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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Yeesh...all good cheaters know that you're supposed to deliberately miss a couple to avoid suspicion. How disappointing for all good cheaters everywhere. ?
  2. I have this thing called a remote. It changes channels.
  3. What about powergamers? Can we stab powergamers?
  4. Gotham City and Batwoman coming to the arrowverse
  5. Technically, they did. Since they just lost the home court advantage the best record was for nothing.
  6. Mom changes son's name due to tattoo error
  7. I can spell 'BOOBIES' on an upside-down calculator.
  8. What in the gulag chutney Hell is 'pluperfect'?
  9. I think Chris Hemsworth just enjoys being Chris Hemsworth.
  10. You have to take a left turn when you get there.
  11. Are they like the Jets and the Sharks?
  12. ...and how is that class going for you?
  13. How do bald people feel about that?
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