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Everything posted by SDK

  1. Re: Old school champions player This sounds like an always on Duplication, with a limitation representing that only one body can be active at a time, and Mind Link to keep eack body up to date. I'd probably also want Regenerate from death to represent building a new self from scratch.
  2. Re: Building a Robin/Nightwing inspired Hero NEED HELP! I have a martial artist with clinging requires an acrobatics, breakfall, or climbing roll. This allows the Jackie Chan up-the-wall leaps, a bit of rolling with the blow ability (clinging resists knockback), and the abilty to scale walls. Everything a MA could want out of clinging, and still well with concept.
  3. Re: Building a Robin/Nightwing inspired Hero NEED HELP! Regarding his weaponry: You could borrow from Daredevil and put the grapnel in the fighting stick(s). It could also be used as a throwing weapon. I'd probably use something like a 25 point Fighting Stick MP (OAF) with such slots as 10" swinging + 2" stretching no end 4d6 HA at half end 4d6 HA with limited range and lockout, so you can't use it until you get it back, (but this won't save points, so you could make it a -0 limitation, and get it back like Captain America with his shield); and another fighting stick with the second focus rule for 5 points. That's only 20 points total.
  4. Re: Help: Sniper Syndrome How about "The Brave Sir Robin"
  5. The Huntsman could use something we've been doing with archer characters for a while. Make the MP no range, OIF Quiver, with OAF Bolt slots. Buy the OAF Bow as range for the MP. These days that would be a naked modifier I suppose. This lets the archer use things like the electro-arrow in HTH after the bow gets lost or broken. You can see Green Arrow and Hawkeye do this now and then.
  6. SDK

    TV Superheroes

    Anyone else remember "Golden Years"? The hero was a 60 some year old janitor who stumbled through a lab explosion, and woke the next day in his 30's with the ability to heal with a touch. He spent the series running from the lab who wanted to dissect him. Or something like that.
  7. Re: Posters, Assemble! [LONG] Try Thermal for the flier.
  8. And for defenses. FF is Armor that costs end, and Armor is just a shorthand for pd/ed/dr.
  9. It's even worse than that. For a true speedster like the Flash, normals aren't just slow, they're stupid and ignorant. I read a comic that had the golden age Flash being interviewed, and they discuss how he reads every periodical published. When he finds one in a language he doesn't know, he just takes a few minutes and learns it.
  10. If it's a psionic amplifier, it could be because of Menton's "betrayal". Dr. D built it to control the world, using Menton as the primary component. This could be the reason Menton left, if being a component would be unpleasant [likely]. The use of an inferior psionic source, and their initial absence, allows the PCs to defend well enough to do something about it.
  11. I think the question is why do 8 point levels exist, while dex is as cheap as it is, and 8 point can be created as needed by limiting overall levels. Only for Combat is at least a -1/4. The smaller levels are there for a reason, but 8 points cost more than the dex would to raise OCV and DCV [remember the figured spd]. They're 33% more expensive than something that does twice as much.
  12. So one of the PCs must have been Groo.
  13. It's wriiten up in UMA as Zen Riflery. Oddly ennough, the default weapon element is a pistol.
  14. I'm using a variant of the Dramatic Editing rules from Adventure! The PC rolls his dice at the start of the session, and has that many points to use. With 2d6, it allows him to do about one big edit a session.
  15. You could use a similar lost tech for his air force, the Auto-Gyro. These could easily use the top as a landing platform.
  16. You've bought the powers through an Immobile focus. That's alright for a base, but a vehicle is only a Bulky focus. If it doesn't move, it's not much of a vehicle.
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