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Everything posted by CorPse

  1. CorPse


    Re: Zeppelins Hunh, Google to the rescue... maybe.
  2. Re: So, anybody got any Opium? Interesting. Still having a look at those could give me some ideas. I should probably see if there's anything in 5E Dark Champions. In the end you're right, though, I little build for Opium shouldn't be too hard to create.
  3. Re: Your "2012" Pet Gaming Projects I'm hard at work fleshing out my Pulp Noir game set in San Francisco. I've done a fair amount of research into what the Bay was like in the '30s and it'll be interesting to see how the whole thing goes. I'll be running with players that are mostly new to HERO, so I think the lower-powered nature of a pulp will help them learn the ropes. My go date is set for the first weekend in March. There will probably be room for more research, etc., but I'm afraid of loosing my momentum and their interest if I don't get a little something to the table by then. The events of the campaign will begin in 1933 a little before the ground-breaking of the Golden Gate Bridge. As stated before, the game is set in San Francisco. The characters will be masked avengers. (I find it interesting that know one has taken The Shadow/Guy with Guns niche.) I intend for the game to have a little of everything - Mobsters, Fascists, Cultists, Mad Scientist, etc. I'm still fishing for an good campaign name, so if you have any good ideas, feel free to post them.
  4. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter A little more Mythic Rah Rah... Now 1/3 of the way to the funding goal with 112 funders.
  5. Write-ups, of course! I can't remember if Opium has appeared in any of the many Hero System books or the many Pulpy Hero Plus Adventures... Please point me in the right direction. (Sadly this is one of the few, and I mean very few, pulpish things that does not grace the pages of Pulp Hero.) One of the character in my game is going to be ex-addict. It would be such a shame if some Oriental Mastermind-type fellow tied him up and say, forced him to smoke a bit for old times' sake. That just wouldn't be nice at all.
  6. CorPse


    Re: Zeppelins I just visited my friends in Mountain View, CA, which is not far from the site of Hangar One on Moffett Field. Apparently after talks of pulling it down, it is going to remain for now. I'd love to stand next to it at some point, but I think the air base there is somewhat active? Anyway, it looks enormous. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/multimedia/images/2008/23_ratio.html Apologies if this has all been covered before.
  7. CorPse


    Re: Zeppelins A guy in my group keeps making a lot of noise about running this, but so far it's been just so much hot air. (Yikes, I don't know whether to be proud or chagrined at that naturally occurring pun there.) In any case, the system uses d6s. If we do play, I am well prepared.
  8. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... Yup. I think Fritz is going to have to be in the game.
  9. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? Justified is damn good story-telling and it does play out like a crime pulp. (I was happy to see Graham Yost, the was the force behind the short-lived Boomtown, resurface with Justified.) ABC's The River is unadulterated pulpy horror goodness. It isn't perfect, but I give them high marks for trying something different and for an having an interesting story-telling style. Alrighty, back to reading my books about SF.
  10. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... All tremendously interesting. My game is starting in '33, largely because the building of the bridge is one way that we're going to track the passing of time. What was your grandfather's name, if you don't mind me asking? Since I'll be running a historical game, I could always turn him into to an interesting NPC. (I promise I won't let the bad guys toss him off a bridge or anything.) Looking forward to those scans, cP
  11. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... Great stuff Lem... please post if you find anything else of interest. BTW - discovered a surprising fact last night. San Jose is considered the 10th largest city in the US by population, which means it's technically the biggest city in the Bay Area. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Largest_US_cities
  12. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? It's funny, I've done very little reading of actual Pulp titles although my Dad went throw a radio serials period, so I've heard my share of recordings. Based on a comment by Steve Long, I'd really like to get into reading some of the many tales about The Spider. There's a very cool looking reprint of the "Black Police" trilogy re-titled The Spider Vs. The Empire State. In this title The Spider takes on an army of jack-booted fascist thugs that have managed to take over the New York State Legislature. The closest I've to come w/ current reading is the Pulp Hero book itself. It's nice to have a feeling for the entire genre and I'm sure the book has a nice bibliography for further reading. Most of my reading time is being taken up by my research for running a Pulp Game set in San Francisco and is currently confined to historical research.
  13. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... Cool. I'll have to check this stuff out as well. At this point it looks like we'll be starting the game at the beginning of 1933 with the progress on Golden Gate Bridge as a visual metronome to mark the passage of time. My hope is to be playing by the first weekend in March. If all goes well I plan to have a pickup game in my back pocket, based on this campaign, for when I come down to KublaCon. (I've discovered that the very peculiar registration system for RPG games at the Con makes it very difficult to actually get into games with my friends!) An off the books game we can run for ourselves and others gives us a nice fall-back position.
  14. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... I just discovered these over the weekend, and picked up a reprint of the one that covers SF. It's difficult to describe the detail in the one I've got, and I'm guessing the whole series has an astonishing level of detail. Not that everyone is going to need this sort of stuff, but just in casual reading I've come across the per mile price of a cab ride, some excellently evocative restaurant names (like a Chinese place called Forbidden City), and an "aquatic park" that used to be in the North Beach area. Yes, I'll be enjoying my grandparents tax dollars at work for many weeks to come... In any case, thanks for the links. These are just fantastic.
  15. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods...
  16. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... Aha! Secrets of San Francisco http://rpggeek.com/rpgitem/50214/secrets-of-san-francisco
  17. Re: Good resource for a pulp era breakdown of San Francisco's neighborhoods... Ah, yes, CoC stuff is usually high-quality. Do you remember a title? Thanks for the help... --Charles
  18. Hey Gang, I'm putting together some info for a Bay Area pulp game, and I'm having a tough time getting a breakdown of what the various neighborhoods were like in SF in the 1930s. Anybody know of a good resources for this type of information? The one or two things I've been able to find are for the current neighborhoods and don't really speak to what neighborhoods were most prominent in the Pulp era or what the demographics, etc., were then. Any help appreciated... --cP
  19. Hello Steve, Finally digging in to 6E in a real way, but these questions would apply to 5E/5ER as well... 1) In a situation where Hit Location modifiers are halved, do odd numbered Hit Locations round in favor of the Attacker or the Defender? 2) Do game effects that halve Hit Location penalties apply to those penalties listed in the Special Hit Location Table (6E2 110)? Thanks as always! --Charles
  20. Hey Guys, I'm letting go of a minty, still in factory shrink-wrap box set of Justice, Inc., from the grand old year of 1984. I've still got my player's copy, but I've got to fund the holidays somehow! Find it here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250537573212&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT Would love to see it stay in the Hero family. Auction ends Sunday. Thanks! cP
  21. Re: APG Cover Preview Nice, I like a design-based approach to these covers.
  22. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero I'm no ghost-angel, but here's a review I did for PA Hero on RPG Geek... http://rpg.geekdo.com/thread/437154
  23. Re: Mike Nystul's Circle of the Sword Newsletter? Hrmmm... It was in the Editorial Comments which I think are called 'Nuff Said. Could be wrong about the issue #. I'll check it when I get a chance. Mr. Nystul (nee Gray) has not responded to my email. Not too surprised. I think he's over his game design career. cP
  24. Re: Mike Nystul's Circle of the Sword Newsletter? Hmmm... Perhaps I should see if I can contact Mr. Nystul directly.
  25. This is for those of you with Old School FH knowledge... I saw a mention of a newsletter Mike Nystul (early Hero contributor) put out called Circle of the Sword in Adventurers Club 13. It was supposed to have had various bits for Fantasy Hero. I'd love to know if this ever got produced and any details you can provide (number of issues, appearance, etc.). And if anyone is willing to part with them or loan them to me long enough for me to scan or copy them, just drop me a line. BTW-Apparently Mr. Nystul has changed his name and become a multimedia artist.
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