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Springald Jack

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Everything posted by Springald Jack

  1. Re: Ley lines and leyline nexus No, but that doesn't mean that you can't find maps of them.
  2. Re: WWYCD: The Nebula Affair Hexslinger would smile beckon her over closer and say, "Child, I don't recognize the authority of the Angels, yet your claim is much weaker. And don't bother sending me to your toy Hell, I've seen the real one, and it holds no terrors for me." If sent to Duress he'll EDM himself out with "Passage of Hermes"
  3. Re: Elves Of course the difference is that HERO BODY represents the ability to take physical punishment, while D&D HP represent (mostly) "reflexes and luck" which is why they imporve so much. In and of itself that's two different approches, which are equally valid. BUt D&D ignores that fact when it comes to healing.
  4. Re: Elves Unless they are already 1st level then they level up as fast as anyone else...
  5. Re: Rarity of Magic? Not in his universe. Magic is what makes the universe happen. His world is flat the world doesn't revolve around it, the Sun moves aoriund the Earth.
  6. Re: Superhero Comics & D&D Alignments 1.That has other causes. People definitely like to be safe, and to be fed; centralized authority is the best way to get that. Further, like a lot of things the thing that naturally follows from what people do they aren't necessarily what anyone wants. 2.By my interpretation of the alignments (as posted above) Neutral is most common most people don't have a strong personal comitment to order, though they prefer it and fear chaos.
  7. Re: Rarity of Magic? Sounds a little like magic in the Earthsea trilogy (please ignore the awful miniseries) One of my favorite depictions of Magic. Every village had some sort of Village magician, but Wizards like the main character are much rarer...
  8. Re: WWYCD: Hero with "Questionable" Political Views Hexslinger would mostly leave them alone. After all between Villains and his relationship with The Council he has a lot to deal with. However if they started publically promoting those views (legal here in America) he might do something like striking them with the Curse of Dionysus(making them obviously drunk) on mic or whatever. (Hexslinger was intended to be the not-quite-trusted and creepy "part-time" member of his Superteam the HeroGuard.
  9. Re: Superhero Comics & D&D Alignments So your of the old-school chaotic=insane eh? And yet in D&D Robin Hood, who in addition to being some sort of proto-Communist, more importantly opposes legal authority because it is being used wrongly is a CG poster-child yet is pretty predictable in a lot of ways. I see it as: Law=strong belief in order, normally public law and order however a sufficently rigid personal code may qualify (in a free society such a peron probably approves of freedoms but is very unhappy with people who excercise them in a way he/she doesn't like) Most Heros, a Few Villains Chaos=strong belief in personal choice and individual identity, generally naturally distrusts centralized power, though may be able to work with it. Some Heros, Many Villains Neutral vs Law/Chaos=Everyone Else. Good=strong commitment to altruism and selflessness. Strongly motivated by injustice. (precise reaction to injustice colored by Law/Chaos axis) Most Heros, Extremely unlikely for a villain. Evil=strong selfishness, lack of any strong degree of real empathy, strong tendency to see other people (either all people, or all except a specific group to which the character belongs) only as objects wether helpful or harmful. Most Villains, Extremely unlikely for Heros Neutral vs Good/Evil=Everyone Else This system of course means that most people(but not most Heros or Villains) are Neutral vs Both, which is fine by me. I also think someone with a non-neutral alignment in both axes should probably prioritize the two.
  10. Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.
  11. Re: Infinite Worlds Well in GURPS Infinite Worlds while Timelines are probably infinite it doesn't necessarily mean that all possibilities happen. Also it doesn't seem like timelines branch the way you are describing. If you change Reich-5 you do change that timeline. Other timelines of course still have victorious Nazis but this one doesn't anymore. Secondly not everything is pointless. One timeline is your home (probably) a threat to that is worth fighting. And for the default goodguys (Infinity) there are numerous threats.
  12. Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker Hexslinger wouldn't care, he beieves in Good but is at best indifferent to Law. He might try to get the paperwork taken care of but only to avoid future problems.
  13. Re: Sick of Wolverine Of course if we follow this logic no one would trust basically ANY Superhero by now. At least if we count attempted murder while under mind control.
  14. Re: Ethics for mentalists That is ridiculous. It's unethical for someone to get help to do something good for them? By that logic no one should ever see a mental-health professional for a problem that ANYONE could overcome by themself.
  15. Re: Is Crimefighting Ethical? To me this whole thread is in a way incoherent. Are we talking about: A a rationally explainable world like the one we live in or B a mythically explainable world like the setting of most superhero stories? In almost all B type worlds Individual Heroic Action is always better than Official Action, so crimefighting is necessity. And yes it's nice to have some justifications for why the world behaves like it does, but if you'll buy RADIATION GAVE ME SUPERPOWERS!, it seems weird to throw out I have to don the mask because that's what I have to do. Because I'm a Hero. of course I could be wrong
  16. Re: Is it time for people to stop making new RPG systems? Given that I have literally dozens of systems I think that this analogy is pretty flawed. As for the Supplements with no mechanics, I also think this niche is already filled by non-gaming books.
  17. Re: Ethics for mentalists The defense argument isn't valid as people could only be telepathically examined with their own consent, as per the 5th amendment, presumably a guilty person would NOT submit to telepathic examination. This has its own problems (such as if you are innocent why don't you submit to telepathic examination) but then no system, in which we retain free will, is perfect.
  18. Re: Ethics for mentalists In the IST World there is a 3-telepath system for telepathic evidence. 3 different telepaths one selected by the prosecutuin, one by the defense, and one appointed by the court all scan the same person (who must consent to the scan) The telepaths each make a written account and the judge compares them. If they do not ALL agree on EVERY significant detail, they are thrown out, but if they do the evidence can be presented in court. This system seems fairly workable.
  19. Re: Ethics for mentalists One consequence of this ethical position is that all of a sudden Darth Vader and Obi-Wan might start to look a lot alike. Ben's pretty Non-chalant about the mind-tricks, just as Vader is with the Lethal Force. Of course in the Cantina Ben was pretty non-chalant about the Lethal Force too...
  20. Re: Legal status of major supergroups In my setting the Department of Homeland Security (although originally under Department of Justice) contains M.A.S.K. (Metahuman Agency for Systematized Knowledge) which contains a Superteam called H.E.R.O. (Human Emergency Response Orginazation) H.E.R.O. has federal legal jurisdiction and in addition is also a military unit. The EU also has an as yet unnamed major supergroup who has jurisdiction across the EU.
  21. Re: Too balanced my mistake. I haven't read them in a while as realism with gunshots usually isn't a concern of mine.
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