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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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I have been listening to a few Dick Dale albums recently. Very good guitar music and nice change from the regular rock style I usually listen to. Especially like his duet with SRV. I still haven't decided how much I like the tracks with vocals, some of them are good some of them are a bit annoying. Of course I have always prefered pure instrumental tracks to tracks with lyrics, so it may be my own personnal bias.

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On Justice League the other day, Aquaman ended an argument by saying, "I have spoken," and walking away. I've decided I need to use that phrase more in my daily life.


Me: "I can't program that feature before the deadline."

Sales Guy: "You have to, because I promised it to the customer."

Me: "I have spoken."


Me: "My internet connectivity is sporadic. Give me a discount on my bill."

Road Runner Rep: "I'm afraid I can't do that, sir."

Me: "I have spoken."


Me: "I'm going to a movie tonight."

Wife: "And leave me to take care of the kids by myself?"

Me: "I have spoken."


I might need superpowers to pull off that last one. I wonder if my wife would back down from my fish telepathy?



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Guest Worldmaker

If you find yourself in an argument with a conservative who is defending George W. Bush’s intelligence, ask them to name an elected President they think George is smarter than.


I have seen not a few huff and puff so hard to that they turned purple.

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Guest Worldmaker

People at the Justice Department (read: John Ashcroft) have announced that they to use the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines in state and local crime fighting.


You "Real Americans" applauding this with your Get the Government off my Back T-shirts and waving your little dumbass flags, need not only a Nuremberg history check, but a reality check as well.

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Guest Worldmaker

I've got a conservative friend who says that, though he is not registered Republican, wouldn't vote for a Democrat because they "don't have any new ideas".


For some reason, he never accepts the fact that Conservatives haven’t had a new idea since they began purchasing women rather than clubbing them.

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Guest Worldmaker

When confronting the truckloads of conservatives we do each day going about our business, if we listen carefully one element seems to underlie every issue: the total lack of any capacity to see things from any point of view but their own.


Could this inability be the fault of biology? Could there be a "point of view gene" that when absent retards the areas of the brain which control understanding, compassion and tolerance?


Next time you are listening to a conservative do their usual harangue against Blacks, the homeless, Gays or some other "Other", when they pause long enough to wipe the spittle from their chins, politely inquire how they would feel if they happened to be Gay, Black or Other.


Invariably comes the same answer, "I am not Gay! I am not Black! I am not homeless! And if I were, which I am not, I would overcome any and all obstacles in my path." These statements are then followed by high decibel bootstrap speeches and neanderthalic Law of the Jungle platitudes.


Considering that no amount of reason, logic or facts can dissuade them, it may very well point to an inborn disability.

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Guest Worldmaker

The central ideology of the neoconservative movement now holding this nation's government hostage has as it’s basis; greed being good, selfishness as something to boast of, and how as a society we should take pride in showing as much callous disregard for anyone we consider different as possible.

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Guest Worldmaker

I’ve never before experienced such a degree in blind acceptance of propaganda as I have over these last couple of decades.


I am dumbfounded that my fellow Americans are so dumbfounded.

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Guest Worldmaker

One of the most ironic "fun facts" about conservatives in America is that they are all too willing to throw insults and degrading statements toward their political opponents at the drop of a hat, but the moment someone starts sending it back to them they are invariably the first to whine about "inconsiderate behavior" and "lowering the level of discourse".

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In my experience, non-American IT hands-on technicians (not managers) who speak English very well are usually way better than American technicians in terms of thoroughness and quality of delivery and communication. I wonder if that's because this population is by its very nature, on the whole, more motivated as they had to NOT ONLY master technical skills but also language skills? And conversely, then, would this typically be true of an American in that situation? So the general rule may be "technicians who have had to seriously apply themselves in other fields are superior to technicians who stay techie-only". Yeah, that sounds right in my experience.

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It's interesting to stop and think that our most popular pets - dogs and cats - are predators as we are. I wonder if more-intelligent predatory mammals have a stronger link, on the whole, than other animals? Sure, people have rabbits and fish as pets, but not to the same degree. And I've rarely seen people with rabbits as pets identify with them in the same way as cat and dog people seem to.


EDIT/PS - and interestingly cats and dogs, like us, are marginal as predators among their DOMESTICATED population. For us, we're marginal because our "natural" prehistoric state suggests that hunting other animals was a very small part of our early diet (primitive proto-humans generally would eat small animals they could easily catch in times of lack of sufficient plant-life according to dental records) and something that didn't really catch on until we were socially organized and nomadic (unlike many of our ape relatives). For our domesticated buddies, their predatory instincts are real but tamed. And in our modern era, we're much the same. So there's another level of identication, the stunted not-terribly-effective-warrior.

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Guest Worldmaker

I swear, I heard this on Fox News Channel a little while ago:


"The polls show Bush and Kerry about even. When asked why they were planning to vote for Kerry, the number one answer was Because he's not Bush."


Got to love it.

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I get pissed off at Internet posters who can't spell.

I'm not even talking about l33tsp33k, I'm talking about just not spelling correctly.


I put up with it cause just typing this reminds me how hard it is to navigate the QWERTYUIOP system on our keyboards, but I at least try to go over my posts to make sure I'm not blatantly screwing up. With typos every paragraph - or every other sentence - I get the impression the writer really can't spell, or worse, doesn't care.


That in turn kinda turns me off and makes me doubt their intellectual credibility. A prejudice, maybe, but there it is.



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Guest Worldmaker

A policeman walked his beat one night. It was a quiet, peaceful night. Not too warm, bright moon... the very stereotype of a perfect summer night.


He's about to cross an alleyway when, just inside it, he sees a man standing close to a brick wall. The man is continually bashing his forehead into the bricks, over and over and over again.


The man's forhead is bloody, but the brick wall is naturally unharmed, other than having a bit of blood on it.


The cop walks up, looks at the man, and asks "Why do you keep bashing your head into that brick wall?"


The guy doesn't even pause from hitting his head while answers:


"Because it feels good when I stop."

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Guest Worldmaker

Overheard on Letterman:


"It looks like the Bush administration will be handing over power to the Iraqis by June 30th ...and, then they'll be handing over power to the Democrats on Nov 2nd."


You know, Letterman, along with Leno, Kilbourne, and every other comedian on TV except Jon Stewart has been giving Bush a free ride for years.


Its almost like someone flipped a switch and suddenly its okay to make fun of the president.

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Guest Worldmaker
Originally posted by Worldmaker

Its almost like someone flipped a switch and suddenly its okay to make fun of the president.


Make that "Someone flipped a switch and suddenly its okay to make fun of Republicans":


"Schwarzenegger has come out against gay marriage and then he went back to slathering body oil all over his muscles in front of other guys." -- Craig Kilborn

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