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Everything posted by CorPse

  1. Re: STRONGHOLD -- What Do You Want To See? I'd love for the breakout scenario to get into how to run an extended Fugitive/Prison Break adventure. Chasin' after folks would be an interesting change for most campaigns. Also, is there a particular paranormal they'd bring in to help out... like a dude named Bloodhound, or some great-at-finding-people mentalist?
  2. Re: STRONGHOLD -- What Do You Want To See? Me too me on this...
  3. Re: What a drag! w/ some Clinging depending on how your GM runs things?
  4. Re: PA water supply Think of it this way, if something does wrong urban gangsters and malcontent deserters will be the least of your worries.
  5. Re: Rep Points ... oh, you want live kittens? I might have to rethink this.
  6. Re: Paranoia as PAH Oh, funny, the campaign I just started running probably made me think of this then! It's a game with UNTIL agents who all have a small (points-wise) emergent power. Thanks for pointing that out.
  7. Re: Multi-tiered Missile Deflection/Reflection Hmmm... Does seem to cry out for a multipower... maybe the lower cost slots could be multis and the Reflection slot could be an ultra...
  8. Re: Lucha Libre HERO Looking forward to this as well!
  9. Re: Is this Munchkinism? Yeah, without some very special SFX and reasoning this would get the big red stop sign from me.
  10. Re: Rep Points Ummm, how 'bout I get to give one of my cats to someone for every 500 Rep!
  11. Re: [Review] The Ultimate Energy Projector Always look forward to these...
  12. Re: Character Creation Handbook Looking forward to this GA...
  13. Anybody tried to marry Paranoia to PAH yet? The flavor would be a little different because of the systems underneath the action, but you could do it. Seems like I remember Paranoia being a nominally Post-Apocalypse setting?
  14. Re: 7 Underground Wonders of the World Cool...
  15. Re: RL temple and tombs maps Someone mentioned Rome above... I don't have any map links to offer, but they are continually finding underground chambers, etc., that were lost to history until some sewer work opened them back up. Might be able to find something on them thare internets...
  16. Re: Because we need another "Magic System Thread"... Go back, go back... This way lies madness...
  17. Re: Stats for Dad Man, yeah, I'd go VPPP and maybe some of his STR should have No Conscious Control or something like that...
  18. Re: A Game on the Run? Very cool guys... ... just the kind of stuff I was looking for.
  19. Re: The AniCommandos Yes, they are nothing if they aren't chatty!
  20. Re: PA water supply Hmmm... even if the mains remain intact, I'd think that there would be serious problems with the "death from a thousand cuts" mentioned earlier. (ie leaks from all spots in the system where buildings have degraded, etc.) Also, I'm wondering if without treatment there are going to be blockages in the system from leaf litter, debris, animal carcasses and things of that sort. Not to mention that the water would be quite, quite funky, and maybe even deadly.
  21. Re: Western Hero Resources I don't know what your tastes are, but there are a couple of 1st edition adventures you can still find floating around called Deathstroke and the Great Supervillain Contest that I think are very cool. Also, there's a nifty 4th Edition Horror Hero book that you don't see around too often, but might be worth having based on your taste.
  22. Re: Western Hero Resources Snagged a used copy of Western Hero from my FLGS for $3. Sweet... maybe I should flip it on eBay, 'cause I already have one. But I figured we might never see a 5th Ed version, so I should at least stick it in the collection.
  23. Re: Heroic Campains and Knockback Yes, I'm with the Captain on this one... that's a good precedent/mechanic to fall back on... Of course, what does KB could be GMO. (Acronym Fun!)
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