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Major Tom 2009

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Posts posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. 44 minutes ago, death tribble said:

    Hark !


    Did I hear someone say Space Cops ?




    Captain Gorilla of the Star Patrol is here !

    Bet the bad guys love trying to make a monkey outta him...                                                                                                                                         


    Major Tom 4900 🤓

  2. This summer, I had the opportunity to read both 1632 and 1633 by     Eric Flint. These are time-travel stories of a sort, in that a Virginia  town called Grandville (a fictional community, but inspired by an    actual one) is transported through time from the year 2000 to the middle of the Thirty Years' War by what the time-displaced 20th-

    Century people come to call the Ring of Fire.


    This transposition in time causes an alternate timeline to be created,

    allowing the survival of certain historical figures -- most notably,

    Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, who had died in battle in the     unaltered timeline with which we are more familiar.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

    Major Tom 2009 😎










  3. In checking this topic since I posted it a few hours ago, I scrolled further down the list of other

    topics to find that my first attempt to post it had indeed happened (I had gotten a message

    the first time I tried to post it which made me think that my post hadn't been submitted proper-

    ly); my apologies for duplicating this topic on this thread.



    Major Tom 2009 👨‍🏫

  4. Has anyone playing FH managed to come up with a racial package deal that would allow GMs or their players

    to write up hobgoblin characters for their campaigns as well as for the background setting of said campaigns?


    I'm asking because in recently reading through my copy of FH, I couldn't find such a deal for hobgoblins, whereas there were such things for those races which are typical adversaries of fantasy adventurers.



    Major Tom 2009 🤴

  5. Here's a "what if" for this topic -- one that's not a nightmare; actually,  it's more

    of a "what if" exercise. The "what if" being, in this case, what if E.E. "Doc" Smith

    Had been born at a later date, and had lived long enough to collaborate with

    fellow sci-fi author David Weber?


    I daresay we could very well have seen the following title on bookshelves:


    Lens of Honor


    (Or the other possibility: Honor of the Lens)


    Premise: Honor -- and her treecat friend Nimitz -- are secretly contacted by an

    entity of starkly unimaginable power calling itself Mentor of Arisia, who informs

    them both that they have been chosen to be Guardians of Civilization. Further,

    they are told that they will be provided with an instrumentality to enable them

    to carry out this task.


    The name of this instrumentality: the Lens of Arisia.



    Major Tom 2009😎




  6. So if I'm understanding the basic consensus here, teen heroes in a GC setting should -- at the very least -- be written up

    with most of their powers in the 60 Active Point range (with a few being in the 80-point range), yes?


    Of course, this assumes that said characters aren't alien temporal anomalies with a thing for blue-and-red costumes

    and having weird mineral- and stellar-based disadvantages...



    Major Tom 2009 😎

  7. Will characters who were mentioned in the original SA: CoH book (or Enemies of San Angelo) get writeups in the updated book?


    One of the characters who comes to mind in this regard is Averell Pendleton who, UIM, is the time traveler whose arrival in the present

    day preceded that of Ren Westlake.



    Major Tom 2009 :dyn

  8. I had a bit of perverse inspiration yesterday after watching a golf tournament on TV; one of the competitors was wearing a shirt with

    the names of some of his sponsors on it, one of which got my attention. And so, without further ado, I present to you...



    Psycho Bunny!



    Major Tom 2009 :eg:

    There goes Psycho Cottontail,

    Stalking 'long the Bunny Trail (*SHWACK* AAAAAGGHHH!!!)

  9. Since superheroes in the Galactic Champions time period are somewhat more powerful than their 20th to 21st century counterparts,

    would teen superheroes in that future period be likewise more powerful than their modern-day counterparts (that is, built with powers

    with an Active Point cost per power higher than the 40-point AP limit mentioned in Teen Champions)?



    Major Tom 2009 🤔

  10. Here's an Atlantean character with a bit of a twist -- Lady Mokarra, Atlantis' official ambassador to the surface world...

    who also has the misfortune to have a lycanthropic alter-ego:




    In her normal form, Mokarra looks like your average (drop-dead gorgeous) Atlantean female; it's when "the Beast" is upon

    her that she looks like the shark-woman to the left of the pic -- taller, heavier, and much stronger (not to mention extremely

    fast and vicious in the water...:jawdrop:).



    Major Tom 2009 :eg:

    Oh, when the shark bites...

  11. On ‎2‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 5:17 PM, Lucius said:


    "Did you see the sun rise today?"

    "Why yes, I did."


    "Thank you." BANG!


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary thinks if that scene isn't famous it ought to be.


    I have to wonder how long it'll be before the current iteration of the show has its version of said scene...



    Major Tom 2009 :eg:


  12. On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 12:25 PM, Pariah said:

    "I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and put it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come at too high a price. I would look up into your lifeless eyes and wave, like this. Can your associates arrange that for me, Mr. Morden?"


    ('CHUCKLE') The thing that makes this line so funny is the fact that, of all the characters in the Shadow War storyline in Babylon 5,

    Vir was the only one who actually got what he wanted in the end (:snicker:)...



    Major Tom 2009 :sneaky:

  13. On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 5:51 PM, Doc Shadow said:

    Uncompromising Honor by David Weber. The final Honor Harrington novel brings the story that began in On Basilisk Station to a close.


    Honor may make an appearance in some of the spin off series, but it will be as a supporting character. Her story is now done.




    I just got through with Uncompromising Honor not too long ago, and from what I had read in both the story itself and Weber's own

    statements at the end of the book, that while Honor's story might be at an end for the time being, it's far from over. After all, the

    Mesans still owe a rather outstanding debt for both Yawata Crossing and Beowulf Alpha, Beta, and Gamma -- not to mention the

    stations of Hephaestus, Weyland, and Vulcan -- and somehow, I can't see Honor not being the one to personally settle that debt.



    Major Tom 2009 :dyn

    Let's be about it, people...

  14. Just got through with a couple of new pics tonight -- an updated one of The Arc's mystic academy characters*, and a somewhat

    nicer one from Enforcer84 (from about ten years ago, for which I didn't have a pic due to the lack of the appropriate tools at the



    First up is my take on a renegade teacher of the Dark Arts -- especially if he'd chosen to embrace the Darkness in its entirety:



    Shadowmaster (a.k.a. Zacharius Darkmoor)


    (*At least, I think the original was one of The Arc's; it's possible this was one of my contributions to his thread)



    Major Tom 2009 :eg:



  15. On ‎4‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 5:27 AM, csyphrett said:

    Californium is a surfer dude who causes nuclear reactions in his targets. Take Firestorm, turn him into a white metal statue come to life, add in the beach boys surfer stereotype.



    I remember seeing something about this particular element in one of the pre-4th Ed. GURPS sourcebooks (I think that it was the Espionage

    sourcebook, but I'm not sure), regarding its use as the key component of a .22-caliber nuclear bomb -- essentially, a nuke the size of an ink



    Talk about a Bic(TM) that you don't wanna flick except by remote control from about a hundred miles away (:jawdrop:)...



    Major Tom 2009 :eg:

  16. Bolt (known by her true name of Boltara on her own world) is a cousin of the not-quite supervillainess Lumina,

    a member of the meta-activist group Factor 7. When her cousin fled their world in search of adventure (after

    having undergone a treatment which granted members of the planet's royal family superhumanoid powers

    and stealing a ship) rather than serve as an example of proper behavior, Boltara volunteered to go and bring

    her errant cousin back home. To make things easier for her, Boltara underwent the same treatment as Lumina,

    so that she would have a chance to face her cousin on equal terms should she refuse to return.


    However, because of an unsuspected quirk of her genetic structure, Boltara gained powers which differed from

    those of her cousin; instead of light-based powers like those possessed by Lumina, Boltara gained the power

    to project bolts of plasma energy from her hands, as well as the power of flight and the ability to survive unaided

    in space. Because of an inability to regulate the power of her plasma bolts, the planet's scientists devised a suit

    of advanced armor for Boltara which would enable her to control their power level. In addition, the armor would

    also enable her to, upon drawing on a small part of her energy, access hyperspace, thereby allowing Boltara to

    travel across interstellar distances in a relatively short time. The armor also had a built-in computer with an ad-

    vanced navigational database, as well as a universal translator which would allow her to understand and speak

    with any sentient species that she might encounter in the course of her travels.


    Once she was fully trained in both the use of her powers and the armor, Boltara left to carry out her mission,

    which eventually led to an out-of-the-way little planet called Earth...


    Here's my take on Bolt's outfit (as done with FdH2014):




    Major Tom 2009 ?

  17. The only thing that I can think of that could possibly be worse than the 'let's genetically alter humans tech kit' idea where

    the Malvans are concerned would be if they were to conduct their version of the Proscillicus Experiment* on Earth (?)...



    (*The experiment conducted by one of the Watchers in the Marvel Universe -- Uatu's father, IIRC -- in which nuclear technology

    was given to a less-advanced species, which ultimately resulted in said species destroying themselves in an atomic war, and

    which further resulted in the creation and adoption of the Watchers' code of absolute non-interference.)



    Major Tom 2009 :dyn

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