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Everything posted by Spence

  1. Reversion is a power modifier added to multiform. When stunned or knocked out, the character reverts to their base form. For a characters normal form to be the less powerful one with the additional forms being more powerful is a trope. It is used in everything from superheros (Billy Batson/Shazam) to horror (werewolves) to anime (Dragonball Z, Bleach, etc). There is no "rule" requiring it, but it is a basic staple of a lot stories. If you require the base form to be the most expensive one you establish a "rule" that eliminates entire swaths of story. IMO this thought process is another reason hero as a whole slowly slipped away. In laying far too much effort and detail onto the alter of "mathematical balance perfection" they lost the magic that was Hero. Especially since there is no such thing as perfection or even balance in any RPG. There is only close enough for fun.
  2. Not specifically. But our Fantasy Hero characters were always more Fantasy Supers than the standard games like D&D or PF. I guess we liked hero because we could stretch the boundaries more than you could in a class level system.
  3. I don't usually pitch into these types of threads because i consider it a pointless subject. No game is ever perfect and every time one thing is changed it skews something else. But I would definitely not do this. Most of the multiform versions I am familiar with in books, comics, anime, manga and on is best simulated by Multiform with Reversion. The normal form is the under-powered "normal" and the various forms are "power ups". If the highest form is the "true/base form" it becomes "hurry up, knock me out so I can get more powerful". It is just counter initiative and anti-trope. Of course it is just an opinion from a guy that thinks 6th ed destroyed Hero and still plays 5thR
  4. Watched Gunpowder Milkshake on Netflix. Definitely not realistic or conventional, but a really fun movie. Drops right onto my off beat classics shelf with Big Trouble in Little China and Into the Badlands. Yes, yes....I know. It is not as good as Big Trouble in Little China. But it is still very good in a quirky way.
  5. Wow, that is a blast from the past. I have watched “Island in the Sky” a few times, but I had totally forgotten about “Big Jim McLain”. You reminded me the title existed, but I cannot recall any of the movie.
  6. Is it really? Or is it more that they are telling everyone. Most of my gamer friends are younger than me and all about the hype'verse. And the last thing they were going on about was Mandalorion (?). Now if they make a comment about Marvel or comics in general it is not good. I'm getting my good tips on anime and manga from them these days since they seem to all have turned sharply away from the last few Marvel and DC offerings.
  7. Unfortunately we are slowly (year by year) slipping out of the target audience for most everything.... Ditto I don't generally eat that much and to be truthful never really cared about the cost inside the theater. I used to think it was fine since I didn't go that often and then discovered the "21+ because they serve alcohol theaters". At that point it became an enjoyable experience again. Not because of the booze, but because the audience was mature enough to shut up while the movie was playing. But that has been destroyed because the birth control failure crowd decided they wanted to destroy one of the last bastions of adult enjoyment and sued so they could bring their undisciplined and out of control brats. I've had season tickets to the Sounders since their inaugural season. I don't usually eat in the stadium, just a beer or two. We usually eat at one of the local restaurants before or after depending on what time the game is. But the cost of tickets is far less than NFL or NBA. I have no idea about MLB.
  8. Yep, I still want to see it. But it will be like Godzilla vs Kong, a long time after release. I bet this will impact the box office/streaming take.
  9. I know, I am not disputing that at all. It is just they are insane if they think I am going to pay literally double what it would cost me to go to a theater to watch it at home. $7.99 + $29.99 = $37.98 That is literally the definition of insanity.
  10. Disney wants $29.99 to stream it on top of Disney+!!!! They are insane and *ell no.
  11. I've found the major difference to be (in all entertainment media) that in the past the writer/artest/director/what'have'you understood that they were primarily in the entertainment business so they would make the product entertaining with a "wee dram" of self-righteousness. Today it is all in your face self-righteous preaching with the entertainment part being an afterthought. It has become so bad I have begun to dislike them even when I agree with their message. We have a multitude of avenues if we want fiery sermons from the pulpit of self-righteousness. But we are fast running out of simple entertainment. I am really looking forward to Black Widow as a movie. I have been since they announced it. But I think someone needs to sit the cast down and tell them "shut up". No one cares about your personal opinions. But my guess is they can't help themselves and really can't comprehend that talking bad about a large portion of your target audience in favor of trying to cater to a tiny group that doesn't actually follow or buy products related to your movie isn't a good thing for your box office bottom line.
  12. Well the original map is still on sale at Hero so it is an active product. https://www.herogames.com/store/product/275-hudson-city-map-pdf/ The original map was made by Keith Curtis and Jason Walters is the company. If Jason Walters was OK with it, I'd be glad to post my adjusted map as a resource or offer it up to be added so that when you buy the original you get the modified versions. But I'm not too comfortable in sharing someone else's work that I just tweaked a little, especially since they are not at the same level of resolution as the original.
  13. Well yes. It's 2020's Follywood so I don't expect anything remotely military to have anything that loosk like it tried to make sense. For me, once I realized it didn't have anything to do with the story I had read, I just took it as another scifi actioneer "bug hunt" and went on the ride. Heck, If I can enjoy Godzilla versus the incredible size changing monkey, I can enjoy humans shooting up aliens
  14. I must have looked up info on the wrong Sarah Jones.
  15. I'd love to see another try at a series. But at 5'8" wouldn't Sarah Jones be a bit tall for a character described as "short and stocky"? I really don't have a name, but I always visualized Murphy as 5'0" to 5'4".
  16. Meh... Shazam was never a favorite of mine, but it was at least a fun watch and portrayed the character without a rant about whatever. For me the Aquaman portrayal was actually a step up from the orange suit guy that talks to fish. It took a b-list......no d-list.......ummm..."not even a letter"-list character and at least made something that was not cringe-worthy. But then aquaman was always filler anyway
  17. Years ago when I was younger I was a vampire (worked the night and slept most of the day) and was able to go to the theater while most people were at work. That may have been what spoiled me and in the end makes me no longer go to theaters. Of course there have been fleeting times when theaters opened that had a few adult only screens, some that even served food and a pint during the movie. But they routinely get put out of business by the miserable scum that simply cannot allow people to have fun and make it their purpose to try and drag everyone down to their level of despair. But that is the world that we live in. Luckily I am old enough I will most likely pass on before they truly get what they are working so hard for.
  18. I should have remembered that. The Jolrhos system may also be a good fit. It has the Copper as the main coin used with 10 Iron = 1 Copper, 10 Copper = 1 Silver, and finally 100 Silver = 1 Gold. And while the Guide may not have players equipment lists, it has a a very in-depth and detailed pricing and material guide for the hows and costs that are used to make the stuff adventurers buy. That plus solid GM info on everything from sleep to travel to weather, it is a solid Fantasy GM's book. And while it is written to be about the Jolrhos setting, the vast majority of the book is simply good reference material for any fantasy setting. I personally recommend getting a copy just as a general reference.
  19. You may want to look at 3rd Edition Fantasy Hero. It may be more of what you are looking for. It was at 4th Ed and higher that Fantasy Hero seemed to go all D&D/Pathfinder'ish with prices. The price list in the 6th Ed Fantasy Hero book is very comprehensive and it should be too difficult to drop it into a spread sheet and then recompute the costs to the 3rd edition. 3rd Edition sets coin value at 100 Copper = 1 Silver, 10 Silver = 1 Gold. With most transactions being Barter/Trade or Coppers for the well heeled. A person employed with a Professional Skill makes an average of 1 Silver a week, with the actual pay being heavily influenced by the actual skill and local need. 6th Edition sets coin value at the "gaming standard" of 10 Coppers = 1 Silver, 10 Silvers = 1 Gold. With the Silver being the main method of transaction. An unskilled laborers average wage is 1 Silver per day, far higher than one would expect. Or at least that I would expect . And this would push professional pay way up there. To sum up. I have always felt that the 3rd Ed had a better take on the actual coin and income, but 6th Ed has a far more comprehensive listing of stuff.
  20. Individually and by itself that wouldn't have been too much of a change. But they literally changed everything possible that set the tone and feel of the books. In my game master conspiracy brain I can see them planning to try and make the show without licensing the actual book, so they changed as much as they could to be able to claim it was a original work with no ties to the Dresden Files at all. And then they were surprised when they got it. But by that time they had already invested too much time and effort to double back. And shazam!! another Follywood failure......
  21. Watched The Tomorrow War today. I had thought they were adapting the book, but it turns out the movie has nothing to do with it and it was just a coincidence with the various movie news sites saying there was not link to any book. It turned out to be a pretty good movie actioner and I wouldn't mind seeing a novelization.
  22. It's not about being brave or anything. It is about the theaters losing their luster long before the covid because they refused to support their customers by kicking out the A$$hats that never could shut up while the movie was playing. I saw most movies on disc or streaming because of this in the last decade. I did go to a local theater that had some showing that were not popular so there was a smaller audience that seemed to understand the basic skill of shutting up during the show. But from what I understand they have not restarted those times. But I will pay money to watch a movie that is entertaining as long as I can actually watch the movie. Which is almost a non-existent thing in the 2020's.
  23. I run a lot of pre-1950's games (Pulp, Spy Thrillers, Call of Cthulhu, etc.) and needed a pre-Modern city map for Hudson City since I use that city a lot. It really wasn't that hard to alter the existing big color map. I actually made two versions, one just a simple map with all the interstates and modern limited access roads removed and replace with ordinary streets or rail lines and one with all the transportation rail options (elevated, street level and subway) highlighted. It came out pretty good if I don't say so I haven't changed the names of the malls to something else yet. I haven't really come up with a good thing to change it to and most players don't seem to notice.
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