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Everything posted by Spence

  1. Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had I try not to start in them in the first place.....
  2. Re: Dark Champions the Anime Series Lose the "comedy" pieces and Full Metal Panic could be tweeked into a DC game. Shift the game away from the "protect the highschool girl" and just make the story about the mercenaries and it becomes DC.
  3. Re: Thrilling Places! I get all of the books in hardcopy because there's just no substitute for being able to hold it and turn the pages. I have started to also buy the PDF’s. I run my games out of a binder that has all of the planned encounters and NPC’s in it. I was keypunching each NPC/Creature into a Word doc (started to use HD recently) and then printing it out. Now I print the page from the book. I can write on it as the session goes and make a new print next game. I’ve also been picking up the HD packs as I need them. As far as sales count goes, I have all but 7 (or 8?) books, with multiple copies of some of them (I still don’t know why I have three copies of TUV). My PDF list is smaller but growing along with the HD files. Of course the number of games/supplements I buy from other lines has dwindled to practically zero. I ditto your ditto and raise you another
  4. Re: Thrilling Places! I received my copy of Thrilling Places last week, but hadn’t had a chance to actually read it until the last couple of days and it has really opened up my game. In my opinion it is outstanding and exactly the type of adventure book I look for and rarely find. Each location contained the descriptive information in separate distinct sections clearly labeled. For example the “Grant Building” has the sections Description, Infrastructure, Layout (map key), Tenants (by floor). K’Hull Island has sections for Geography, Weather, Climate, Wildlife and so on. Each of the sections delivers all the info I need as a GM without a lot of useless word-fluff. Each location has a map which is detailed enough to be great for the GM without so much detail that it can’t be used for other purposes. I won’t have to remind anyone to ignore the computer on the desk which hadn’t been invented yet or that truck isn’t there. The next thing I like are the write-ups for creatures and NPC’s, package deals, equipment and so on that are not available elsewhere. Each of the locations could just be dropped into an existing game with very little to no prep. In fact the Pharaoh Club and the Royal Viridian Theater arrived at the best time to save me creating them for my new Pulp campaign I started last month. Since I am using Dr. Fang Shen from M&M as my hidden evil mastermind (yes I could have made my own, but time was short and he was perfect with only a couple of tweeks), the Street of the Emerald Bird was gold. In my Pulp game the PC’s are based out of HC, but the starter adventure has them in Hong Kong. When they return home and start using their information contacts, will be one of the Shop Keepers off of the SotEB. A double agent contact . All in all TP is one of the more directly useful to my game supplements I’ve bought recently. Great book.
  5. Re: What books? Some of the creatures have an obvious asian feel, but on the whole they are just really cool creatures. But with all of them, unless you use the pic, and unless that pic is specifically asian, no one would know. I have to say that while the standard Bestiary fills most of my casual encounters and MM&M for "fantasy" types. Most people (gamers) have a good grasp of creatures and their capabilities, until you pull out the asian version. Good stuff
  6. Re: What books? Subtle hint there They are really good books, they are sectioned by country/region. Vol 1 has beasts from China, India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Thailand and Vietnam. Vol 2 they are from Japan, Philippines, Burma, Korea, Malaysia and Tibet. I do have both myself. So was that worth a cookie?
  7. Re: What books? a last note...The Online Store has a pretty good sale going on right now. They also ship for free.
  8. Re: What books? As LL pointed out. If you have H5E you really don't need H5ER. I held off for a while and used the cash flow to buy enough Sidekicks. A little extra info Turakian Age and Valdorian Age are genre books. A general and very loose description would be TA is more High Fantasy such as D&D, LotR and so on. VA is more sword and sorcery, think Conan-type. The Fantasy Hero genre book is the #1 book I would get. It is over 400 pages of really good info. A lot of it isn’t even system related so it is useful as a resource for any system and I actually use info from it in some of my non-fantasy games (Pulp). You don’t really need anything else but until you get used to the system you can benefit from the pre-builds in the source books. So I would suggest you get “The Hero System Bestiary”, “Monsters, Minions & Marauders” and one of the Grimoire’s.
  9. Re: Would you play… If it was with a solid group of gamers I knew, yes. Otherwise, no.....
  10. Re: why the lack of.. Yep, that is why my gaming came to a complete and grinding halt for a while. I simply didn't have time to create everything. Plot seeds are great to get the mind working, but are worthless if you don't have the 3-6 hours of time to construct all of the details. I have to agree on all points. But I don't believe CB was ever meant to be a complete stand-alone in the sense it assumes the players to be part of an ongoing campaign. If I were to drop it into a an existing game, there would be very little tweeking I wouldn't already have to do because I would have all of my "regular" villians and plot line to draw from and would need to fold them in anyway. But if I was going to run it cold, you are correct in it needing work.
  11. Re: Telegram Cablegram images Cool site. I think I remember seeing it before, but could never find it again. I may try their contact info and see if they still put out the disc's. I am going to tinker tonight and see if I generate my own template based on some of the pics. I think I am going to use a hand wave and instead of an actual street address on the grams that have them, I will just use city, country/state/etc. For the US this won't be a problem for me, but for other countries I will just use some of my old maps and rely on none of my players ever having been there. If any of them turn out I will post them for critique and general use.
  12. Re: Telegram Cablegram images Whoa! gold strike! The image link is awsome. repped
  13. Re: I picked this up and only have this to say...
  14. Re: Telegram Cablegram images I should have thought of searching postal sites. Thanks.
  15. Re: Telegram Cablegram images Thanks Both are excellent
  16. Re: Telegram Cablegram images I've come across it before. I have a telegram template I got years ago that I can use to generate a fake Western Union message. But I run games that take place outside the US and would reallly like to create a few other headers. To do so I need to see some of them. I have located names of several other Tele/Cable gram companies from the 20-30's, but images of the actual forms have been elusive.
  17. I am looking for some images of Telegrams/Cablegrams from the 1930's. I can find Western Union, but not others. My google-fu seems to have failed me
  18. Re: I picked this up and only have this to say... Shhhhhhh! Egad! you fool! They know you know now....... The agents of CORN are everywhere........
  19. Re: Thrilling Places In Warehouse I missed that thread, but after seeing it all I can say is...oooooowwwww This has gone right to the top of my "must have list". This type of book is what I catually mean when I say pre-made Adventure/Scenario book. Locations and genral write-up plus some plot seeds. While a beginners entry level how to play adventure book should include the entire plot, PC's and NPC's so it can be used right out of the box. A adventure book for existing games doesn't need all the character write-ups. The GM will add those to fit his campaign. Plus the MAPS I do wish that the various maps would be available as PDF in high resolution. I would kill to be able to print out the mall in battlegrounds as a tiled print so the hexes were 1" in true scale. I have a transparent and blank "battlemat" that I like to lay over my maps so I can draw on them without actually drawing on the real map. But I am getting off topic. Thrilling Places, add to list, check!
  20. Re: Thrilling Places In Warehouse What exactly is in TP? I have read the synopsis on the Hero Website, but while it gives a very general overview, it doesn’t say what will be in it. From the comment “lost civilizations” I think of Hidden Lands. “Secret Islands” and “Hidden Temples” brings the Battleground books to mind especially the MAPS. But Villainy Amok is also out there. So just what is TP? For me a Battleground type book would be first choice followed by a VA type book. The HL type book can be useful and is fun to read, but doesn’t leap right into a game. Probably doesn’t matter since I usually buy everything anyway, but it does help me set my “what first” priorities.
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