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Everything posted by CorPse

  1. Re: What does "Overall" not cover? Cool... very cool...
  2. Re: How do you know if a character name is already being used?
  3. Re: What does "Overall" not cover? I hear what you're saying, but as someone else pointed out above, OLs can only be used once per phase. The second you get into combat it can become a real poker game, especially if you are fighting multiple opponents by yourself. I have a hard time not second-guessing myself about where to put the levels.
  4. Re: How do you know if a character name is already being used? Yeah, I certainly understand that point of view, but there's something kinda nice about saying, "Hey, I did my homework, and here's something you haven't seen in quite this particular way before." That creates its own sense of satisfaction.
  5. Re: What does "Overall" not cover? To my knowledge you can't apply any sort of level to the Dive For Cover maneuver. I've tried, believe me, I've tried. CorPsey
  6. Re: How do you know if a character name is already being used? Again excellent resource. Can be found at http://www.comics.org/index.lasso Database is searchable by character, title, artist, inker, etc., etc.
  7. Re: How do you know if a character name is already being used? Yes, this is exactly the sort of kick-butt resource I was looking for!
  8. Re: How do you know if a character name is already being used? Hey Gang, thanks for the tips! It's mostly a question of making a stab at (sigh) originality. Why rewire an icon, or reuse a name, if you can give yourself the interesting limitation of coming up with something new (at least in terms of the genre)? Anyway I'll be sure to keep a can of Badger's Whoop@$$ around when next I play. Keep the ideas rolling in...
  9. I'm willing to throw my little pocket change of REP at anyone who can point me toward a resource where I can look up a particular character name to see if it is already being used by an established comic company, etc. There's nothing like sweating over a name for your game only to have a player say, "Oh, yeah, you must have gotten (fill in your cool name here) from the that old Atlas Comics where they blah blah blah." Of course, there's nothing new under the sun, but I'd love to be able to find out with a couple of clicks if something is already "taken" in a meaningful way. I mean, if there's no one stop shopping for my pop-culture needs, what in the hell is the 'Net good for... (I've already used Google & Wikipedia, but there's got to be something out there specifically for this!) RIP (Restless in Pieces), CorPse
  10. Re: The Ultimate Skill (micro review) This is a lovely book... I particulary appreciated the "mini-articles" about cryptography, bugging devices, and the many methods of divination. Also, I think it's safe to say that the language chart is now *complete*, unless we figure out how to talk to whales or aliens. Seriously, the language chart is probably worth the cost of the book... cP
  11. CorPse

    HALO Hero?

    Re: HALO Hero? Very nice... do you think the rush or lunge has something to with the sword itself? Master Chief doesn't seem to make this move at any other time. Have you thought about adding a little extra running to simulate this, or possibly stretching with some limitations?
  12. Re: "24" Challenge Nice work... I'd add that Jack seems to have some Luck/Unluck going on... I don't know how many dice, but I'd say they were even. Perhaps 3d6/3d6? Sometimes he catches unbelievable breaks, and sometimes the breaks catch him.
  13. Re: Unknow: 70's Dark Champions Sol, Very professional work! Looking forward to further posts.
  14. CorPse

    HALO Hero?

    Re: HALO Hero? Quite right, but not at my house...
  15. CorPse

    HALO Hero?

    Re: HALO Hero? Interesting... maybe I can make it something other than a back-up DVD player when the 360 comes out!
  16. CorPse

    HALO Hero?

    Re: HALO Hero? Both the Assault Rifle (Halo) and the Battle Rifle (Halo 2) work really well in tandem with the plasma pistol. Knock your opponent's shields down with a plasma pistol burst, and then finish them off with the rifle. It takes a little coordination, but after awhile you learn to switch before the plasma blast even gets there. Pretty deadly in pve and pvp. Not that I ever play... CorPse
  17. Re: Steve Long; Please Build Me a Power: H_I_B_B 'Gyp, You can add XBOX Live to this list... one of my best buddies has disappeared down the Halo hole. CorPse
  18. CorPse

    HALO Hero?

    Re: HALO Hero? Nifty... have some gun REP and my compliments... CorPse
  19. Re: [Review] Masterminds & Madmen I only got a wee glance at Strategicon, but it looked truly bad@$$. Thanks Rob; let's get that boy some Rep, shall we?
  20. CorPse

    HALO Hero?

    Re: HALO Hero? Cool, any other prototypes for the Needler?
  21. CorPse

    HALO Hero?

    Re: HALO Hero? Interesting. Do you think it would be autofire? Also, I think you're required to build weapons with 5pt. CSLs if you want to improve OCV... But, cool, Rep for posting a gun...
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