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Superdraft: Kids on Bikes SciFi


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Option, another Kid:


"I like you and I admire you but I'd like you even more if you gave up that blanket."


Charlie's annoying but innocently lovable little sister and Linus' love disinterest, Sally Brown.


Charlie Brown: He says he's not your sweet baboo.

Sally Brown: What does he know?




"It is the Season of the Witch, the year wanes towards Samhain, which men call Halloween, although they know in their hearts it is older than Bethlehem and Babylon; older than Memphis and mankind. Again the Hour is coming, again I seek the Man, and the Place, my way lit by an undying ember in my lanthorn carved from - oh, call it a pumpkin, although it is in truth a gourd unknown to the most learned botanists, and the name the Lemurians gave it would mean nothing to you. I too have borne many shapes and many names - Will Foxfire, Laughing Ann, Mad Jack - would you like to call me Mad Jack perhaps? Doesn't matter what you call me, you'll forget when you awaken - and remember only when it's too late."


An Ancient Horror: Jack O'Lanthorn


"Too evil for your imagined paradise, and free of what you think of as Hell due to having out tricked your postdiluvian culture's great trickster villain? Oh, in your waking hours treasure that comforting newly minted fiction about who and what I am. Soon enough your whole being will know the truth you glimpse in nightmares."


Option, Dog:


Here's the World Famous Psychic Detective and Occult Investigator attentively listening to a group of innocent children who have been having not so innocent dreams...


Linus: "Well in MY last nightmare, the Oompa Loompas had the sincerest pumpkin patch in the world, and the Great Pumpkin rose....but instead of bringing presents, he...he demanded something from me."


Charlie Brown: "He demanded something? What did he want?"


Linus clutches his blanket in both hands and stares wide eyed: "He said...He said, 'Bring me the head of Charlie Brown!'"


An involuntary noise of concern escapes the World Famous Psychic Detective Occult Investigator. This is most disturbing....as if the Oompa Loompas and this Wonka person were not already disturbing enough, and the curious invitation extended to these particular children..


Peppermint Patty: "Guys, I'm not sure it's healthy to stand around talking about and dwelling on our nightmares like this. Besides, here comes our chaperone for the trip."


The WWI Flying Ace, Big Dog on Campus aka Joe Cool, celebrated author of It Was a Dark and Stormy Night and the greatest beagle ever to come from Daisy Hill Puppy Farm: Snoopy. (Also a World Famous Psychic Detective and Occult Investigator. Snoopy can be anything he wants to be.)


Peppermint Patty in an aside "You may be a funny looking kid with a big nose and you don't say much, but sometimes I think you're the most normal in this bunch."


Benign (?) Adult:


The World Famous Psychic Detective and Occult Investigator narrows his eyes at the approaching figure. He has never met this person, but knows something of her background. A traveler who sought out and learned first hand about esoterica ranging from Navajo and Hopi ritual to Zen meditation, above all a student of the mystic Gurdjieff, who arrogantly entitled the sum of his writings as All and Everything, and an author of note in her own right. What, after all, is her connection to Wonka and his mysterious factory? Is the one child's babbling about a Great Pumpkin a mere delusion or a sign of some occult contact? is the Great Babu some entity of power previously unknown even to the World Famous Occult Detective's lore? And what has so disturbed the round headed kid that he forgot to fill the supper dish and water bowl today? And - is that the East Wind blowing!?


Chaperone, tour guide,  and historical person: P L Travers, the author of Mary Poppins.



Am I caught up yet?


Lucius Alexander


If not, I'll get on my palindromedary and ride out in search of more selections....


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Looking for help with my antagonist.  I really want to use Jeff Bezos as my antagonist, but I know that real people are generally off limits for drafts.  So, ideally I would like an official ruling that Jeff Bezos is not actually a  real person. Falling short of that, can any of you think of any good Jeff Bezos fictional analogs? 

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