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Agent X

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Everything posted by Agent X

  1. I have never understood the need to limit super skills more than super powers. This is very odd. If a guy wants to be REALLY good in any science, should it really cost him more than the ability to travel to another dimension with 8 of his buddies? How about this? What if nobody in the group minds that the character is smarter in science or some other large skill group than they are? Is it okay then?
  2. There is plenty of stuff to steal even if you don't want to use it as the basis of your campaign.
  3. 1. Spider-Man - I don't think a character concept can be more seamless for a motivated superhero. 2. The Thing - Hey, he's the Ever-lovin' Thing 3. Jonah Hex - 'cuz he's a mean cuss 4. Firestorm - I always liked the kid. 5. Wildfire - He's just cool and he's a deep guy who comes off shallow, always interesting. 6. Thor - He is the best written mythological figure in comics... sometimes. 7. Cyclops - What a story - trained to lead, and the angst 8. Daredevil - A Bat Man rip-off who is a lot more likeable and, frankly, more heroic 9. Power Man - The first African American super hero who broke sterotypes AND was written well 10. Iron Man - He's so flawed and so heroic
  4. I think the military could be quite a challenge to standard Champions characters. If the higher-end Marvel and DC characters were translated to mimic what they can do in the comics, the military wouldn't stand a chance.
  5. I never once said the players like the Minuteman.
  6. Umm, sever organization. That sounds extreme.
  7. Don't forget Damage Reduction 75% for its sheer size.
  8. Thanks, I love your work, incidentally.
  9. Re: I understand your head ache. That's really cool!
  10. Yeah, What was I thinking! Go with the END reserve
  11. I think it's an Aid alright. I believe you will have to come up with a house rule ranking emotional states - maybe a formula based on circumstances. You could use Circumstantial Presence Attacks to determine the value of the heightened emotional state. Remember to modify for Psych Lims.
  12. TAROT villains - KEWL! Give me some ammunition.
  13. Just be sure to credit me if you use it. I'm serious. Just kidding. No I'm not.
  14. Agent X

    Iron Man

    I keep on forgetting about the EB haymaker. That makes the dice range a little more palatable.
  15. Re: what if Mighty Mouse. He is MUCH more violent.
  16. Re: Primus We have a guy who has a Silver Avenger. I don't like to bring up my problem with Primus around him. What you do is definitely a workable compromise for my concerns.
  17. Re: Re: Bored with Champions Organizations I made Viper work for me in the old days by subsuming it into COIL. I got rid of the Arthurian angle in COIL (What the?) and ran a plotline where Dr. Draconis was hired to refine the COIL gene. He, of course, started creating dinosaur men. The players did not appreciate facing creatures that had oodles of knockback resistance, damage reduction, and affect a hex melee attacks. I can't understand why? They only had 3s or 4s for Speed.
  18. Didn't someone come up with some supers inspired by the Stooges? I know there was a write-up of Stooge Fu but this was especially inspiring to all Stooge fans.
  19. My solution for Primus would be the use of Supers instead of Super-Soldiers. That seems to be something many try to explain away as an option the government wouldn't go with because of the independence of the supers but I just don't see that rationale being the only one the government might adopt. The way to make the villain organizations is to always tie the adventure to a unique villain, most likely a supervillain. I never want to just fight a Viper or Cobra or Whatever Team. I want something new, a twist of some sort.
  20. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.
  21. Superskrull has worked on a Card Organization that I think is far superior to the Card Shark organization. Maybe he'll you about it if you ask him nicely?
  22. Re: Golden Age adventures You might want to designate theaters of operation for all of your German and Japanese Masterminds. Red Skull here, Baron Blitzkrieg there, etc. If you need to generate a few extra Nazi villains you might check the Project 3000 thread. I have a bunch of Nazi characters' names that I offered recently to the list. The problem with your resources from the comics is that most of the Nazis are schemers and not good in an all out fight. These names will suggest more "Super" in the Nazi Supervillains.
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