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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. In addition to whatever protective measures you are going to take, can you please firmly and fully seal up ALL corners, gaps, cracks, seams, flaps (including the bottom/underside) and (potential) opening points on the outer box with ample packaging tape or better? I want to keep out that Pacific Northwest moisture and insects in the event this package sits outside for longer than expected; the outer box should be sealed up tight like a submarine, basically. Do not mind the extra hassle when it comes time to open up the whole shebang, as long as it is secured. If you need to hold or cancel the order so that I can pay extra for this additional level of safeguarding, please let me know. I can go the distance to ensure that this vintage piece of gaming history arrives undamaged.
  2. <The broader joke being that Rembrandt is refined/"high art" and Picasso is abstract.> Still, I'll not deny anyone a bit of overanalyzing .
  3. tkdguy, when it comes to painting miniatures, do you consider yourself more of a Rembrandt or a Picasso?
  4. Remember: if you can make a Human Fighter interesting, you can make anything interesting. That is not a slight against that particular Race-Class combination, by the way; plenty of famous fictional characters that could be classified as such do exist, but, in D&D (especially prominent in contemporary D&D) there is this notion that you must get crazy with your character in order for it to have personality and/or appeal.
  5. like as not phrase of like probably. "she would be in bed by now, like as not"
  6. http://tinyurl.com/mr2au84z
  7. "I see", said the blind man to the deaf girl.
  8. Cancer, your avatar looks like a gribbly grue. --- --- --- https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/Nz9plmwREF1v0fWr_EINOth1RryS8Pxh0BwhGw8w2cUvWMhV8A-Y4Qob5T-8y0ixHf2QeJRleb8=s176-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
  9. "Is that so? I would advise against listening to one of his 'tales', for they are treacherous; you are liable to slip and fall into a coma."
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