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Everything posted by Spence

  1. Re: I need a gun. Beat me to it. It was designed by Dr. Jean Alexandre Francois LeMat of New Orleans for the C.S.A. (though it was manufactured in England and France as well). It had a nine shot cylinder of .44 or .42 cal. ball rounds (depending on the source). The shotgun barrel was approx .63 cal (16 or 20 gauge are also mentioned depending on source). It was a black powder percussion pistol. Due to size and weight I’d say it was more of a horse pistol than a pistol. I have held a .44 cal reproduction model and it is a weighty firearm. I can see why the items I have read refer to it as a saddle pistol and not one to be carried as a sidearm.
  2. Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)
  3. Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)
  4. Re: Is it time for people to stop making new RPG systems?
  5. Re: Is it time for people to stop making new RPG systems?
  6. Re: Is it time for people to stop making new RPG systems? Me? Like maps? Just what could make you think that?
  7. Re: Is it time for people to stop making new RPG systems? I think a non-system source book could work very well. Think of all the generic source books that people buy that do contain a system. Half of GURP's sourcebooks are bought by people who cannot stand GURP's. But the books tend to have a lot of useful material. I have my copy of CoC's Horror on the Orient Express, not because I play CoC, but the source material and train MAPS are outstanding as a 1910 to 1930ish game. How about if there was a supplement like "Transport to Adventure!" for example. It could contain about 4 or 5 chapters. Chapter 1. The description of a flying boat (like the Yankee Clipper) including LAYOUT PLANS. Chapter 2. The typical South Pacific Tramp freighter including DECK PLANS, with the non-cargo areas having larger more detailed plans. Chapter 3. Airships. A overall plan of a Zeppelin, with detailed DECK PLANS of the gondola, passenger and crew areas. Chapter 4. Trains with car LAYOUT MAPS for both passenger and freight cars. The last chapter (or two) could include discussions of fairs, travel times and general related items for the period(s) plus plot hook/adventure scenarios that make use of the information. Do as AoG did with their Ships of the Fleet Compendiums and include a CD with all the maps in PDF. If you use a mapping program like CC2 (and actually get the map part to come out right, still working on that) it is easy to add either a hex or square grid. Have one PDF with hex and one with square on the CD making sure the resolution is high enough that the image can be tiled to print large enough to use standard mini's. Remember the Ravensloft adventure that had the castle plan? None of the stores in the local area could keep it on the shelf. No one I know actually played RL, but the castle map was too good not to have a copy. Just a couple of pennys....
  8. Re: Is there still such a thing as a mainstream Marvel Universe? Probably not. "Ripped it off" that is. If you go back far enough every comic line can be said to have used the others idea in one big whirlpool of finger pointing. Now they probably are using a format "like" the seven soldiers one. But I haven't read it so can't comment with authority. I used to read a ton of Marvel and DC years ago. Toward the end I leaned toward Marvel with a few DC titles. My buying ended when I returned after a year overseas and the books went from related storyline to angst and bloodbath. I mean the world feel went from superhero's to real world crime with superpowers. Plus I started to feel that the writers had decided everyone new had to have some kind of spiky razor stuff on all the costumes. I'm might be a minority in my view, but the lines up through 85-86 had honest to god "superhero" story lines. After that it seemed all I see is "Jerry Springer" with powers and "splatflick" stories. But that is just my opinion. Who knows? They may actually be writing superhero comics again, and I just don't know it. After all I haven't actually bought one in about five years. I looked in a comic shop recently, but didn't even recognize anything except the mega names, Supes and such. I was hoping to find some Doc Strange and the sales guy had never heard of him.
  9. Re: Millennium City walled or not
  10. Re: Millennium City walled or not It isn't a wall, but a large raised highway. On page 22 "Bounded by the famed Millennium Highway...". The pic on page 20 gives a visual. The hard data and description are on page 35 under driving as well as the explaination about the "gates".
  11. Re: THRILLING PLACES -- What Do *You* Want To See?
  12. Re: Has anyone worked up a Zeppelin?
  13. Re: Has anyone worked up a Zeppelin? need need need....sheeesh
  14. Re: Lack of planning on my part.......but... Thanks
  15. I have finally worked out my schedule and made the time to attend ConquestNW. I want to run a demo but I need to finish a whole slew of things. Since I haven't been running or playing in a while, I need practice. And I also need to work up the game. Right now my list is: A) Work up the adventure. Work up the villian write-ups. C) Work up the pre-built PC write-ups. D) Get in some practice/playtest games in before the con. A and B are easy and I have most of it done already. I will be using adjusted "stock" hero materials plus old adventure maps and such. I am actually wrapping up most of the details this week. I want to try and run a practice session this Sat, which is where my problems start. I haven't started the PC's. My plan was to use the Teen Titans as the PC team since everyone is pretty much familiar with them. I need to write them up and then tweek the scenario for final fit, and need to finish all by this weekend so I can get a few runs under my belt. So does anyone have any 200-300 point Teen Titan write-ups, geared toward new/beginning players they would be willing to share? Adjusting existing write-ups is always easier than starting from scratch.
  16. Re: THRILLING PLACES -- What Do *You* Want To See? Floorplans and maps.......floorplans and maps........
  17. Re: Has anyone worked up a Zeppelin? Hindenburg: An Illustrated History. WellFleet Press ISBN-13: 978-0-7858-1973-8 ISBN-10: 0-7858-1973-8 I saw it for $9.98 on sale clearance B&N last week! The name is missleading since the book actually covers the whole Zeppelin Era, there are a couple of great pics of upper hull machinegun stations on the WW1 German LZ 38 in 1915. It has extensive pictures of the interiors, both artist and photo's. The Graf Zeppelins deck plan is of the gondola which is where all of its passengers were as well as radio, navigation and bridge. The crew sleep in the body along the axial walkway, but there is no plan. The Hindenburg has a foldout with a nice cutout of the hull showing structure, gas cells and so on. The reverse has a plan showing A and B passenger decks as well as the control car. The crew quarters is located in the cutaway but there isn't a plan. It won't be hard to make the section though, there are enough photo's and descriptions to easily fill in the pieces. all in all the four actual deck plan sheets and the hull cutaway are the best I've seen for my purpose, gaming maps. I know that there have to be better ones out there, but I have never been able to find them.
  18. Re: Zeppelin versus Pterodactyls maps maps maps maps....... :celebrate
  19. Re: Has anyone worked up a Zeppelin? I have a book with deck plans for the Graf Zeppelin and the Hindenberg. I stopped half way through making a version of the GZ with Campaign Cartegrapher for gaming. I need to finish it off, but I've been lazy the last few months.
  20. Re: THRILLING PLACES -- What Do *You* Want To See? Since everyone has already mentioned the cool stuff, I will simply "me too" the following: Ships - Passenger Liner and Cargo Ship China Town (or equivelent), but rather than a specific adventure, make it a complete write-up and map that can be "dropped into" a GM's city or adventure.
  21. Re: Where did the idea that Bricks are usually slow come from? I had never thought about it. I went back and looked at my bricks and they are slower, lower average spd and dex. But not because I wanted them that way, but because for a "brick" spending the points on defense and and "physical" stats were a higher priority than dex/spd stats. After all, the really tough don't need to dodge
  22. Re: Completly at a loss I am in Awe of your computer-paste-fu! I had managed to complete one when I was notified of many posts.....
  23. Re: Endurance question. Well I think it wll be 1/10. Mostly to avoid confusion when they all change to hero as their primary system.....
  24. I was looking in the old postes to see if anyone had written up the TV Teen Titans. Nexus had written them up back in 04, but they displyed text is really weird. here is a sample: Robin Player: NPC Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 25 DEX 45 20 CON 20 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 15 EGO 10 18 PRE 8 16 COM 3 17 PD 5 17 ED 4 5 SPD 15 7 REC 0 40 END 0 Any idea of how to make it legible?? I know its is all formating, I just don't know what to open it with so I can read it.
  25. I'm about to start a mini-campaign involving a small supers team. For years I have used the 1 per 5 active cost for everything. That was how I learned the game back in the day and when Fred came out and gave changed it to 1 per 10 active with the option for 1 per 5. I just stayed with the 1/5 cost. But now that I am going to introduce a new group to the game I was thinking of changing to the book cost of 1/10. I was wondering if it really matters, and if anyone out there remembers the game impact of the change. On the face of it a Super could cut his End in half to maintain the same effective longevity in the game. But things are never that simple. Any thoughts would be welcome as I am wrapping up the PC prebuilt characters and need to make this decision before I finalize them and finish all of the villians and henchmen
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