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Michael Hopcroft

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Everything posted by Michael Hopcroft

  1. Re: Odd Swords -- Real or Fantasy? Obviously one of the innumerable details that Cecil B. DeMille continuously got wrong.
  2. Re: Odd Swords -- Real or Fantasy? That is great information. Thanks. One thing I wonder about the wars of the Old Testament era was what sort of weapons were used and how men actually fought. Obviously slings and bows were used, as were war chariots, but how were battles fought and decided? Anyway, have some rep.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Joy of Dialysis
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I caught the second half of The Corsican Brothers on TCM recently. No, not the Cheech & Chong parody, but a genuine adaptation of the Alexandre Dumas novel starring Douglas Fairbanks Jr. as twin brothers who experience each other's pain and emotional stresses. As a result one of them hates the other passionately because he is not free to think his own thoughts. Complicating matters is that they are the last scions of a destroyed noble house, and the local baron is the one who is trying to wipe out their line. The half I saw was a darned good movie. I'm trying to find the whole thing, but Netflix doesn't have it (and if they don't have it it means there's no DVD release period). One of these days I'm going to seriously start keeping track in advance of what will be on TCM so I can DVR the more interesting movies. I've just missed a lot of movies I would have enjoyed seeing.
  5. Re: Sword-Gloves For example there's the science fiction series Planetes, which presents a very realitsic exploration of living and working in space and the difficulties of clearing away a century of debris from Near-Earth Orbit (where it poses a severe hazard to manned spaceflight).
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Give a poetic description of jay Cutler's upcoming season. A: And sometimes the Lion eats you.
  7. Re: Sword-Gloves All the cool villains are wielding Patas. Why won't you?
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Policemen. Become bad color commentators. NT: Signs that the play-by-play man for your favorite sports team's broadcasts is out of his mind.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The Empire will be held together by Fear. Fear of this battle station, and -- why are you laughing? A: I wonder where all the Hunters are today.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat When Los Angeles is under water you can still get to work.
  11. I forget the name of the weapon, but there is a sword that is fastened to a mail glove that I remember from another game. It cannot be dropped without losing the glove (which presumably goes up the forearm some length for stability), but can be broken like a normal sword. I thought it was called a Manopole, but I couldn't find the word anywhere so I don't know if it's accurate, or whether the weapon really existed. It's not common and is not of massive utility, but I was thinking of using it as a villain's signature weapon and want to know how to rate it.
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Two words: Movie Props.
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Didn't the cat used to be calico? A: How much is that doggy in the window? He's just right for our sacrifice!
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Change the ringtone on his Blackberry to the Dead Parrot sketch.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Taunt Happy Fun Ball. NT: Subtle signs that the man selling you your next computer is out of his mind.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat A summer snowstorm. Because then you'll know we've really fouled up the climate.
  17. Re: Bones As Armour The right kind of bone armor, even if less than ideally useful in combat, might well give you a bonus to Presence out of the sheer intimidation factor of "I am clad in the bones of my enemies -- in death, even my foes protect me!". It may not be literally true, but it certainly would have an impact initially, which might buy you time to get in the all-important first strike. That's more a villain thing than a hero thing, of course. Necromancers and the like might go for it.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat And thus the followers of the Egyptian deities gathered in Memphis to celebrate the Hippo Holy Days.... NT: Signs that this wasn't the Alexandria you meant to visit.
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Rob every bank in town simultaneously.
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