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Posts posted by Simon

  1. 1 minute ago, Astromath said:

    How can I sell back characteristics, such as running, through the Powers Tab?  Main reason is to put limitations (or advantages) on the points being sold back.  Example, Armor (OIF) that reduces running by 2".  That means putting an OIF on -2 points of running.

    You don't as that is not allowed within the rules of the system. To build an ability that has a negative impact on Characteristics, you'd typically use Side Effects.


    5 minutes ago, Astromath said:

    How would you be able to do the following:

    You have a power, let's say a blaster rifle 4d6 EB with 6 charges.  You also have a gadget VPP that includes a gadget, such as a power pack, that gets attached to the blaster rifle which adds an extra 2d6 to the EB (for a total of 6d6) and replaces the 6 charges with 16 charges.  How can you build that gadget in the VPP?  The VPP in question has 60 base cost and 30 control cost with the OAF limitation for a total of 75 points.

    This is not an HD question as you'd build it in HD the same way you'd construct it within the rules of the system...so I'll defer on this and suggest you post in HERO System Discussion.

  2. You are correct -  builtIn.Main6E.hdt is telling HD to use the Main6E.hdt file that is contained in the main HD6.jar file for the application (an ensuring that any updates to that file are included when you use your custom template).


    As a note: if you're saving off a copy of the built in templates, I would recommend placing them somewhere other than the directory that you run HD from (i.e. not in the same directory as HD6.jar). If they're in the same directory, Java may look to load those instead of the copies contained in the jar file when HD runs.

  3. Even some of the materials needed to make masks are skyrocketing in price -- trying to source elastic bands has been something of an exercise in frustration.  Likely leaving that part to the hospital, since the mask itself can be sterilized pretty effectively but those bands are somewhat tricky (and would not be coming from a sterile environment if I were to put them on).


    Also: welcome back, Mightybec! [insert ominous background music here]

  4. 9 hours ago, RPMiller said:

    But what is your nozzle made from, what about your bed? It's easy to dismiss the particular filament, but you still have to consider all the chemical changes throughout the printing process, not to mention the sterilization of the process as well. Some hospitals won't accept any DIY components for the simple lack of sterilization used in the manufacturing process. But as I said, desperation can sometimes remove those barriers from consideration. I'm mentioning this not just for you, but for others that might read this and want to help their local hospitals, which I 100% recommend. Providers are literally giving their lives to save covid patients, so everyone's help is appreciated, but also consider the possible burden everyone may put on them if you don't go through proper channels and procedures.

    That said, Dan, I hope you can really help relieve some of the burden, they need it. 

    Jeebus - negative much?

    1. The Hospital is enthusiastic about receiving the masks and shields.  We're going to talk about the multiplexing tubes for the ventilators to ensure that they will work with their setup, but to say that there's interest is an understatement.

    2. The nozzle is brass, surgical steel (non-ferromagnetic), silicon, and either ruby or sapphire (depending on size).  The bed is glass.


    3. DO NOT FUCKING TRY TO DISSUADE PEOPLE FROM HELPING, YOU UNBELIEVABLE ASSHOLE. NO ONE is talking about just showing up at a hospital and dropping a truckload of supplies in the ER.  Of course proper channels are followed - it's the only way to arrange delivery to the proper location.

    4. For those that may be interested (and who either have a 3d printer or the means to get one), there are several groups that are coordinating efforts with hospitals and first responders, helping to ensure that masks and shields get to where they're needed the most (some on a global scale, others focusing on the US) - PM me if you need help hooking up with one.

  5. Which reminds me - that is one thing that's changed: prior to all of this, I'd head down to the pub for "happy hour" once or twice a week.  Meet folks there, have a few, chat, etc.

    Now everyone wants to do that remotely.  Everyone.  Separately.  I think I've had 6 happy hours this week...and most of them went over an hour.  Work has one scheduled for 10am tomorrow (most are in the UK)....and then there's the local Friday afternoon one...and then the family on Saturday...and a virtual Sunday brunch.


    Plus side, local distillers (and brewery) have taken it on themselves to drop off emergency supplies at my house.


    Diet may not be going as well as I thought.

  6. Just now, Old Man said:



    I've actually lost five pounds since this all started, eating less fast food and whatnot.  Got a ways to go though.



    I'm working on similar (since I can't get into the forge and hit things, currently) -- figure I'm either coming out of this ripped, alcoholic, or some strange combination of both.

  7. 1 minute ago, Old Man said:


    Look at that, +13,000 in one day!  And we're crushing China on a per capita basis. 


    If we use China as a lower limit for fatality rate, there are 2100 Americans right now who are already dead and just don't know it yet.

    I'd look to Italy and Spain for fatality rate comparisons -- China attacked this with a massive effort to build hospital facilities, which helped to ease their death rate considerably.

  8. 9 minutes ago, death tribble said:

    And Simon, how are you ?

    I'm fine - Gen-X and have worked from home for over 10 years now...I was made for this.  The town I'm in is eerily quiet (normally a big tourist/vacation town), but the whole midwestern attitude is coming through and folks are really banding together and helping each other.  Nice to see.

    On the personal front, may use this as the kick in the pants I needed to get a full forging operation setup at home (the "working museum" blacksmith shop that I normally forge in is closed until this all clears up)

  9. Not sure if it's been posted yet or not, but the paper that's likely driving a lot of the time estimates: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2EzKndfMupd6kQ4mQ7sl9aTW9XQ7p_8tsgwDkeq664mosM5OCxZw_NU9g


    TL;DR: The current social distancing/self-isolation/school closure is likely to continue for a minimum of 3 months. If relaxed after 3 months, there would be a resurgence of cases with ICU peak being exceeded in October and an estimated 1.1-1.2 million deaths in the US. In order to minimize the impact of corona, the full suite of  measures would need to remain in place for up to 18 months (until general availability of a vaccine).

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