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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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It would be really nice if folks could find a way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day that didn't involve such "stereotypicaly Irish" fare like copious drinking and wearing silly green hats.


EDIT: Case in point... I just got back from lunch at McD's. Some lady came, drunk off her ass, and all decked out in cutesy St. Patrick's Day stuff: St. Patrick's football jersey, green beads, a green St. Patrick's mug with some kind of limerick on it, you get the idea. Oh yeah, she also asking the hispanic staff members how to say things like "drunk" and "dizzy" in Spanish. :rolleyes:

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So... I don't understand.


WHY, exactly, would gun registration and gun licensing be only the first step towards inevitably taking them away?


Similarly, why shouldn't law enforcement be able to search gun registrations if there is a possibility of criminal activity... but law enforcement is allowed to get medical records to see if women had unlawful abortions / doctors performed unlawful abortions?


We license drivers, and well, sure, your drivers license probably will ultimately get taken away... when you're too old, too blind, or otherwise unable to drive. We don't, however, wholesale use it as a way to take away people's cars...


We license who can sell alcohol, and we tried making it illegal... didn't work out so well. Where is the "alcohol will inevitably be illegal"?


I accept that ultimately taking them away is a *possibility* ... and that without licensing (and thus, knowing who actually has guns) that's harder... but where is the inevitability coming from?

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Kara's working late again. Supposedly for the last time. :rolleyes:


The girls are at my mom's house, where Kara will pick them up when she gets off.


I have the flu, and it was worse this morning than it was last night, but a long nap seems to have helped quite a bit.


At this moment, I'm bored.

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In perusing the political threads, I've noticed that several people (not naming affiliations, since it doesn't matter) have a tendency to accuse others of cheap shots. This is always against the opposition, of course. Yet, these same people will refuse to acknowledge when someone points out that people that are arguing on the same side as them are using the same tactics. Or they'll justify it by saying the other side did it first.


People will also take a superior tone, basically saying that the people opposing them aren't smart enough or mature enough to argue against them. Of course, they can't see where that attitude would tend to be off putting.


Unless it's used on them.


If people want to claim the moral high road, I wish they'd try taking it first.

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So on the awayday we get a gentle 6 mph cruise along the River Avon looking at the developments around the river. You also get to see some of the boats and barges that people live in.


Which was nice.


And then there was a working replica of the Mathew, John Cabot's ship, in which he claimed Newfoundland and thus Canada for Britain.

Alongside the SS Great Britain.

You also got to see the Clifton Suspension Bridge made to a Brunel design and only started after his death.

As well as the Cabot tower built by the Victorians.


And the weather was pleasent. Cold but bright.

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I wish someone at Kara's place of work would buy a clue. :mad:


She has to work late again. Seems some people in other divisions dropped the ball and she's the only one who can fix it. :rolleyes:


Lack of seniority is a bad thing, especially when combined with good skills and a strong work ethic. :(

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