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Everything posted by archermoo

  1. Re: 2006 Schedule Blurbs Very true, and I wasn't meaning to imply that you have to like it, and apologize if that is the way it seemed. That said, I think there are a couple of good reasons for them to do what they are doing. First, it generally requires less resources to release an updated version of an older book that the company already holds the rights to. Not always, but often so. And one of the reasons that the pre-5th books were done is because they were on popular/useful topics. Since one of the goals of the current management of HERO Games is to get more people into the HERO system, releasing in print version of popluar classics and other useful books for the people they are trying to get into the system just makes sense. Which I realize doesn't really help those that already have pre-5th versions of books that work just fine for them. As you said, a tough choice on the part of HERO. Personally I'm happy with it, but I can certainly understand those that would prefer most of not all of the releases were "new" material.
  2. Re: 2006 Schedule Blurbs I didn't realize that there was anything that was beneath the Becster...
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Do you suffer from long term memory loss? I don't remember...
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings D@mnit, and I just repped you on a different thread...
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings But I wouldn't MIND being hit with a bread product. At least assuming it was a tastey one. Though I agree, that is an annoying statement...
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Cool. Though I will say that a major factor in the purchase of the 625 was the fact that I already had the P220, and had all the reloading supplies for .45ACP. So it made sense to look for a revolver that would fire it too. I such a lazy bum...
  7. Re: 2006 Schedule Blurbs What does it's being the last half of a paragraph have to do with it having been out of context? You stated "Says a man who read DoJ's "Announcement" about sales being down and the company going out of business if people didn't start buying books." The annoucement didn't say that, so your statement was false and I called you on it. Then you quote out of context a remark about what would happen if things don't change, leaving out the part before it talking about how everything is okay currently, and the part after it about how things are changing. They didn't say "We're going out of business". They said "If we don't change some stuff, we won't make enough money to stay in business, and so here is one of the changes we can tell you about that we are making." You may consider those two statements to be the same, but they aren't. So since the quote was out of context, I called you an that too. My pointing out both things has nothing to do with HERO Games being a company I support. Had it been a company that I disliked you made inaccurate statements about I would have pointed that out too. I just get annoyed when people make inaccurate statements that they present as being the truth. One of my pet peeves.
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Why the SIG Sauer P220 of course. Or the S&W 625 if you're looking for a revolver... Though I'm a bit prejudiced on that score, since those are the two I own.
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Wheel...Of...FISH!
  10. Re: 2006 Schedule Blurbs Oooh, oooh, oooh, an out of context quote. I love those. To clear things up, the message starts with talk about how another gaming company is having trouble, and about the general downturn in sales in the industry. And that while HERO is currently doing well, they can see potential problems down the road if things don't change. Which is the point the above out of context quote comes from. So, basically, a company staffed with people they like is having problems. Sales of HERO products have gone down, but they are still doing okay. However, if those sales continue going down, there is the potential for problems. Then the other 90% of the announcement goes on to explain what they are doing to head that possibility off. It is called being proactive. Unfortunately it is too hard to write an announcement like that in such a fashion that it is impossible for isolated quotes to be taken out of context. But hey, feel free to keep quoting things out of context and pretending it means something. It is after all a free country. Personally, I'm just going to keep buying their stuff and enjoying the excellent job they are doing. I didn't really buy many of the supplements for previous versions of HERO, even though I've been playing since '81. Why? Because I wasn't impressed by the few that I looked at, and I couldn't afford to buy stuff that I wasn't impressed by. So I at least am an "old timer" that is happy they are doing updated versions of some of the older stuff, in addition to the great new stuff that they are putting out.
  11. Re: 2006 Schedule Blurbs Oh, and as far as purchases go, I don't see anything on either the 2005 or 2006 list that is a reason for me to change my current policy of "1 of everything".
  12. Re: 2006 Schedule Blurbs Actually, that isn't what the announcement said. It said nothing about the compnay going out of business, except for a reassurance that that isn't what is happening. They simply made a decision to change their previous policy of encouraging people to buy their products from their FLGS and go with a policy that is pretty much the standard for the industry instead. Which is to say, please buy your books from us, especially if you don't have any other good alternative. They also mentioned that the cue for this was a general sales downturn across the industry. Then lots of people that either have reading comprehension problems or just assume that they know more that the people at the company that are making the announcements went off and started saying that HERO is going out of business, some going so far as to say that they aren't publishing books at all anymore. Heck, there are quite a few people out there that had been special ordering all of their HERO stuff from their local store, stores that wouldn't order the books for stock. Or even set up a standing order for them. But they kept buying from that not so FLGS because HERO Games had asked them to. So now for some sales HERO gets a larger slice of the pie, and some people that were having problems getting their books have a better alternative. A win-win situation.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Sorry 'bout that. I miscounted and cannot get to the boards from work... Next subject: Things you don't want to hear as you go under general anesthetic...
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Next up: Cross Country Roller Fcking
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings Cool beans. Quick and tastey.
  16. Re: What do with a player ... I'd say hold your ground, as long as your willing for either him to not play at all or for your group to not play the campaign. You told them ahead of time that one of the campaign rules was no complete ripoffs. They accepted that. Now one of them is trying to ignore it, and another is telling you to let them. If it is important to you, stick to your guns.
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings Sourdough or yeast? The sourdough is traditional (from what I recall) but can be a pain to make. And yeast based ones taste good too. It has been a while since I made any frenchbread...mmmm... And I'll admit that my carnivore mind's first thought upon reading the post was "But what was the main course?"
  18. Re: Hero System women are all insanely attractive Link to the DDC stuff thread. The post with several pics including Tina are about 3/4 of the way down (post #45).
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings I've always found it so. I just don't do it much because my brother likes the dill-rye bread he buys, and I just can't eat it fast enough.
  20. Re: Tentative 2006 Schedule Well, Steve didn't specifically say anything about including NPCs, but I assume that it will since all of the other setting books do.
  21. Re: Tentative 2006 Schedule Just a WAG, but probably not until Ben gets back from vacation (next week I think). Tuala Morn is Steve's pseudo-celtic setting. Celtic flavoured without the restraint of historical accuracy. If I recall the quote correctly, Tuala Morn is the first dry land that the Atlanteans see after Atlantis sinks, to give it at bit of temporal location. Personally this is one that I am looking forward to a LOT.
  22. Re: Hero System women are all insanely attractive When I saw the thread title I thought to myself "Well true, Tina is a babe, but I didn't think there were any other women working for HERO..." I tend to put at least a few points into COM on any character I make (or buy it down by a few if appropriate for the character history), male or female. I'm not overly interested in playing plain characters. I'm plain every day of the week. What I am every day of the week isn't what I want to do for fun.
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