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Everything posted by archermoo

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings I wouldn't disagree with you. I've seen democrats question whether someone could really be considered a democrat if they didn't support what amounted to draconian gun control legislation. And I've seen republicans question whether someone could really be considered a republican if they weren't religious. But I agree that those are pretty distorted viewpoints. I've also known registered democrats who were gun owners, and registered republicans who were atheists.
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Eh, I've known a number of conservatives who were not religious. And a much greater number of highly religious people who were not conservative. The fact that there has been a recent tendency to conflate the two in American politics doesn't mean that one naturally follows from the other.
  3. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Thanks for finding the numbers and saving me the trouble. I've been kind of confused the entire time people have been talking about the Double Down. It is two chicken boneless chicken breasts with a slice or two of bacon and some cheese. I just don't see what people think is so exceptionally unhealthy about it.
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings Generally either due to job requirements or social requirements. I haven't worked a job that required a tie in many, many years. Though I have worn one for social occasions in the last few years. For me the key to wearing a tie is making sure that my shirt has a large enough collar. This isn't terribly easy, as I have an 18 1/2 inch neck.
  5. Re: The cranky thread Well, frequently leaving a place just increases the pissing, at least for a while.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I think I'd rather pair it with a nice Mt. Dew Throwback.
  7. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Huh, I generally don't have any problem tasting the bacon on a bacon cheeseburger. I may have to give the Double Down a shot myself...
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Well, I don't agree with that as a general statement. Don't get me wrong, bacon is wonderful as both a spice and a condiment. However it can serve quite well as a main course too. But if it is being used as a spice or condiment you should be able to taste that it is there. The approximate quote from the person actually eating it was "near as I can tell the bacon is just there to add calories and/or cholesterol, because I can't taste it".
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore That looks tasty!
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Even things that don't exist!
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana...
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore That is entirely made of awesome.
  13. Re: Why doesn't 6e use hexes as a unit of measurement? Well, they also got rid of the assumption that combat was being done on a hex map. Or you can switch scales from combat to combat in the same campaign, or even in the same game session.
  14. Re: Why doesn't 6e use hexes as a unit of measurement? Yup. Especially since Steve had the change planned since before Cryptic approached DoJ about CO. It requires rethinking things, and can be difficult for us grognards to wrap our heads around, but it adds flexibility to the game. Of course I'm an odd duck in that I've run games in 4th edition and earlier with unlined maps. No squares, no hexes, just maps and rulers. It worked great.
  15. Re: Common 6E House Rules Of note, it requires quite a bit more than twitching for the attack to have no chance to hit. The target has to move at least 1 meter.
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings I much prefer yyyy/mm/dd myself.
  17. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression Not a fan of that style. I MUCH prefer the exiting 6e cover. Actually the APG is probably my favorite RPG cover of all time...
  18. Re: Why are Limited Defenses so costly? Well, if you think a particular Limitation should be worth more (or less for that matter) you can simply use a value different than the suggested one.
  19. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression It is worth noting since there seems to be some confusion, to the best of my knowledge the 6e rules are split into two volumes because it would be a physical problem to print the entirety of the rules as a single volume. They aren't a player's book and a ref's book. I've personally known quite a few players in the time that I've played Hero that would get by quite well only with the Combat and Adventuring book, as they always would have others make their characters for them.
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