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Status Updates posted by Ragitsu

  1. Chow mein.

    1. Pattern Ghost

      Pattern Ghost

      I believe that's German for "my chow," correct?

  2. Would you take more umbrage with someone riding your coattails...or riding your mustache?

    1. Ternaugh


      No umbrage, I've given mustache wax to several folks at work to assist them with their handlebars.


      My go-to used to be Firehouse Moustache Wax in the Tacky version, it gives a very firm hold that's waterproof and can last into the next day. It needs to be warmed slightly before application, or it can yank hairs. My profile photo is with the Tacky wax, but brushed out on the second day. It's a dark wax, and can yellow grey or white hair, though. https://www.firehousemoustachewax.com/


      My daily driver right now is from Dubs Was Here. I use the Bayrummer scent, and it's easy to apply. Hold is very good, but not quite as strong as the Firehouse product, and it sometimes requires touching up later in the day. It makes tighter loops than the Firehouse, and can be easily brushed out, but still provide some shaping. https://dubswashere.com/


      One of the folks that I helped at work had started with the Firehouse, but his mustache and beard was completely white, so the Tacky would discolor it slightly. His go-to ended up being a glue stick, which worked amazingly well for him. 


      I avoid Clubman wax, as it doesn't hold very well in the Vegas climate, and had a tendency to foam if it got wet.


      I've tried both Mountaineer and Badass Beards mustache wax, but neither had the hold I was looking for. They're both really good for beard supplies, though. https://www.mountaineerbrand.com/  and https://badassbeardcare.com/





  3. "We don't need their stuff; we do need them."


    Words of wisdom that prove allies are more valuable than gadgets.

    1. Lord Liaden

      Lord Liaden

      Agreed; but what brought that on? :think:

  4. I saw a man driving around with a license plate that read "HAOLE". Self-deprecation, maybe?

    1. Old Man

      Old Man

      Self deprecation or proud racist.  It's all in the usage, but at best it's the same as having a license plate that reads "CAUCASIAN".  Like... why?

  5. Certified is awesomefied.


    (Just fulfilling my annual quota.)

    1. Certified


      D'aw, thank you. 

  6. Certified ->


    Immunity (5): OGL Fiasco.

  7. How are you doing?

    1. Certified


      We're doing alright. Just getting back in town from vacation. How are things going with you? 

  8. Obsessiveness and perfectionism in the realm of art.


    When you toil away in obscurity, you're a nut.


    When you receive accolades (and a fat check), you're a genius.

    1. Certified


      Read this, see this...



      If you're okay with it, I may share this conversation elsewhere. 

  9. I don't know how right-wingers can claim to love Star TrekThe Next Generation while proclaiming that modern Star Trek is "marxist propaganda". Holy crap...are you kidding me? They must have skipped quite a few large chunks of that show.


    Let's put aside all of the post-scarcity elements of the UFP that are as far from capitalism as you can get. I recall a story where Riker fell in love with a sexless (genderless?) being. You can bet if that particular episode aired today, there would be cries of "transgender pandering" and "SJW".

    1. Certified


      Fun fact Jonathan Frakes was all for doing that episode with a male actor, but the studio refused. Another episode that comes to mind is The Neutral Zone where a modern era businessman is effectively seen as an antiquated joke. Although, in one of the books they find a use for him, negotiating with Ferengi.


      Even the original series pushed social limits. Spock's look was intended to be demonic, to force people to question notions of judgement by appearance. In the pilot you had Number One, played by Majel Barrett. Again, nixed by the studio. However, Roddenberry was able to have an ethnically diverse cast. One of the things lost on modern audiences was the significance of Chekov and having moved past the cold war, seemingly peacefully. 


    1. Starlord


      Yeah, I've seen that before on one of the many SW documentaries I've watched.  They came up with a lot of ingenious sound and FX innovations in the making of the first movie.

  11. spacer.png

    1. Ragitsu




      Apparently, the masters for this music were lost. That is a damn shame.


    Apparently, if you do the "right thing", you'll get your doggy treat.

    1. Old Man

      Old Man

      Great video, thanks!  Although I wonder how "undecided" voters can even exist nowadays.

  13. spacer.png


    Is this a friend of yours?

    1. aylwin13




        Forrester grimaced as he looked down at the photograph laying on his desk. It had been mailed to him in a manila envelope with no return address.

        "Who the hell found this?" he asked, shaking his head. "I thought I had buried that Pepsi endorsement campaign deep enough that no one would ever find out about it."

        Sometimes you have to do things that you end up wishing you hadn't.

  14. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

    1. Certified


      If we're going basic flavors, I'll take chocolate. If we're getting all fancy, Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra or some kind of turtle. Why do you ask?  

  15. yyhhvsjv


    Is he a relation of yours?

    1. Lord Liaden

      Lord Liaden

      Hey, I LIKE turtles!

  16. A man is a monument of decisions, be it a shabby construction perpetually on the verge of collapse, a carefully chiseled work of art to be admired or something in-between.

  17. It incrementally shapes human brain chemistry/psychology/sociology through every step of development; we wanted things done faster so we created technology to carry out tasks that much quicker. Consequently, attention spans shorten while newer gizmos and software rise up to satisfy the next tier of impatience, but...there is only so much time in a day and so much brainpower with which to utilize that time. To call this a "vicious cycle" is an understatement.

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