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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. What kind of sounds do cloverleaf make?
  2. Do we know where their hands have been?
  3. Eww, do you really want someone grasping your Standard Model?
  4. Posted this a couple weeks ago in 'other news'
  5. YYYEEEAAAARRRGGGHHHHH! I hate the entire notion of countries-whose-alignment-is-True Neutral!!!!!
  6. Sorry, but you'll always be bloody, smiley face to me.
  7. For some reason I tend to imagine that in real life everyone looks like their avatars.
  8. Wait...being better than the US in soccer is something to gloat about? ?
  9. Wait...you hunt Ewoks AND puppies?!?! What kind of monster are you?!?!
  10. People on foot being chased by a vehicle down a road who run perfectly straight and don't zigzag or veer off completely.
  11. Not sure what it used to be other than a count of thumbs up or thumbs down votes from critics. IMO you would be silly if you ever based your movie decision-making solely off a website like that. Now it's at 96% BTW.
  12. Looks like the vast majority of games will actually be in the US. Canada and Mexico get 10 games apiece.
  13. Currently at a whopping 97% on RT.
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