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Everything posted by MilkmanDan

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Ballad of Carol Ann--Whiskeytown
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He has two young children. Not that I would understand that or anything. NT: Signs your coworkers are taking their fantasy football playoffs far too seriously.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Names, names--who needs names? Let's just sniff each other's butts and call ourselves friends."
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Just kill me now and save all the need for bad retcons later."
  5. Re: (worst ever)...reasons to be a supervillain Wal-Mart was out of the TMX Elmos and the world will feel my wrath.
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Hey, baby, guess what parts of my body I can stretch?"
  7. Re: Real-world energy equivalents of powers Repped. Thanks. I know it's approximate, but I only want a ballpark guess so that my current electricity-wielding character (who has a Ph.D.), can continue to spout smartypants Physics facts during combat.
  8. Just curious about something--has anyone worked up the various energy costs of different DCs of attacks? In other words, for an average 12d6 EB, how many joules of energy would that represent?
  9. Re: (best ever)...reasons for becoming a supervillain! Because planets are tasty.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Yeah, I'd like a grande double hazelnut latte, a half-pound of Brazilian Roast beans, and THE HEAD OF THAT ACCURSED FOOL RICHARDS ON A PLATTER! Ooh, and one of those chocolate-chip cookies, too.
  11. Re: (worst ever)...reasons to be a supervillain Because if I become a super-hero I have to suck up to that dickwad Tony Stark.
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Your costume outsells Batman's in the kid's costume department at K-Mart every Halloween. NT: Signs that you have chosen a less than ideal spot for your evil lair.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Again from the New Thunderbolts campaign. Yes, we've been role-playing sitting around a table drinking while the new adventure is put together. At any rate, HooliganX as Eva von Doom, calling her father's arch-nemesis" "Ooooh, I have an idea! Pass me the phone... "Hello, is this the Baxter building? May I speak to Dr Richards please... My name? My name is, uh, Madame Hydra. I'd like to tell him about my secret plans to destroy Kalamazoo. Why Kalamazoo? I guess the name annoys me... Yes, I'll hold. "Yes, Dr Richards. I have a question for you... "Is your refrigerator running? "Oh...You don't? Thermal shunt from the Negative zone..Of course. So, no fridge. Really. I see. Um, well, never mind." *click* "Curse you, Richards!"
  14. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts"--Sufjan Stevens. The best superhero song ever.
  15. Re: I want to build my base out of plastique Which gives me a fun idea for a villain power. Major Transform--Sheetrock into Plastique, area effect. "No, don't turn the lights on!" *boom*
  16. Re: Champions Universe without the Crowns of Krimm Yeah, if God takes something, you should probably not allow it to come back. The only option I can think is some sort of Divine Retribution upon the peoples of Earth, but that's a bit Old Testament. Also, it would likely drive your campaign down a very moralistic road to where people wouldn't want it to go. There's plenty of evil around without a couple of crowns. DEMON gets together and creates the Beanies of Beelzebub or Pith Helmet of Perdition and evil headgear again will wield its dark hair-messing power across the globe.
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Breakfast in America--Supertramp
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Oops, I was supposed to do the new theme. NT: Signs the Scientologists are right and your inner Thetan is feeling unfulfilled.
  19. Re: The Ultimate WWYCD: Ninja or Pirate! Arrr! Me be a pirate! 'Tis a character known for noise and explodin', and I'll be havin' none o' that unmanly sneakin' 'round for my lady! Arrrr!
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Yeah, mom, she seems real nice, though I'm kind of worried she's moving too fast. Well, for one, she wants me to go meet her family this Thanksgiving. I dunno, some town called 'Dunwich', she says it's like no place. No, not 'no place on Earth', 'no place'. Yeah, I guess that is kind of strange."
  21. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat She isn't taken out and beaten to within an inch of her disgusting, skanky, pedophiliac life. Hey, he's FOUR AND A HALF YEARS OLD. Tawdry little tramp. NT: Soda flavors that should be created specifically for playing Champions.
  22. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Lost in Space--Aimee Mann
  23. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "All I Want" -- Joni Mitchell
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