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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Perhaps in the future there will be no planets, having discovered they are all just the sun's dingleberries.
  2. You would have trouble scoring too, if you had to play against these:
  3. Going off what was said in Civil War, Scott may have developed giant growth on his own
  4. TV superheroes are built on about half the points of '80s action heroes.
  5. That costume is acceptable, but I wish they'd kept the touch of gold from the ending of the first film.
  6. The captain of the dreadnaught in the beginning seemed very competent. He immediately deduced what was going to happen and lamented the idiocy of Hux.
  7. FU*&$*(@**#(*_!_#$*()*#(_!#)*!m YOU MUth*(*@*#**@*()#*@(#*(@_***#@ Fu*c ING &(&*()&*()&U*()&I*&$)@*(*@_(*$!_*(__!*()$***$*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +4 = 7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Well, first and foremost, it was (by and far) known for its chart-topping theme song. It has also appeared on MANY other shows, including George's voice mail on Seinfeld.
  9. IMO Team Lebron is the better roster for a serious game, but Team Steph is the better roster for an exhibition game.
  10. http://www.superherohype.com/news/410869-first-look-at-brie-larson-in-costume-as-captain-marvel#/slide/1 Old school suit
  11. Every generation has its 'detergent pod eaters'. Times have not become more violent. They've just become more televised. - Marilyn Manson
  12. I immediately move for a sticky thread regarding the overuse of the word grawlix.
  13. Well there goes my "Game of Cussing" thread, gosh darn it.
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