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Everything posted by archermoo

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Is it cupcake/bacon or cinnamon roll/bacon?
  2. Re: 5E books for 6E Of note Ultimate Base is certainly valid for 6e since it was written as a 6e book. A better question for it would be how valid it is for 5e. Other than that, a good guideline would be that any book which is heavily rules dependent will be more fiddly to use between versions, while books that are more rules light will be much easier to use between versions.
  3. Re: 6E books question... bit confused on what to buy... The APG is neat stuff that Steve wanted to have in print for 6th edition but that didn't belong in the core rules. Basically. And to reiterate what others have said, the Basic book is exactly the 6th edition version of Sidekick. The name was changed so that people looking to get into the Hero System wouldn't think that it was a book about playing/generating sidekicks.
  4. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread And now I feel the need to go listen to some Art of Noise. Paranormia...
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER http://lmgtfy.com/?q=unified+field+theory
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings As an odd coincidence my dad lives in Grand Junction.
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings Happy birthday, youngster.
  8. Re: What's a good way to learn the game? My tried and true method to learn a new system is sit down and make a characters with it. And I'll certainly agree that starting out with the Hero System Basic book would likely be much easier than jumping into the full rules.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'm a hopeful pessimist. Remember, an optimist can never be pleasantly surprised.
  10. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Exactly.
  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Fight the good fight! I've mostly given up trying to convince people that their food stereotypes are, well, stereotypes. If it makes them feel better to think of eggs and beef as being bad for you it isn't really any skin of my nose. I generally eat red meat at least once a day. I'll also go through somewhere between 3 and 8 eggs during a week, along with bacon and/or sausage on the weekends. My serum cholesterol is just fine, my BP is good, my heartrate is good, and I feel generally happy and energetic. Granted I'm overweight, but that has more to do with a mismatch of portions vs. exercise than anything else.
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore The Royal Red Robin burger. One of my faves, and pretty much what I always get when I go to Red Robin.
  13. Re: The Hero System is bland and over complicated Eh, it's more of a case that people like to make rules they think that people should follow, but often feel that it is okay if they don't bother following their rules. And actually it doesn't generally work. People tend to notice and point it out. Kind of like I and a few others have done.
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