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Posts posted by Simon

  1. The following is purely to vent.  It's needed.


    Working at the forge a couple weeks ago, had a bunch of folks come through for a day of training and fun.  Figured what better way to spend that than working on forging a new hammer that I've been eyeing for a while now -- a Japanese-style forging hammer.  This would normally be done with a power hammer and/or press (which I don't have as it's a historic site that I forge at) to work a 3" diameter piece of 4140 round stock down to a 1.25" octagonal face, this was a great project for a group of strikers -- the guys that swing the big 10lb sledge while the lead smith (me) holds the steel and either directs with my own hammer or holds a struck tool (like a flatter or eye drift) in place.


    Went great.  Majority of the rough forging was done...leaving me to finish drifting the eye for the hammer (swinging the 10lb sledge one-handed...which was stupid but necessary) and do all of the final shaping on the hammer.  Got that done, did the rough grinding to get it into final form, and then waited for a new touchmark to arrive (from a very nice gentleman in Russia that makes such things well and for less than they should cost).


    Touchmark arrived today.  Headed into the forge to finish the hammer off.  Got the touchmark set and then quenched it (oil quench, only on the forging face...the back face is left normalized and used for striking cold tools).  This left the hammer hardened but relatively brittle until the tempering could occur.  The following is a pic of the touchmark after hitting it with a quick polish:



    Going great so far.  Turned it in the vise and started working on the other faces...at which point it popped out of the vise and landed *perfectly* onto said 10lb sledge that was lying beneath it....resulting in the following slightly catastrophic flaw:




    So yeah...back to the original 3.5lb slug of 4140 as we begin again.


    So that's been my afternoon.

  2. Looking like it's time to pull that functionality from the app.  The PDF feature was created by an outside developer using JRuby and would appear to have compatibility issues with current versions of Java (specifically, current Java compilers).

    Use the export functionality to print characters.

  3. 4 hours ago, egonil said:

    There is definitely something broken between older versions and the most recent version.


    I recently downloaded the current version a few days ago, and tried to use the Print to PDF function.

    I pulled the HD6.jar out of the zip file, and put it into the existing install location.

    It doesn't work.


    Without changing anything else, I replaced the newer version of HD6.jar (build 202001020) with an older version (build 20190210).

    It works perfectly.


    I also tried unzipping the new version into a new location, where I have free read/write access, and tried printing to a file, to a location to which I also have free read/write access.

    That doesn't work either.

    trace-20190210.txt 4.62 kB · 0 downloads trace-20200210.txt 7.59 kB · 0 downloads

    Yeah...that's not how it works.

    Delete your existing directory or "install" the current version of HD into a new/empty directory that you have full access to.  Replacing only HD6.jar will create a mismatch in the other files and APIs used by the PDF functionality.

  4. 8 hours ago, dlstewie said:

    So it is just a character I am making.  I actually could do this on a prior character using the same Hero Designer. I still have the PDF files of when I did it before.   


    1) They should be the same built in templates right?  Can you show me an example of correct template? 

    2) Can you explain more on this?  This is my home computer so I should have full access to the directory I'm running from, right?


    Would buying this again solve my problem?  It would suck because I bought some villian packs, but if that is what it takes I would do it.

    1) Yes, any of the character templates (File -> New Character -> [Heroic or Superheroic] -- it has to be a character, not a vehicle, base, AI, etc.


    2) Look into Windows UAC


    Buying HD would only change things if you haven't updated the software since before the server move (beginning of 2014).  If that's the case, then yes, you will need to "re-purchase" HD in order to get at any of the updates that have been released over the past 6 years.

  5. So your software is over 6 years out of date (and outside of the support contract) and you're wondering about issues?


    Two things:


    1. You're so far outside of the support contract that you purchased HD under that there is nothing I can do to help. I think that the issues you're seeing are due to Windows UAC, but it's going to be on you to figure that out. There are likely also a large number of issues caused by the way you've been transferring HD from system to system (extra files, extracted jar files, etc.).


    2. No other support will be available for you until you update to the current version of HD.

  6. Creating/editing export formats is on you (or on you to find someone to do it for you).


    You're looking to implement a rule variant that is not part of character creation (which is what HD focuses on).  It can be done, but you're going to need to put some work in to do it.

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