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Pizza Man

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Everything posted by Pizza Man

  1. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 New build lower down the page.
  2. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 AH. NOW I understand. I was a player in the 90s, and not a GM. OK, at last the light has turned on. This is what I needed.
  3. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 Agreed. OK, but bottom line here, would you as a GM accept the character in a starting 400 point, 60 active point campaign?
  4. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 So in other words, I am my own DNPC...
  5. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 OK, so a Magic word will work, I just don't need to buy Multiform. I can delete that part. A gag can prevent my hero from appearing. So let me go back and change that. Fixed.
  6. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 OK, then I'm reading things wrong. How do you simulate a "Shazam!" transformation? I thought you had to have Mutiform to use the limit...Back to the book.
  7. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 ---The write up/stats are on the next page----------------
  8. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 Background/History Natasha Faraday always wanted to be an archeologist like in the movies. A prize student at the university, she won a chance to go to an important Greek dig site. Wandering away from the site, she stumbled into (or rather fell through the roof of) an ancient tomb. He leg was broken and she was too weak to call for help. She built a fire and looked around. A sarcophagus was against one wall, and a golden necklace hung against the other. She crawled to the necklace and touched it, unleashing a hideous magical curse. Unfortunately, the minds of men, mages, and mice cannot plan for everything. Natasha was a mutant. She had the “survivor gene.” Faced with a sudden lethal condition or environment, her latent mutation would react and adapt instantly (surviving where lesser mortals would die). And such was the case with Natasha. The shadow magic that was intended to transform her into a winged undead monster, instead flowed into her body and allowed the girl to transform at will into the hero we know today as Black Falcon. Her mutation absorbed and channeled the shadow curse so the is master (not the slave) of the vast destructive energies. The poor girl detects as a mutant and shines like neon to any magic detection spell. The dark energy is magic, the immunity to it, and ability to harness the darkness is a mutation. Smoke from her fire alerted the authorities, and she was rescued. The necklace (no longer enchanted) hangs in a Greek museum. Flown back to the states, Natasha became something of a celebrity, and sold more than a few interviews. Investing in a trendy bar, she now has disposable income and a lot of free time. To the disappointment of the history department, she changed her major to criminal science and is pursuing a new career. Today she lives in the campaign city, and rumors of a beautiful winged woman fill the papers. Personality/Motivation Black Falcon is NOT the grim determined crime fighter. She is in the biz strictly for the kicks. She loves to fly, loves the mess she makes, and loves the furious rush of combat. She’s bubbly, always laughing at something, and is a secret book worm. She believes she is a magical hero, and has no idea she is a mutant. When the giant robots target her she will be surprised. Once she figures out she is a mutant, Natasha will use her secret ID speaking skills to lobby for mutant rights. Quote “All I need to do, is touch you.” Powers/Tactics Black Falcon can destroy non-living matter with a touch. Living organic beings are not hurt, but fall unconscious with a mere touch. Sentient robots and the like are dead meat (figuratively speaking). Falcon is still new to the game, but prefers to open a fight with a foe caught in her entangle (that takes no damage from attacks). But in any case, she is a born scrapper; she likes to get up close and personal. Her steel gauntlets are from her first adventure. Some mad scientist hard wired a bunch of corpses into a zombie army. Not only did they smell bad, but when BF hit them, they squished. As Falcon would say, “Barf ’O Rama!” She wears steel gauntlets to this very day. At this start time she is 22 years old, makes $100k a year, and is sitting on top of life. What could go wrong? Campaign Use Back in Greece, the necklace has been stolen. It made its way to a museum where a local DEMON agent recognized it. Disapointed that the magic was used up, they are none the less interested in Black Falcon. Divinations reveal that she somehow STOLE the magic. Demon would love to access the ability to create winged undead things, but are unsure if they can take the magic back from the girl. This merits more study Back in the states, Black Falcon was assisting the police with a delivery of Viper thugs. Agents from IHA and DEMON had a chance meeting. Each group was scanning the hero. Instead of starting a fight next to the police and a super, they did an amazing thing…they talked. Both were coming up with different results. IHA scanners indicated BF was a Mutant. The DEMON wands were pointing to the strongest source of magic in the area: Black Falcon. How could she be both?
  9. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 Hmmmm. This is the kind of advice I'm looking for. The CON and Body are High because Falcon is essentially a brick, an up close scrapper. The END and REC are high because This character is likely to be burning 12 END every Phase. The character transforms into the Black Falcon hero and has no powers otherwise. I was thinking of saying a magic word like "shazam" to transform so a simple gag could prevent a transformation. Do I need to make a Civilian character with an 80 point multiform? Let me play with this and see if I can't simplify things.
  10. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 The linked is a mistake...when I first made the character I hadn't seen Champion rules in 10 years, and I linked EVERYTHING! Can't do that. So its just something that didn't get removed. OK, How about a 12D6 E-Blast that does no body against living beings? Hmmm, and maybe no knockback only against living beings?
  11. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 Thanks. That makes a lot of sense. OK. Is a code vs killing worth 20 points when you have NO lethal attacks?
  12. Re: Character for Review: American Icon Wow. Powerful character. I can't find a thing wrong with this one.
  13. Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold What Crosshair said. In a superhero world, the cops work with heroes. There are...understandings. A good deal of trust is placed in that mask. All that trust is cast aside when a hero goes lethal. the entire hero community is threatened. Who will trust a mask if they have a secret ID and are above the law. In Dark Champions this may be expected, but in any place else, all the local heroes will turn him in.
  14. Re: Psidestep: an Intradimensional Summoner of Experience Points Is Summoning unbalancing in Champions? In this case I can train three 12D6 E Blasts at a single target... I'm kinda thinking no GM would let such a character in.
  15. OK, lets try this again. Edit to add: Lets just define something here. None of BF's powers can do Body to living organic beings. Objects, devices, non-organic living beings are in for trouble. But the goal is for her to be unable to kill, just induce unconsciousness in living beings. The new write up is post #33 on the third page. Black Falcon --OK, edited to add final character to first post Characteristics: 10 STR 18 DEX …………..16 30 CON .………..20 13 INT ..……………3 10 EGO 15 PRE ………5 7 OC……………..20 7 DCV,…………..20 3 OCMV 3 DCMV 5 SPEED……….30 5 PD….…………..3 2 ED 24 REC…………20 60 END.…….8 15 BODY.……..5 50 STUN……..15 165 Total Characteristics 60 Dark Armor 20 Pd/20ED 10 Power Defense 20 Flight 30M, Wings Restrainable -1/2 5 Flash Defense 5 Night Vision 60 Multi-Power Dark Prowess, 3) Shadow Punch 12D6 E Blast Darkness, Does NO Body or Knockback to living beings, no Range 4) Dark Touch 6D6 NND. Defense is Darkness powers or LS vs poison –No Range 6) Dark Aura: 4D6 NND area effect 8M. Defense is Darkness powers or LS vs poison 6) No Barriers: Bought to show her ease at moving through walls. 10m Tunneling through 25 PD Materials. Does not fill in afterwards 6) Shadow Tentacles: A Black Portal opens and shadowy tentacles entangle the victim. 4D6 Body 4 PD/ED + 1/2 Attacks do not damage This is a ranged attack! 5) Corrosive Aura: 4D6 Body Drain/Area of Effect 4M --only vs Non living things—cannot effect the living 5) Dark Aura 6D6 Body Drain Not against living beings 185 total Powers points Talents and skills 1 Wealth $ 100,000 15 +3 CSL with Dark Prowess Multi Power (10 OCV) 2 KS Archeology/ancient civilizations 2 KS Magic artifacts, history of magic 2 KS History 1 Conversational Arabic 1 Conversational Greek 1 Conversational Latin 2 KS Campaign city 12- 2 Navigation, Air 12- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Computers 12- 3 Shadowing 12- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Concealment 12- First honed on archeology digs looking for lost artifacts/Search 3) Oratory 12- 3 Climbing 13- 185 total Powers points 165 characteristics 350 total +50 Skills 400 Total Points Complications: 10 Distinctive Features: MUTANT & MAGIC Not concealable always noticed. Detected only by unusual senses. 20: Hunted Genocide (or whatever it’s called now, IHA?) Giant robots! 15: Hunted, As Pow, Frequently, Harsh kill. Flying Brick type, made for aerial battles across the cityscape. Possible magic origin. 15: Secret ID 20: Susceptibility: 2D6 every phase when mind controlled (uncommon) Background/History Natasha Faraday always wanted to be an archeologist like in the movies. A prize student at the university, she won a chance to go to an important Greek dig site. Wandering away from the site, she stumbled into (or rather fell through the roof of) an ancient tomb. He leg was broken and she was too weak to call for help. She built a fire and looked around. A sarcophagus was against one wall, and a golden necklace hung against the other. She crawled to the necklace and touched it, unleashing a hideous magical curse. Unfortunately, the minds of men, mages, and mice cannot plan for everything. Natasha was a mutant. She had the “survivor gene.” Faced with a sudden lethal condition or environment, her latent mutation would react and adapt instantly (surviving where lesser mortals would die). And such was the case with Natasha. The shadow magic that was intended to transform her into a winged undead monster, instead flowed into her body and allowed the girl to transform at will into the hero we know today as Black Falcon. Her mutation absorbed and channeled the shadow curse so the is master (not the slave) of the vast destructive energies. The poor girl detects as a mutant and shines like neon to any magic detection spell. The dark energy is magic, the immunity to it, and ability to harness the darkness is a mutation. Smoke from her fire alerted the authorities, and she was rescued. The necklace (no longer enchanted) hangs in a Greek museum. Flown back to the states, Natasha became something of a celebrity, and sold more than a few interviews. Investing in a trendy bar, she now has disposable income and a lot of free time. To the disappointment of the history department, she changed her major to criminal science and is pursuing a new career. Today she lives in the campaign city, and rumors of a beautiful winged woman fill the papers. Personality/Motivation Black Falcon is NOT the grim determined crime fighter. She is in the biz strictly for the kicks. She loves to fly, loves the mess she makes, and loves the furious rush of combat. She’s bubbly, always laughing at something, and is a secret book worm. She believes she is a magical hero, and has no idea she is a mutant. When the giant robots target her she will be surprised. Once she figures out she is a mutant, Natasha will use her secret ID speaking skills to lobby for mutant rights. Quote “All I need to do, is touch you.” Powers/Tactics Black Falcon can destroy non-living matter with a touch. Living organic beings are not hurt, but fall unconscious with a mere touch. Sentient robots and the like are dead meat (figuratively speaking). Falcon is still new to the game, but prefers to open a fight with a foe caught in her entangle (that takes no damage from attacks). But in any case, she is a born scrapper; she likes to get up close and personal. Her steel gauntlets are from her first adventure. Some mad scientist hard wired a bunch of corpses into a zombie army. Not only did they smell bad, but when BF hit them, they squished. As Falcon would say, “Barf ’O Rama!” She wears steel gauntlets to this very day. At this start time she is 22 years old, makes $100k a year, and is sitting on top of life. What could go wrong? Campaign Use Back in Greece, the necklace has been stolen. It made its way to a museum where a local DEMON agent recognized it. Disapointed that the magic was used up, they are none the less interested in Black Falcon. Divinations reveal that she somehow STOLE the magic. Demon would love to access the ability to create winged undead things, but are unsure if they can take the magic back from the girl. This merits more study Back in the states, Black Falcon was assisting the police with a delivery of Viper thugs. Agents from IHA and DEMON had a chance meeting. Each group was scanning the hero. Instead of starting a fight next to the police and a super, they did an amazing thing…they talked. Both were coming up with different results. IHA scanners indicated BF was a Mutant. The DEMON wands were pointing to the strongest source of magic in the area: Black Falcon. How could she be both?
  16. Re: Psidestep: an Intradimensional Summoner of Experience Points New write up below.
  17. Re: Psidestep: an Intradimensional Summoner of Experience Points PSIDESTEP The armor on his left arm opens to let him access his keyboard. This is how the ESS figured out he is likely their man.
  18. Origin: When the Empress Istvatha V’han first invaded earth, she took a number of captives. These captives became especially important when she was defeated and was forced to retreat. They were sent to a secret security stronghold to be brainwashed and turned into spies for the Empress. Steve Marsh was one of them. Because he showed more promise than the others he was given a number of cybernetic implants. His left arm was amputated and replaced. Several ribs were replaced with nanite factories. The muscles in his legs were enhanced and the bones replaced with steel. In the end, Steve was granted powers of extra-dimensional movement. Unfortunately for the Empress, Steve was a latent mutant. He had the “survivor gene” that enabled instant mutation in the face of a life threatening situation. The invasive implant surgeries awoke the mutation and he began to adapt. Midway through spy academy training, the mutation overrode the brainwashing. Steve was free! He knew enough not to stand out and continued his training, all the while exploring his prison. The school was on a lonely planet, on top of a remote desert mesa. Dog soldiers protected the academy and patrolled the nearby desert. They spoke English but were not very good conversationalists. No fences or walls held him prisoner, but the desert was unforgiving. Where would he go? His left forearm had a sliding panel that opened to reveal a keyboard. Steve had a built in computer! With the mutation adapting to the cybernetics, Steve was able to access forbidden programs and run a diagnostic upon himself: He had a cerebral bomb implanted in his head and an intra-dimensional homing device implanted near his heart. He re-ordered the nanites to dismantle both implants. Further investigation revealed a good deal of circuitry throughout his body, all designed to allow for extra-dimensional travel. Well, now he could escape, but to where? Steve had no idea how to get home. Using his new skills, Steve snuck into the library and downloaded a dimensional encyclopedia, and a dimensional navigation program. Cautiously testing his fellow students he found they were 100% loyal to the Empress (the result of loyalty nanites). With nothing else to hold him back, Steve stole some supplies, fled into the desert, and activated the intra-dimensional transport. His superiors were surprised to discover a student and broken their conditioning. Such a thing had never happened before. Loyalty nanites were supposed to be infallible. Further, the cerebral bomb should have gone off the moment the boy had left school grounds. How the boy could have disabled both the bomb and his homing device was a pure shock…humans from his planet had no such technical skills. The Empress’ Secret Service (ESS) became interested. Such an escape could seriously compromise security. The Empress need not be bothered with such trivial matters, but a branch was assigned to retrieve the escapee. Unaware of the intrigue surrounding his escape, Steve spend the next several years wandering the multiverse. Downloading a navigation program and actually having the skill are two very different things. His mutation continued to absorb the cybernetic implants, making them completely organic. Steve’s left arm is fully a part of his body, even though he can slide back a portion and access a fully natural organic computer. Steve developed and lost powers. He could teleport at will now, and could summon extra dimensional beings and summon/steal things from other dimensions (but not from the one he currently was on). Steve developed clairsentience that could work locally or even across dimensions. His body continued to produce nanites, but by now they were completely organic. But Steve did have a problem: he was losing his ability to trigger his dimensional transport. He eventually had to steal portable transport technology to keep looking for home. Lucky for Steve, the Empress had lots of such things and he stole from her shamelessly. This is an excuse for a GM to utilize his veto power and say NO to extra-dimensional travel. Further, using his major Transform to steal transport technology is a way for the GM to control ED movement if he wishes. So be assertive out there. Eventually Steve did find his way home. He sought out and contacted the Champions and Primus. He gave the frequencies of the agent’s homing device implants (100 agents arrested), and gave both groups his last transport devices. (it was these very devices that enabled the Champions to foment unrest in the empire and delay an invasion). Steve even summoned computers and technology from the Empress’ armories for study by Primus. Today, Steve is living in a campaign city and looking for a team. He knows agents of the Empress are hunting him down. He has taken the identity of Psidestep, and fights crime. He turned down a Primus job preferring to remain independent, but they know full well who he is and they will always watch him. He has a new identity thanks to Primus, and runs a simple import business (summoning exotic luxury items from other dimensions). Notes: Future plans are to buy up wealth, regeneration, and power defense. With DM’s permission, Psidestep will also buy intra-dimensional movement as well. Being Hunted by the ESS (Empress Secret Service) gives the GM a free hand to throw anything Steve’s way. By now, they’ve figured out Psidestep may well be their man, and that he’s damaged their plans. This week it may be a group of D Warriors with a hoovertank. Next week it’s a more effective group (a Viper squad dressed up by the GM in intra-dimension outfits). The next week it’s a rewritten Pulsar. The next week it’s a “Demon” force. All GM needs to do is take any existing characters, change a name and call them my hunted. Sucks to be me. The Major Transform is not a varied power pool. Psidestep can pull out food, simple objects, high technology, gemstones, tools. But apart from buying off the whiz kids at Primus, I have no allusions about pulling out high tech weapons…If I’m gonna shoot someone, I’m gonna pay points to do so…As for the gemstones, any GM worth his salt would require me to buy up wealth instead, and I’ll just amend my origin to allow for a jewelry store. But lets face it, Gems and jewels have to come from somewhere. Psidestep defines all such things as coming from extra-dimensional sources. If a GM allows me to take the crown of the Dark Elf High Priestess of Lolth…she gonna want to know where it went. And she has DIVINE resources to hunt me down. That’s a zero point Hunted that could be REALLY annoying! Summon Beautiful Girls. AKA, Summon Hunted. This is 4 points that will never see use in game time. BUT. If the High Priestess of Lolth was also Miss May 2008 for a calendar shoot on Earth 52 (heck, you need money to travel the multiverse), it may be yet another reason to kill our perverted hero. Further, in the vastness of multispace, some of those gals develop…super powers. Others are Amazons who must sacrifice their men at dawn…and here’s one who got away. And others might be agents for inter-dimensional organization against the Abuse of Summoning Powers (ASP for short. They’re used to hunting down rogue mages, but here’s a 400 point behemoth to deal with!). I’ve had inventive and evil GMs before…I know what you guys are capable of! Hmmm, maybe I ought to make my hunted as, “Pissed off extra-dimensional force of the week…” QUOTE: “Sooooo, why are the pirate skeletons after me? Ah yes. The forgotten treasure chest I took thinking there would be no one to miss it. OK. That probably explains why the flintlocks are shooting 12D6 E-Blasts too.” Gestures and Incantations: To activate his many powers, He must access the keyboard on his left arm, type and speak vocal commands in the V’han Empire Common tongue.
  19. Re: Past and Future collide Black Falcon would be lost at first, latter heading to a university to find smart physics people. Failing that, she would head back to PRIMUS to see if they knew what to do. If nothing panned out, she would head to the warf district and try beating information outa crooks (even if it didn't help, she always feels better after dishing out a good beating). Psidestep would actively seek to help. He would likely stay at Primus, recognizing the value of advanced technology.
  20. Re: CU team study: Eurostar WKRP. Fiacho is bored one night and flips on the TV. Having ignored American TV for years he is suprised to find himself watching WKRP. Loni Anderson shows up on screen, and Fiacho is in love! He has no idea the show is like 20 years old, and moves the whole Eurostar Team out to Cincinnati to find the cast, because they have to shoot on location, right? Of course he is in his civies asking around and becomes enraged when people start laughing in his face. Nobody makes a fool of Fiacho and lives to speak of it (the fact the he did it himself is totally lost on him). Of course if the heroes start laughing than its more than personal...its a HUNTED!
  21. Re: More Abusive characters In a game where I know the GM won't approve a certain power, I'll present an blatant abusive character on purpose. The GM gags, screams "NO! NO! NO!" Then I look disappointed and present my real character who is quite normal except for the one abusive power. Sighing with relief, the GM approves my character. So the GM gets a heart attack, and I get what I wanted. Behold the power of cheese.
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