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Everything posted by CorPse

  1. Re: What rule don't people know? As far as I'm concerned the Held Action is a bit of gamble, and it's meant to be. Let's keep in mind that a higher DEX character could use his held action to abort (Dodge, Flying Dodge, Block) or try to attack the lower DEX character (DEX roll vs. DEX roll to go first). If the faster character wants to risk losing their action, then that's up to them. Nobody is making a higher DEX character hold. In my experience holding is a very useful tactic, but it usually slows the game down. The fact that you might get burned by doing it keeps character's from doing it every time the get a chance (ie sometimes you want to put a hurtin' on somebody else, before the hurt you... which has to be at least part of why you'd spend the points on DEX to begin with.)
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Radiohead medley time for me... It's good to write to.
  3. Re: New NBC Show--Life Yeah... I was a little discouraged because it all seemed a little forced. Like it would have been a lot better if they hadn't been trying so hard. My guess is that they'll be the weekly crime to solve, with the overall "Who Framed Me?" plot running in the background.
  4. Re: What cities do you use in your game?
  5. Hey Gang, Just got this freebie from Blockbuster that's a preview of a fistful of new NBC shows: Life, Journeyman, & The Bionic Woman. Life has a pretty good DC character origin. Detective Charlie Crews (played by Damien Lewis--who's excellent in Band of Brothers) is a cop that's been in a maximum security prison for 12 years. Turns out some new DNA evidence proves that he's innocent. As part of his settlement he: 1. Gets a crapload of money, and 2. Is reinstated on the LAPD. So, the show starts with his first case back. We discover that he got attacked a number of times in prison... and that inside of gettting Jesus in the joint, he got Buddha. Every now and then, he'll spout a little fortune-cookish philosophy, which is so-so... except for the moment when the line, "No Zen for Dad," comes up. (You'll have to see it to know what I mean.) It's an interesting idea, and despite and excellent cast which includes Robin Weigert, I can't say I was blown away. Maybe a B-. However, it's an interesting idea... a detective who's rich, quirky, a serious student of Zen, and who's going to get to the bottom of the frame-up that sent him to jail. [insert in campaign here.]
  6. Re: The Must See Movie for DC players and GM's -- The Brave One Thanks for reminding me this is out... definitely want to catch it.
  7. Re: What cities do you use in your game? London, where I lived for a year, certainly bears this out. The name of the street you're on can change names about a dozen times before you get where you are going... and forget about straight lines. I suppose we just need more European rpg supplements!
  8. Re: Defunct Comic Publishers and Licenced Sourcebooks
  9. Re: How To Build A GRASER It's funny, the word positronium sounds like bad SF. But, I suppose life is sometimes goofier than fiction...
  10. Re: Convention Game Idea - Classic Champions Very cool site... I hope people check out the rest of your right ups!
  11. Re: Convention Game Idea - Classic Champions Here, here, sir!
  12. Re: Convention Game Idea - Classic Champions Amusingly enough, I've actually run Destroyer and What Rough Beast? much as you've described. I set them in the early '80s when the scenarios were written and created a pregen group of sidekicks that have to deal with the threat while the main heroes are away doing something "more important." The sidekicks were somewhat quirky, but the players I had really got into it. At the last Con, the player that ran The Sparrow, an out of retirement WWII sidekick whose hero died in Korea, just knocked it out of the park... he managed to combine a kind of nutty dementia with pathos. Very nicely done. Just remember that a lot of these old scenarios presume 250pt characters.
  13. Re: What cities do you use in your game? Repped for New Crobuzon build...
  14. Re: Adventures? I stand corrected! I should know that nothing can escape the All-Seeing Eye of Steve
  15. Re: Gestalt Now Available In Color Just curious... does the pdf have the color images?
  16. Re: What cities do you use in your game? I bet! But I haven't read all the books yet, so I'm on spoiler avoidance duty until further notice...
  17. Re: What cities do you use in your game? Very, very cool. I have to remember to return later with a paper bag full of unmarked Rep.
  18. Re: Gestalt Now Available In Color
  19. Re: Adventures? Interesting question... I would think you'd be more likely to get an official response if you posted this as a question in the Company Questions forum section.
  20. Re: Pathfinder Hero Not really my sort of thing, but very impressed with Killershrike's hard work... I'm all Repped out today, but I hope others are giving him his just desserts...
  21. Re: Gestalt Now Available In Color Is the color version POD or part of a small print run? Either way, I'm sure the costs reflect the manufacturing price...
  22. Re: What rule don't people know? Just do what I do! Always work it so you get knocked out just before Post 12 Phase Recovery.
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