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Michael Hopcroft

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Michael Hopcroft

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why should we be fleeing the world's largest chefbot now that it's out of control? A: This is a good time to invest in agriculture.
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: And why did you choose not to vote this year, Ms. Patrick?
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Didn't I tell you not to push the jolly, candy-like History Eraser Button? Well, didn't I? A: So this is what it's like when there isn't a Universe.
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat iCeiCeBaby. Push the button and your iPhone sends bad pseudo-rap to everybody you know. NT: More subtle signs that your congresscritter has lost his mind. (Difficulty: no partisanship)
  5. Re: Or Else a Neat Source of Ideas Sounds like another riff on the Bureau 13 concept. (The Tri-Tac rules system is night-unfathomable, but their settings are usually extremely cool!)
  6. Re: Percy Jackson and the Olympians I really must start reading some YA books. Some of the premises of the series sound very gameable if only I know more about them. Who, for example, is Artemis Fowl?
  7. Re: How about anime Campaigns? Someone should really mention Susano's website. Lots of tasty 5th Edition writeups to give you an idea of how certain characters from certain genres work in Hero, easily translatable to 6e once it comes out (at least as easily as any other set of characters). Susano is especially fond of the grittier settings like Cowboy Bebop, Black Lagoon and Outlaw Star -- stuff that mixes Dark Champions and Star Hero. Aside from that, one way to go about preparing a campaign is to take a series or movie you want to emulate, model a few of the characters (don't worry about point totals -- that's what the Experience Bonus is for) and then apply what you've learned to the game you're planning to run. This will give you a better grasp of reasonable point totals than just taking a standard number and running with it. It will also give you an idea what powers to encourage and which to disallow or restrict (some examples would be to require anything truly superhuman, such as characteristics higher than the NCM, to be bought through Foci to encourage people to invest in mecha, or to require all Powers to take specific usage limitations applicable only to mages or psis). It's your and your group's campaign, so you aren't necessarily limited by particular setting details.
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Just finished the Doctor Who audio episode "Sword of Orion" on my iPod Nano. You can get it from the Big Finish website as mp3s or on CD, along with more than a hundred other new audio episodes with classic Doctors (every one from Peter Davison through Paul McGann has recorded stories). Pretty good Cyberman story, all things considered. The hidden agendas seemed a bit obvious in hindsight (people should really know better than to try to manipulate the Cybermen into helping them, even obliquely), but it had a good "lost patrol" vibe to it.
  9. Re: Anyone run a Starcraft setting There is one fundamental difference between the two: Starcraft's Space Marines are convicts (and thus eminently expendable since you were going to shoot them anyway), while the Mobile Infantry of Starship Troopers are an elite group of volunteers -- in fact, you can't get in if you have any sort of criminal record.
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's the most difficult way to eat fried chicken? A: it doesn't matter if it's broiled or fried. Just eat it!
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat They cheer for whichever team paid them the most money. NT: World's Worst Celebration Month
  12. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... And remember Johnny Bison's advice -- "Don't drink and stampede!"
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How will we make room in the castle for all these werewolves? A: I thought you wanted to talk this way.
  14. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good Idea: CLAMP Hero Bad Idea: Liefeld HERO
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You want to bury your grandfather in a WHAT? A: And compared to this, being totally covered with eels is pleasant.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Those disturbing images showing on the stadium Jumbotron.
  17. Re: How about anime Campaigns? I would like to have seen a Mecha Hero book, but I resigned myself very early on to it not getting done. I think that the fact that everything in Hero is purchased as effects rather than as components makes it a bit of a hard sell for gearheads who thrive on things like Mekton.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Real World: Mystara
  19. Re: Anyone run a Starcraft setting I've never played Starcraft. Is there anything to do in the setting other than be an Infantryman? (Albeit a very buffed one -- and if I recall correctly many of them are convicts as well, which recalls an earlier era before the days of volunteer armies and citizen soldiers).
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