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Everything posted by Trebuchet

  1. Re: Mental Paralysis..how do I keep this from being game breaking?
  2. Re: Mental Paralysis..how do I keep this from being game breaking?
  3. Re: Unwanted advances Zl'f is enough of a naif she probably wouldn't even recognize it as a pickup line. Her sole dating experience consists of agreeing to go to a sci-fi convention with a teenaged geek so he'd help her track down a computer location to save a kidnapped teammate. It was not a happy experience, although the geek was ecstatic: He had a totally hawt babe (COM 20) as a date to the con and his geek pals were suitably impressed. Apparently even Norwegian nerds are annoying. Justicar (assuming he could be approached in the first place) would probably laugh outright and make some sort of comment like "If you knew what I do in my day job you wouldn't have asked." (He's a Roman Catholic priest; but he's also a former US Marine so he wouldn't be shocked - he knows all about those Navy types. )
  4. Re: What Non-Fiction Book have you just finished? I read that last year. Very interesting book.
  5. Re: Mental Paralysis..how do I keep this from being game breaking?
  6. Re: Gettin' Crafty! Clever! Repped.
  7. Re: Mental Paralysis..how do I keep this from being game breaking?
  8. Re: Complex and unnecessary The whole "Earth has 86 BODY & DEF 5" thing has long been the single stupidest item in the entire Hero system. I've railed about it for years. By the rules a character with a paltry 2d6 RKA (such as an ordinary M60 machinegun) can destroy our planet before he uses up a single belt of ammunition. It's amazing that World War Two didn't leave Earth an asteroid belt.
  9. Re: Can Characters get to powerful for some Genres/Settings? That may be part of your problem right there. We give out 2 XP for short/mostly combat scenarios; 3 XP for long/involve a lot of non-combat ones. That XP is given at the end of the adventure; not at the end of each gaming session. Keep in mind that 3 XP is proportionately much more to a 150 point heroic character than it is to a 350 point superheroic one. Given what you've told us about these two characters, I think it's time to invite them to retire and become DNPCs. See if their players would be willing to start new characters.
  10. Re: Can Characters get to powerful for some Genres/Settings? Of course they can. A cosmic-level character would be totally too powerful for a street-level game. Even a character in a standard 350 point starting point campaign might become too powerful if he applies 100+ XP primarily towards improving combat capabilities. We try to avoid this kind of problem in our Champions campaign by having characters go mostly for broader abilities rather than raw upgrades to power levels. Buy an AP Energy Blast instead of more Damage Classes; add a new Martial Maneuver to increase combat flexibility instead of another DC, etc.
  11. Re: The Spirit of Superheroing Make certain the heroes are praised by the civilians they rescue and the authorities. Have the local police chief or governor tell them they couldn't have done it without the heroes. Very few players will be immune to some judicious indirect flattery.
  12. Re: Comic Book (genre) Conventions that don't work in Champions
  13. Re: Running away feared? help If someone's shooting at you, I don't really think you'd need Danger Sense to feel fear.
  14. Re: Comic Book (genre) Conventions that don't work in Champions
  15. Re: Comic Book (genre) Conventions that don't work in Champions It's not genre or realistic, so I simply don't do it. I don't need the rules to point out the obvious.
  16. Re: Radical Adjustment It wouldn't bother me, but we don't use Adjustment Powers much in our campaign. They'd have to be recosted, of course.
  17. Re: Character for Review: Ilyusha
  18. Re: Limiting Combat Levels Just make sure that if he goes for this suggestion that you reward him by having some of these new Skills useful in early scenarios. Nothing makes a player's eyes light up faster than having some Skill only their character bought come in useful. As a GM, I actively look for those Skills.
  19. Re: Character for Review: Ilyusha One more point of EGO would increase her ECV, making her harder to hit with EGO-based attacks. Some more DEX or HTH Combat Levels would help her hit. Overall Levels would help all of these. In the meantime, she's strong enough to use "flyswatters" (i.e., large objects such as cars or dumpsters) to hit opponents with higher Combat Values. Not only does it work well, but it's a wonderfully bricky thing to do and fun to boot.
  20. Re: John Hancock (spoilers) I'd have rated him at 65 to 70 STR, so you're in the ballpark. I'd have given him higher defenses, though. Nicely done.
  21. Re: Real Locations that should be fantasy If I ever needed proof spelunkers are insane... the woman is actually smiling like she's enjoying herself. "Yes, let's all crawl through the tiny underground passage too small to turn around in and filled with spiders! It's fun!"
  22. Re: Killer Shrike's Increased Leathality System Oh, I understand the conditions that can induce that kind of trend. I just prefer it to be difficult to kill in combat because that's common to the heroic genres Hero is intended to represent. It's easy enough to modify minor characters to die more easily (I can see that as being quite appropriate for mooks or civilians) by simply halving defenses and Body. I meant no criticism of your system itself. Consider it more of a philosophical observation.
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