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Everything posted by Trebuchet

  1. Re: Forcing a Step Backward A smart character could also use her defensive retreat to maneuver her opponent into a less advantageous position - perhaps a narrow area in which it is difficult to use large weapons or out onto a narrow balcony when the defending character has Absolute Balance. Not every retrograde motion has to be an actual retreat.
  2. Re: Forcing a Step Backward People fall back in HtH combat because it makes it harder for the attacker to hit them, so I'd approach this from the other end: Provide a small DCV bonus (maybe +1) for falling back and what you want will follow naturally. Of course, at some point the character backing up will need to stop - he'll back into a wall or be on the edge of a cliff - but this should still make your combats much more mobile.
  3. Re: Moving Entangle It doesn't need to move once it's hit a suitable target. I just want something which slides slowly (and maybe semi-randomly) around the battleground and threatens to capture any opponent or innocent bystander who doesn't get out of the way. Looks like the Moveable option from AoE is the right approach. It'll be expensive, but since I'm the GM in the scenario this'll be used in I'm not real worried about cost.
  4. How would you build an Entangle that is shot away and moves slowly along, entangling anything in its path for a certain distance and/or duration? Picture something like a sticky fishing net.
  5. Re: Pulping the Renaissance Heck' date=' one of the master villains in our [i']Champions[/i] campaign has a zeppelin. Yes, it's strangely high tech and seems to (literally) obey physical laws from another dimension (Its hydrogen won't even burn, much less explode. We know; we tried.). The bad guys got away in a rocket-powered flying escape pod after a couple of our stalwart heroes climbed aboard by one of the mooring ropes as it was taking off.
  6. Re: Making a character too efficient? I've done it both ways - not that there's a hard line between these two positions. Personally, I've never regretted it when I focused on character rather than (or more than) efficiency. For me most characters seem to "gel" better when the concept is strong and I end up playing them better. Not to mention having more fun, which is the whole point of the exercise.
  7. Re: Mind Control: What happens if the controlled person is knocked unconscious? Then would it be reasonable to apply a Limitation if going unconscious automatically breaks the Mind Control?
  8. Re: My first character (Speedster) Looks like a fun character. Let us know how he works out in play.
  9. I haven't used Mind Control in a campaign for decades, so I'm not clear on the details of what happens if the target is KO'd?
  10. Re: Quick Question Planning on running Farmer Hero?
  11. Re: Pulping the Renaissance Our Pulp Hero campaign is set in the 1907-era; but we gave serious consideration to running one set in the mid-17th century (especially after reading Neal Stephenson's absolutely brilliant The Baroque Cycle) trilogy. Sir Isaac Newton as the mad scientist! Woot!
  12. Re: First meeting of game group to consider HERO System I'm going to second this point (even though I know you simply disregard anything I post) because other new players might read this and get some use out of it. You don't even know how to play the game - much less actually played it - and you're trying to alter it in radical ways. People learn how to drive before they try to build race cars. You're trying to build the race car first; and when it goes off the road your inevitable reaction is going to be "Race cars suck!" Never mind that a dozen people tried to warn you that you were tinkering under the hood without the least idea of what you were doing or that those people tried to warn you to learn how to drive first. You're too invested in powering your race car with rocket fuel to worry about the potential for explosions. I don't really care if you dislike Hero after your inevitable crash and burn. What bothers me is the fact you'll undoubtedly be out there badmouthing Hero as a game system to every gamer you can find without actually ever having tried Hero.
  13. Re: Can this be done x 2 Role playing is an interactive activity. Even using the Hero rules as written you're going to find situations where the answer to some situation is not clear; that's going to be even more the case when your game goes into non-canonical rules. Even after running our ongoing Champions campaign for 16+ years and gaming together for over 20 years our group doesn't agree on every rules interpretation and we essentially have no house rules. In fact, we use the rules pretty much vanilla precisely we can't all agree on some house rules some of us would like to implement. My point is that even with a very cooperative group of friends that have been playing together for a very long time we have disputes. Unless you've been gifted with the perfect RPG group (if such a thing even exists) you're likely to have a very bumpy ride once you wander off the beaten path of the written rules.
  14. Re: Is it permissible to use real company names?
  15. Re: Rolling lots of D6s The more dice you roll, the more statistically average the result becomes. So once you get beyond 15 or 20d6 you might just figure xd6 times 3.5 to get the result. 15d6: 52 Stun, 15 Body. 20d6: 70 Stun, 20 Body. It's an easy way to speed up battles. Me, I prefer to roll lots of dice for damage. There's something about the Dice Rattle of Doom that appeals to my evil side.
  16. Re: Various Powers at Edge of System This is a message board. I have as much right to post my opinions on your questions as you have to post them; and I don't particularly care for being threatened just because you don't like the responses you're getting. If you don't like my posts, feel free to put me on your Ignore List. I'm sure it's a board feature you'll get a lot of use from.
  17. Re: Various Powers at Edge of System I suggest you try actually playing the game first. Even if anyone actually answers your questions it's pretty clear you don't grasp the essentials enough to comprehend the answers.
  18. Re: Various Powers at Edge of System Is there any particular reason you see a need to stretch and/or break the Hero system? This isn't an atom; we don't need to hit the system with absurd energies to see how things work. You learn how the system works by building things. I suggest you build a bit before you start looking at ways to bend things.
  19. Re: New option: Absolute Abilties, help please I agree, GA. It would be easier to just predesignate what is "perfect" (200 PD 3x Hardened for defenses; 30 billion light-years for Teleport across the universe; 100d6 AP X4 EB for damage; etc.) within the system and proceed from there. I think a better term for this than Perfect would be Trump Power: It Trumps anything but another Trump.
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