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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. Tolkien's Middle Earth had a big influence on Babylon 5. The Grey Council was based on the White Council, and Za'ha'Dum is Khazad-dum with a few letters removed.
  2. My sister and someone on Discord recommended UBlock Origins. It works well on YouTube, and you just refresh your cache when YouTube begins cracking down on you. Apparently, YouTube has been able to disable UBlock as well. 👎
  3. Famous last words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60YHX17CTmA Displayed as a link because of language. I wanted to see if it would play without ads here. It actually does.
  4. I'm surprised the earthquake in Japan hasn't been covered here yet. Here's drone footage of the destruction.
  5. I'm still using 3rd Edition. Since I don't play very often, I will just stick with that version for now.
  6. Long story short, the characters fought off some bandits with minimal damage, then fought some goblins in a different area. Most of them took a bit of damage from the goblins, which led to their deaths when the bandits came back for round 2. I decided to give the bandits another chance because I made a mistake on the morale rules. My biggest issue with the rules I've used is allowing a saving throw on the Sleep spell, which is not allowed on Basic/Advanced D&D. OSR characters are on the whole more vulnerable than d20 characters at level 1*, and a Sleep spell can make the difference in the party's survival. In this case, 2 bandits were hit by the sleep spell, but one made his saving throw. He spent his action waking up his sleeping comrade instead of attacking, which helped the party. But all bandits were awake and combat ready in the next encounter. The previous time I used the sleep spell (different characters), 3 out of 4 orcs made their saving throws, and those characters had to run for their lives. I plan to use the B/X version of the spell in the future. * Remember that in Basic D&D clerics don't get spells until level 2, and hit dice for all character types except for magic-users were lower than those of their AD&D counterparts.
  7. Yesterday I played a solo session of Basic Fantasy. I had a group of level 1 characters, so I sent them on their first adventure. Unfortunately, it also turned out to be their last. RIP. Today, I found a couple of old calendars from work. 2018 started on a Monday just as this year did (although this year is a leap year), so I decided to use it as my campaign log. The unfortunate band of adventurers are listed on the calendar. While I have a bunch of fantasy maps available, I'm thinking of using old historical maps where California is drawn as an island. I'll have to work on the history, but Emperor Norton I will be part of it. The campaign setting won't be bound by any one game system. I may play HERO one day and Rolemaster another day, but the adventures will take place in the same game world.
  8. Of course it's not a trap door. It's obviously a concealed pit.
  9. I had two cats sleeping on my lap last night, and I couldn't move at all.
  10. Sister just had to put her cat down. She had been planning to do it on the weekend, but he was in too much pain. Mom and other sister are with her right now.
  11. It was that part in The Fellowship of the Ring where Frodo & company fought the wargs, but instead of Caradhras, we were in front of a house owned by a lady in her late 50s-early 60s. I saw the wolf first, then Pippin came by. The wolf recognized a Hobbit and went to get its pack. Gandalf called for the Fellowship to take defensive positions, and Legolas shot a wolf. The woman went inside her house for safety. I joined the Fellowship to fight alongside them. My last thought before I woke up was that Legolas should be further back since he was the group's archer.
  12. https://www.tribality.com/2020/11/12/xp-for-gold-how-it-actually-works/
  13. I don't have a problem with that. Even with systems that have fewer game mechanics for customization people can simply roleplay their characters to make them distinct. At least one RPG (Pendragon) only offers human knights as PCs. Neither really, since I have my own style, and and I don't close to either of them. Still, I prefer Rembrandt's style.
  14. "Oh the cringe!" -- actual quote from this video
  15. This is the sort of scenario that makes teachers either double down or give up:
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