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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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It's been a little over 10 months since my wife passed away.


I'm embarrassed to say, but I am starting to have these urges to have sex.


The thing is I don't want any sort of emotional attachment to go along with it.


Only sex.


I've never felt this way before.


I wonder if Virginia would mind.

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I wonder if all those who feel that it's okay, titilating (no pun intended), or exciting that Janet Jackson exposed (with some help) a boob during the Superbowl, would feel the same way if Janet Jackson had instead reached over and pulled Justin Timberlake's pants down, thus exposing his penis.

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I got my first Cell Phone last night.


AT&T had a nice family plan, and after having to push my wife's car 1/2 a mile Saturday, then wait for a convenient passerby with a phone, and the tech's not being able to find anything wrong, we decided it was time.


I sit here staring at it like it's some sort of manifestation of ultimate evil.


How silly is that?



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Rhetorical Question...


When does it become your problem, and not someone else's?


If everyone heard you say something one way, and you didn't mean it that way, when is it your fault for not communicating your ideas clearly, and not their's for misinterpreting?


How much responsibility for communication does each party bear?


Just some things I've been pondering.



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Guest Worldmaker

The worst part about going to a really ritzy restaurant for lunch in a State Capital is having to elbow your way through the lobbyists and legislators to get to your table.

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I'm following an old Ford Escort Station wagon into work. It's been rear-ended by something that overrode the bumper, caving in the tailgate and busting out the back window.


In the center of said tailgate was a bumper sticker.


It said....


Bush is a punk ass chump


I had three thoughts.


1) Worldmaker?


2) Did someone rear end it deliberately, in an attempt to show their displeasure?


3) Damn, it must suck to have an open window when it's raining cats and dogs.



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