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Michael Hopcroft

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Everything posted by Michael Hopcroft

  1. The Three Musketeers (1973) and The Four Musketeers (1974) Director Richard Lester (A Hard Day's Night) and a fantastic cast bring the Alexandre Dumas adventure masterpiece to vivid, vibrant life. A young country minor noble is sent to Paris to enlist in the King of France's elite Musketeers regiment, meets three widely contrasting fellow soldiers, and becomes involved in a court intrigue with international repercussions. This is perhaps the most-real looking portrayal of 17th-century Paris (and its contrasts between the glitter of the gilded court and the squalor of where most of the city's people live) ever committed to film, and the fight scenes are uniformly excellent. There are many great performances here, but the one that stands out is Charlton Heston as Cardinal Richelieu, one of the prime movers of the plot. His ruthlessness is contrasted with the fact that, as far as France's national interests are concerned, he is absolutely right about the Queen. A note; Lester originally intended to make this as a single, epic film. When studio brass split it into two parts after shooting, the cast rebelled because they had only been paid for one film. In the end, the studio relented and paid them again (they must have been placed under serious pressure from the actor's union in the UK).
  2. Is the food at Providence Park really that bad?
  3. Q: How that this thing run around on its hind legs, wave it's four useless wings all the time, and cry "SNORK SNORK!" everywhere it goes? A: Now bring us a piggy pudding.
  4. As it turns out, Rudolph will apparently be fined but will not get a suspension. Which strikes me as odd for a reason I'm not going to mention here.
  5. I'm inclined to agree. He started the fight and then escalated it. He tried to tear off Garrett's helmet and provoked him to respond in kind. Quarterbacks are supposed to be smarter than that. Are there any circumstances under which referees can stop or even call off a game that gets dangerously rough (to the point that they need a lot of security people to protect the players from fans charging the field)?
  6. Professor Pee Pee Diarrheastein Poopypants, Esq.
  7. Off-Topic: Someone read Kevin & Kell then. Something very similar happened in that strip.
  8. I need to see Shin Godzilla. Really. Someone please help me find a copy with subtitles.
  9. The Sounders have two Cups now. Congratulations. Now the Timbers need to win one in 2020 to even things out..
  10. I was about to say "hopefully a dull saber", but if he had hit someone accidentally whether it was dull or sharp would have made little difference (either way it would hurt).
  11. Two notes related to that: when my parents and I saw Toy Story back when it was released, I wondered aloud if the reactions in the audience were like those to Snow White when it was released. They thought it was a silly question. I seemed to know just what a watershed moment Toy Story was, and that film animation had been changed forever in one stroke. But Snow white really was that transformative The difference between the rotoscoped human characters (Now, the Queen, the unnamed Prince) and the more "cartoony" hand-drawn ones (the Dwarves, the Old Witch) are jarring, but the experience obviously told the Disney animators what worked and what didn't (the Fleischer Brothers' Gulliver's Travels had the same problem). As a result, they found a much more natural compromise in Pinocchio, probably the first animated feature that could truly be described as a great film as opposed to just being a great animated feature.
  12. 私の両親はゴジラに完全に飲み込まれ、私が手に入れたのはこの錆びたTシャツだけでした。
  13. Q: Why does this tow have the overwhelming smell of smoked kippers and a surprising absence of electricity? A: I am the Whistler, and I know many things -- for I walk by night.
  14. Q: Say, do you think Professor Quatloo, inventor of the new Time Machine the government is paying a fortune for, is off his meds today? A: I'm an Inventor. I solve problems for idiots.
  15. A new movie about Vietnam is in production starring James Dean. There's just one catch -- he's been dead for sixty years. So the producers, with the cooperation of his estate, is creating a CGI version of the cinema icon to play the role in the film alongside human actors. Needless to day, actual actors who are still alive are furious. People like Chris Evans, Elijah Wood, and Robin Williams' daughter Zelda have told twitter they are extremely concerned about resurrecting dead actors when there are innumerable living ones available. (Zelda has special cause to be worried, because her father was such a unique star that if it were possible to use his image many producers would be sorely tempted to do so.) Of course, actors like John Wayne have been digitally inserted into commercials for some time. It was just as controversial then. And dialogue and photos of Laurence Olivier from early in his career were used to represent Dr. Totenkopf the villain of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, although no attempt was made to recreate Olivier in the groundbreaking CGI-heavy film. I'm with the actors on this one. This possibility opens a can of worms that could have bad results for a lot of people on the creative end of Hollywood.
  16. "Saviore Faire is everywhere!" "I'LL MAKE MINCEMEAT OUT OF THAT MOUSE!" "Look overhead! It's a plane!" "It's a bird!" "It's a frog!" "A FROG?" "Not plane, nor bird, nor even frog -- it's just little ol' me (CRASH!) -- Underdog!" "Let's go see Mr. Whoopee!"
  17. That creature who showed up in downtown Boise and started eating Subarus is his "new sidekick" -- for about seventeen and a half seconds.... NT: The Fictional Central Asian republic of Gatchastan has invented Galactic Teleportation! What are the consequences of this great discovery?
  18. Pro players would probably not want to relocate to another continent with their team, as post-Brexit England will have all sorts of problems. One of them is that some of the players working on their second chances after legal trouble might not be allowed into the country. Even if that isn't a problem, the travel schedule would be murderous. twenty transatlantic flights over the space of five months can wear down on anybody no matter how used they are to travel.
  19. Does Portland State fit into the picture? (Though, since Portland State is an urban commuter school with a horrible reputation among the general public and little interest in athletics, why do they have a football team in the first place?)
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