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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Originally posted by Worldmaker

You know what makes my teeth ache? People who don't know the law making ridiculous statements about court cases they obviously know either nothing or the wrong thing about.


Well, that's par for the course, I think. Most people didn't realize the verdict in the Simpson criminal case wasn't unreasonable, since the prosecution had left(or the defense had created) room for reasonable doubt. And the verdict in the civil case was also reasonable, due to a different standard of proof.

But, hey, I'm just a calendar clerk, my dad, sister and brother-in-law are the ones with the JDs:D


attorneys thoroughly unfamiliar with civil procedure are my pet peeve...

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From my ex-roommate:

You may have noticed that when you hear your voice over a tape or message machine, it sounds different than when you hear yourself talking. This is because when you hear another voice (or yours on recording) you're only hearing it through the air, whereas your own voice vibrates through your throat and vocal cords, which connect to the eardrums, the sound also resonating through your skull.


So it is a scientific fact that your own voice sounds different to you than to everybody else.


That being the case, isn't it the responsibility of the friends and relatives of American Idol contestants to tell them how much they SUCK before singing in public??



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Guest Worldmaker

Something else that makes my teeth ache are people who are rude for absolutely no reason (as if there was a reason to be rude... well, yeah, there are some reasons to occasionally be rude...), and when I point out they are being rude, they act as if they've done nothing rude at all and I just need to get over it. Like I'm the jerk for pointing out their rude behavior.

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Radio Ads


There's this stupid radio commercial for some DSL service (and I don't want to know which one, thanks) where the dude is downloading from a wireless internet connection.


"99 pages of downloads to go, 99 pages to go. If one of those pages should finally come through, I'll still have 98 pages to do!"


Then his boss yells at him: "Is that dowload done yet?"


And he responds: "Almost, sir. Almost."




If you knew it would take that long, why didn't you copy it to your freakin' laptop before you left the office?


If this is a presentation, why are you presenting 99 pages of stuff, anyway? How much will the client actually remember? You think the client is smarter than you are, so she'll remember more?


Would you buy anything from a vendor who's not as smart as you are? I didn't think so.


And you chose to work for that boss because he saves golden-haired children from being smooshed by runaway taxis? He hides his light really well. I'll say that much for him


And this commercial is effective because ... ?

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Chinese New Year started yesterday but I failed to realise that. Until about 10:00 pm. Then I hear this cymbal banging and thought 'The band in the pub are playing loud'. So after it continues and I look out the window. Difficult as there is scaffolding. And I see musicians and the dancing lion outside the Chinese restaurant across the street. Went on for a while as well.


Happy Year of the Monkey, everyone !

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Guest Worldmaker

Bob Keeshan, the first and to me only Captain Kangaroo, has passed away. I'm taking this harder than I took the death of Fred Rogers, and I cried like a baby over Rogers.

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Guest Worldmaker

When I yell and scream at people for no reason, I get called names and am generally belittled. When I don't yell and scream at people and in fact am acting in a rational and civilized manner, I'm called names and am generally belittled.


And now I've discovered that, regardless of how many people agree with me, I'm not allowed to point out when I think people are being rude, regardless of how rude the person is being. All that gets me is a faceful of righteous indignation and more of being called names and being generally belittled.


I can't win for losing, and its beginning to seem that no matter what I do I am never going to be anything other than a second class citizen on these boards...


Why did I resume posting, again?

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Guest Worldmaker
Originally posted by Annarie

Some people are never wrong, even when they actually are.


Which is what leads to sayings like "The lady doth protest too much, I think."

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And now for a reminder


Originally posted by Old Man

I feel the need to spew random thoughts onto a public board from time to time so I thought I'd start up a thread to do it. Of course everyone else is welcome to spew here also--the only rule is that you cannot reply to someone else's post. Each post should have as little to do with the others as possible.


And yes, I know how this itself violates that rule, but thought it best to post the reminder.

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