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Posts posted by Trencher

  1. On 12/31/2018 at 7:45 PM, bigbywolfe said:

    Package Deals (Templates in 6E) aren't free, you pay points for them so there is no "bonus" that isn't being paid for.

    Unless this product is for a REALLY old edition.

    Its an old edition true but stat bonuses still count against normal characteristic maxima correct? So if you play an orc you will be better at fighting?

  2. On 12/28/2018 at 8:44 PM, Scott Ruggels said:


    I will have to find a copy of Mythic Raced, your get a feeling it’s n how they write thing up. As for the package bonus,I disagree. For me, they serve as a template, giving members of that race a common baseline, and the bonus works well for a mathtarded GM like me.  




    Nothing wrong with being mathematically inclined. And you are right the campain material is well written but the races themselves with rules and stats not so much. Kinda underpowerd I guess..


  3. On 11/29/2018 at 2:28 AM, Scott Ruggels said:

    So, I am steadily working through the art pieces on my Multi-system race book. art is going very smoothly (I will have something to show in the other thread, soon,)  Well I went through some of the written material, and while the writing of my collaborators is very good. Looking back at my own, well, after a year away from looking at it, my is it awful.  Why use 5 words when 20 will do, seemed to have been my guiding principle back then. I winced reading it.  So, knowing that this board is full of some very strong opinions, I decided to ask here. 

    What Fantasy Race materials for HERO, or any other system, do you feel were well written?


    How much, or how little background, should be provided?  


    Of HERO "Fantasy Race Package Deals, Which ones do you think work  well? 


    Which one's do you think worked poorly?


    What I am looking for are good examples of Clarity, or Brevity, or evocative writing wit in the limited formats.  Generally, this is going to end up as an art portfolio piece, but I also wanted to share something that has been a lot of fun for our group of players.


    Any recommendations?


    Even though the races within were mostly unused in my Dnd campaign the Mythic races book were both informative and interesting to read. 

    Fantasy race package deals are something I dont use because I think people should pay for their races powers and abilities without getting any bonuses for it. Much more important is the information about the race. Rules are something I think everybody change around anyway. 


    On 12/3/2018 at 12:55 AM, archer said:

    The problem with Tolkein, his elves, and his setting are that they are tied to the English idea of aristocracy and that having a "good" bloodline means something along the lines of "you are better than others".


    His elves were thinly-disguised aristocrats, the hobbits were the Welsh folk muddling along doing their own thing, humans were the common English folk who needed to be led by an aristocracy, and the dwarves were Scottish miner/engineer types who were either good or evil (in the books) as the mood took them. If that kind of thing grates on you, perhaps because you didn't grow up in a society which values an aristocracy, Tolkein might not be your thing because even the elites of the other groups aren't going to measure up to the people who have the "right" blood.




    Elves were certainly not having a "good" bloodline since after learning about industrialization of both warfare and exploiting the land of resources it turns them into orcs. 

    Maybe this is something you have read in Dragonlance or something?

  4. On 12/14/2018 at 7:00 PM, bubba smith said:

    I'd like to know how to do that myself


    On 12/14/2018 at 6:27 PM, Cassandra said:

    How do you post pictures?

    Easiest way is to save the pictures to your picture folder on your computer then drag the file or choose it to or from the line to the bottom of the reply window.

  5. 15 hours ago, assault said:

    I'm arguing that superhero horror is just as valid as superhero comedy, superhero romance or superhero whatever. This includes "superhero action", which is basically what generic "superheroes" is.


    Furthermore, since Superman is "the" superhero, he is a natural reference point for such stories, in much the same way that he was the reference point for films like Hancock or My Super Ex-Girlfriend.


    That's my substantive point.


    A side point: I wrote nothing about "power and responsibility". I wrote "power and privilege", which is entirely different.


    No problem with the side point. 


    I would disagree however with the argument that a superhero horror is as valid as a comedy. Because horror movies genre already have superpowerd beings. The monsters. 

    Dracula, Werewolves and other monster movies have a superpowerd creature attacking regular humans, either it wins or the humans finds it weakness and defeat it. 

    So this movie is going to be a super kid killing people until someone discover kryptonite or just calms him down. 

    Keep in mind that you have to sit and watch for an hour or more just to see this play out. The idea might be a fun thought experiment and good for a paragraph or two but its not strong enough to be a movie. 

    It will bore people, some might like the idea enough (and even more importantly like the idea of liking the idea enough) so much that they cant admit to themselves that the premise would barely be enough for a short film not a full feature. 

    But it will be bad. 

    A far better mix of superhero and horror have been made in the exellent series Astro City. I wont spoil it but it was pretty dam cool. And unlike the endless deconstructions we see today it actually made you think. 


    This movie is made to be enjoyed by people who think supporting deconstructions makes them better than other people.

    Even if its as mindless as: "What is super hero was super villan?"

    It is quite manipulative, tricking weak willed people out of their cash by exploiting their desire to feel smarter than everybody else. 


    Changing around a character trait just to serve your story is a sign of hack writing and the more jarring the change the more hack the writer is. The more a writer can do with a characters established traits the greater the writer. 

  6. 8 hours ago, assault said:

    This is a horror film, not a superhero one, so most of the previous points are moot.


    Then again, there are plenty of superhero comedies out there. There also superhero spy films, superhero heist movies, etc.


    I wouldn't over-interpret this. Superheroes sell and are big in the public consciousness.


    Of course, my personal superhero movie would be influenced by the last couple of series of Doctor Who. (Which were, admittedly, of patchy quality.)


    I'd probably go with "suits and mutants" - dealing with power and privilege. Naturally, there would be hope - no power lasts for ever, and ultimately Nazis can be punched, if only symbolically.


    Hope is far more subversive than cynicism.

    What are you arguing against here?


    Why should a Superman movie where he is not evil be a comedy? Hope is subversive only in social situations where the powers that be want you to be without hope. Hope in itself is positive and uplifting. Not subversive.


    Why should superheroes selling big or being big in public consciousness somehow make interpreting this sadness irrelevant?


    Your right about Dr Who being of patchy quality but that is how that series has always been. It all depends on the writer. 


    That said what we are complaining about is the sad state of affairs when it comes to depicting Superman. Always trying to make him evil. 

                                                                                                                                   IT SUCKS!


    The suits and mutants idea for a superhero movie dealing with power and responsibility is all well and good. Infact that is what the Marvel universe is based on. 

    But Superman is greater than that. He is the first Superhero and as such have one foot in the sci fi genre. The question is what happens if a good alien with world threatening power comes to earth?

    If the answer is that he would become a monster or that humans and aliens could never get along then its hack writing. Black and white 50's monster movies had more insightful writing. 

  7. Looks really bad. 

    Sure another deconstruction of the superhero genre might attract the usual suspects but you will have to actually sit there for an hour+ watching it. 

    And from the way the trailer was paced I am guessing that they put all the action parts in it. The rest of the movie is probably just filler. 

  8. I was wondering how you would build the effect of smelling terrible smell from dead bodies or from zombies?

    Anyone who have opned a refigiator that have been without power for a couple of days know how such stench can drain you of energy and breath but let me tell you its nothing compared to the real deal. 

    Once when I was on a school trip in Denmark we came across a dead pig out in the countryside. It was like being hit in the face by a giant fist! Normal function was not possible. 

    So how to do this in realistic rules?

  9. If Thanos could control reality he would not have to kill half the universe.

    One punch is all it takes. Thanos would be wise to just stay away from Saitama. Its not like Saitama could stop him kill half of earth anyway, hell he probably would not even notice unless he had shopping to do that day.

  10. Those guys are really cool. I like the first one he looks like a great character and the pad he is holding hints to his skill set. But the face is what really stands out he looks like he is tough like Bronson! The martial artist guy looks really cool as well. His face and pose fits the whole "Still waters defeats the raging current" bit and the cool style combined with the level of detail is just wow! The embroidery on his chest is out of this world! Such detail and such awesome design as well. The last guy is cool as well. Fun choice of suit colours and the way he is holding a completely regular cell phone brings this strange looking character together. 

    Very very good!


    On 10/28/2018 at 7:34 PM, DusterBoy said:

    Damn, but Milo Yiannopoulos done got badass

    That guy would be a good James Bond villain. Exept he is maybe a bit to over the top compared to todays more realistic James Bond movies. 

    1 hour ago, Old Man said:

    Rather than post pics, I'm just going to link to artstation.com, which has a lot of excellent concept art.  It's hard to search because people tend not to tag their artwork very thoroughly, but it can work great if you're not looking for something super specific.

    Artstation is great. I found lots of pictures there. The I try to gather pictures after a theme here so to be useful as Dark Champions npcs. You know for when people have little time. 

  12. A goblin in  a bar leaned over to the person next to it and said: "Do you want to hear an Ulronai joke?"


    The man looked down on the little goblin and said: "You could do that, but I warn you I am chief assassin among all the Ulronai, the seven foot guy besides me is the greatest warrior among the Ulronai and the guy besides him is the darkest and most powerful warlock and curse bringer among all of the Urlonai. Now are you SURE you want to tell me an Ulronai joke?"


    "Nah" said the goblin. "To much work having to explain the joke three times.."

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