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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. Oh, the sweet sound of airplanes flying over your house at 3 AM!
  2. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-STZOhY2B2Q
  3. I put this one to the test. I recently painted a couple of Reaper Bones miniatures and painted their bases with parchment-colored craft paint. The bases were undercoated with different colors. The wizard's base has a gray undercoat, while the dwarf's base has a brown undercoat. The other two miniatures have clear bases that were included for comparison. The battle mat is made from paper with one-inch grids and laminated with clear wrapping paper. The wizard's base comes closer to the mat than the dwarf's base and has a cooler tone from the gray undercoat.
  4. On a more positive note, here's Robert Reich with a message for everyone. Too optimistic? Maybe a bit, but it's a reminder that not everything is terrible out there.
  5. Judge in Trump Fraud Trial Evacuated as Testimony Concludes (msn.com)
  6. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/gop-rep-gives-unhinged-floor-rant-on-allowing-whole-milk-in-school-because-of-santa
  7. My poor sister has had a really tough year. She's had so many problems, including a crazy neighbor who's terrorizing the whole neighborhood (and the cops aren't doing much about it). Now she just found out her cat has cancer. This is about one year after my mom had to put down her cat, also because of cancer. God, I hate the holiday season enough already. Stop giving me more reasons to hate it even more.
  8. Do we have to use algebra for that one?
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