Evolvo is an evil scientist who has experimented with all sorts of dangerous chemicals and weird rays that allow him to mutate people into all sorts of things.  Setting aside things like his physical stats and his skills, these are the powers the GM purchases for him.



Mind Control -- Doctor Evolvo can expose people with a chemical that changes their brain temporarily.  They lose their willpower and become subservient to him.  They are his puppets.  The chemical used is just a flavorful description.  It's the 13D6 Mind Control he purchased that lets him do that.


Summon -- Before the story began, Doctor Evolvo was hard at work exposing various creatures to a time-release chemical agent.  Or maybe it's triggered by a hidden ray that causes the chemical to activate.  Regardless, at his command, normal creatures that are nearby will suddenly mutate into horrific monsters.  Doctor Evolvo does this with the Summon power.  He pays 60 points, and he can instantly summon 16 creatures, each built on 100 points.  They are amicable to him (they'll generally follow his orders).  A 100 point Summon is 20 base points, x2 creatures costs 5 points for each multiplier, so x16 (x2 x2 x2 x2) adds 20 more points for a new base cost of 40.  Amicable is a +1/2 advantage, bringing it to a total of 60 points.  When Doctor Evolvo uses his Summon, simple birds, worms, bugs, things you really didn't notice were there, will change into terrible monsters.  For game purposes, there don't have to be these little critters around for him to use the power.  They're assumed to have already been there, because that's how his Summon power is defined.


Energy Blast -- Not all of Doctor Evolvo's chemicals and rays produce good mutations.  Sometimes they just promote searing pain and bio-enzymatic shock.  Doctor Evolvo can spray one of these chemicals (in game effect, an Energy Blast) at someone, and unless they are very tough (high Defense), they can be injured or killed.


Transform -- Doctor Evolvo can use his chemicals to induce awful, permanent changes in a character.  He does this with the power Transform.  Transform changes another creature into something else.  To change an opponent into a weird pig-man or something, you use Transform.  The level of Transform that you use determines the severity of the effect.  A Cosmetic Transform can make a guy grow fur, or turn him green, or any other effect that is purely cosmetic.  At the highest level, Transform can turn a man into stone, or turn him into a berserk monster.


Aid/Drain -- Adjustment powers allow you to boost or lower someone's characteristics or powers.  If Doctor Evolvo uses a Dexterity Aid on himself, he can get much faster reaction times.  If he uses a Str Drain on someone, he can make them weak as a kitten, depending on how many points he invested in it.


Hand Killing Attack -- Doctor Evolvo can grow claws in an instant, because he purchased the power HKA.  He doesn't always have to visually have them, they can spring into being at a moment's notice.




I hope this helps you to see how to build a character with cool abilities, even if its not immediately obvious (there is no "bio-manipulation" power in the book).  Look at each effect you want, and find the closest power that lets you do something like it.  Personally, I would suggest taking a Multipower (a point-saving measure that is useful when dealing with lots of powers that you won't use all at once), and stuffing all the powers I listed into it.  You would only be able to use one at a time, but since most of them are some form of attack, you probably wouldn't use more than one at a time anyway.

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What you are describing is one of those all-encompassing meta-special effects that usually demands the use of the Variable Power Pool (VPP) Framework.  The big question to ask first though is whether this is intended to be a PC or NPC?  A PC would be better to start out with a smaller/tighter sfx that can be expanded later with XP.



Effectively you have a adapting Hero in a Solo Incarnation. Kind of like Ironman, Batman, Spiderman.

Those never translate well to a Hero Group Character. You have to first realise that they have way to much power to be effectively modelled ingame:


Superman (solo version) is a flying Brick, Speedsters, Energy Blaster, Martial Artist, Detective, Mentalist and many more.


In Hero you pay for what you get.

If you want to have many options (defenses or the like) to choose from, it costs more.


One way to limit "adaptability" is actually to just not include a common weakness. For example, there is this Martial Arts ability called "Iron Shirt"*, wich effectively makes the skin superthough. But not against bullets, fire and the like (proper Limitations).

When I build a shape shifter with such Martial Arts training, I removed those limitations. Limited skin shapeshift can propably cover those weaknesses of the original ability. Superior Iron Shirt* was born.


*I am not sure if that was the name.


And of course, adaption could also be the special effect of string abilities. Or even limitations.

If the character can "adapt to enemy attacks", that could just be High Defenses. Maybe with the limitation "only after being hit by it once this combat/only agaisnt the last damage type taken".

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Effectively you have a adapting Hero in a Solo Incarnation. Kind of like Ironman, Batman, Spiderman.

Those never translate well to a Hero Group Character. You have to first realise that they have way to much power to be effectively modelled ingame:


Superman (solo version) is a flying Brick, Speedsters, Energy Blaster, Martial Artist, Detective, Mentalist and many more.



I disagree that solo characters "never translate well to Hero".  In fact, I've played ripoff versions of Ironman, Spidey, Batman, and Supes, quite successfully.  Those characters just tend to be more expensive than most games provide points for.


Converting any character from a comic, or a movie, or whatever, to the game requires certain concessions and shortcuts.  Doesn't mean you can't do it well.  Superman just doesn't get played in a 12D6 game, that's all.

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Here's a sorta Kerrigan expy, suitable for use in most Champions games:




                      value                                               basic active cost
STR                    20                                                                10
DEX                    15                                                                10
CON                    20                                                                10
INT                    18                                                                 8
EGO                    20                                                                10
PRE                    20                                                                10

OCV                     5                                                                10
DCV                     5                                                                10
OMCV                    7                                                                12
DMCV                    7                                                                12

SPD                     4                                                                20
PD                     15                                                                13
ED                     15                                                                13
REC                    12                                                                 8
END                    40                                                                 4
BODY                   13                                                                 3
STUN                   40                                                                10

                         18 points in skills                                  18     18  18

Powers                   description                                      basic active cost
 Just Tough              10 PD and 10 ED made resistant                       10     10  10
 Mental Shields          10 points Mental Defense                             10     10  10

 Phychic Powers          50 point reserve multipower                          50     50  50
  Mental Attack          5d6 Mental Blast                                     50     50   5u
  Telepathy              10d6 telepathy                                       50     50   5u
  Mental Invisibility    Invisibility to Sight, no Fringe (0 END (+1/2))      45     45   4u
  Teleportation I        40m teleportation with position shift                45     45   4u
  Teleportation II       10m teleportation, no relative velocity              20     45   4u
                          (megascale 1m = 1km (+1), safe blind (+1/4))

 Mutable Biology
  Active Pool            100 point reserve                                   100    100 100
  Control Pool           50 point control pool                                25     25  17
                          (limited powers (-1/4), OAID (-1/4))

                         Mutable Biology Allocation Sample                              100
                         +20 STR (total 40)                                   20     20  16
                         +5 CON (total 25)                                     5      5   4
                         +4 OCV (total 9)                                     20     20  16
                         +4 DCV (total 9)                                     20     20  16
                         +1 SPD (total 5)                                     10     10   8
                         +5 rPD +5 rED (total PD 20/15, ED 20/15)             15     15  12
                         +10 STUN (total 50)                                   5      5   4
                         +20 END (total 60)                                    4      4   3
                         +4d6 hand to hand attack (-1/4) (12d6 w/ STR)        20     20  13
                         Clinging                                             10     10   8



This makes it so she can walk around as barely superhuman 'Sarah Kerrigan' that can teleport, turn invisible, has telepathy and can switch into full Queen of Blades mode and get all sorts of extra stats with the VPP. If you want to have more SPD, better defenses, or whatever, you can just reconfigure the VPP. It's not really setup for change in combat, you'd have to up your control pool cost and pay for a power skill to do that. But you can change your build around lots between fights.

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