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Pizza Man

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Everything posted by Pizza Man

  1. Re: How does your Hero relax? Off Time Activities Shade Heads out in his boat. He loves underwater life and goes spear fishing frequently. He's a great cook, and loves an audience. So he will cook up a seafood feast for anyone willing to accompany him. Psidestep is far more urbane. He spent enough time in the wilds to really enjoy the big city. Las Vegas is his getaway. Gambling, clubbing, concerts: Psidestep loves any event where he can surround himself with a lot of people. But his nerdy real love is...conventions! Sci-Fi conventions. Gaming conventions. He's a Pen and Paper gamer! If he was in this world, he would already own everything Steve Long has written.
  2. This is more of a character thing. All work and no play make Batman a dull boy. What does your character do to relax? Black Falcon wears blackened steel gauntlets. BUT, she has another pair, a wealthy patron had made for her after a timely rescue (yes, she did accept a reward). Her new gauntlets are not for fighting but for fishing. They are shaped like eagles claws! With a gripping pads on her palms and fingers, she sports wicked looking, titanium claws. They work like this: BF flies high above the middle of a pristine mountain lake where the big fish gather to feed. Her telescopic eyes spy a likely target and she swoops down, pulling up at the last minute with a large fish securely in her grasp. Black Falcon fishes just like eagles do. --she only occasionally misses and ends up in the lake. and this gal loves to fish! On her time off she jets to the rocky mountains or Canada and sets up a fishing camp, preferably on an island or mountainous ledge (though cabins will also be used, they tend not to be as private as she likes.). She will fry those fish up in a multitude of ways. Falcon likes ocean fishing as well, but the waters are rougher and she tends to take a spill more often. She likes the panhandle of Alaska best for this, because of the isolation and the many islands. --just a note about BF's physiology. as a flier, she is not affected by the cold like you and I. She is adapted to high altitudes and cold temps. Likewise her eyes have the telescopic function of a falcon giving her great accuracy. Like an osprey, she can see past the glare of the water's surface. She is about three times stronger than a human, and her diet requires about twice as much meat as a normal human does. Oh and wet wings do not prevent her from flying (they help with swimming too). Now these claws would work perfectly against rabbits and such, but to BF they be just way to cute to kill. She wuvs da widdle bunnies.
  3. Re: What if Steve Long is an agent of Empress Istvatha V’han? 5th Ed only turns you into a pink My Little Pony. If you want Super Powers you need 6th Ed.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Not Safe For Work. But Good, Good!
  5. Re: What if Steve Long is an agent of Empress Istvatha V’han? PDFs just accelerate the process.
  6. Stymied by the supers of the Champions Universe, the Empress Istvatha V’han has contacted Steve long of this universe. To avoid an invasion here, Steve has agreed to create an army of supers for the Empress. It works like this: The empress wants supers who want to be super. So genetic enhancers have been embedded in the paper and ink of all 6th edition Hero products. Just reading one of his books is enough to alter your genes. Secondly, exposure to certain light and radio waves (emitted by special websites like this) will activate the genetic enhancers. The process is slow and may take several years...but YOU will receive super powers. The only downside is agents of the Empress Istvatha V’han will show up at your door with a draft notice. and its all Steve's fault. He might even have placed loyalty nanites into his books. So, what powers will you end up with, knowing you will spearhead an invasion force? Likely you will be stuck with a mere 400 points and a 62 active point limit, but I'm told your powers will grow with experience. I will likely be an energy projecting summoner, similar to Psidestep (in my sig). Whats in your menu, future overlord of CU?
  7. Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND -- What Do *You* Want To See? Super humans, rare elsewhere are far more common on earth. Aliens may come to the belief that humans are evolving into a superhuman race. That makes humans a valuable commodity. A breeding stock of super humans loyal to one race is enough to set galactic kidnappers to earth. Cloners want genetic samples, and will raid graves of known supers and set wasp-like machines after living supers. Other aliens want to protect earth from outside interference. Conquerors want to either remove the threat or take control, and start their own breeding problem. One race is so alarmed, they made contact with IHA and are running hi-tech weapons to eliminate supers before they can breed. Further, they are lurking about the asteroid belt looking for a planet killer rock, but have been driven off by several other groups.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bpUZGUHuFI
  9. Re: Mistery Men music Not everyone can stand to listen to Big Band and Jazz for 4-6 hours. The Players are here for adventure! Adventure music can set the mood far better. Sound tracks, movie themes, this is what you want to inspire heroic deeds.
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I wonder if the green one won't go bad, go to work for a mad scientist, and become the nemesis if a teen spy girl...
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Hmmm, I can see a villain entangling the team in the icing of a giant donut to feed his Godzila, "I promised him a treat. Here boy, have a donut with SPRINKLES!" Of course they get away and chase the villain down in the team vehicle: The Wrapper! Further death traps. The Bi Polar Baker wants to bake them in a giant cookie. The Cavity has a giant set of chomping teeth.
  12. Re: Villainous Motivations When a Hero goes bad. A Batman type vigilante looses it for some reason. The hero goes lethal. He thinks he's fighting crime, and yes he is stopping it, dead in its tracks. Gunfire bring police to a crack-house. the gang members, the supplier, even several customers are all found dead. The drugs have been piled up and are burning. The money is gone. The vigilante's sign is on the wall. Of course this is just another day in Hudson City. But in a regular Champions campaign? Time for the heroes to go after one of their own...a guy who knows all the tricks of the trade.
  13. Re: Character Apearence He would need a complication that could accidentally change him back into his true form. That way the heroes could clear their names. This could also be a case where you could use: Does Not Work in an Intense Magnetic Field. OK, how he looks should be interesting. Mystique was blue and in the movie and all sorts of interesting warts/scales. D&D Dopelgangers are pasty white and have no facial features. I think having this guy look dramatically different would be an interesting way to go. And easy to point him out from previous revelations. Want to add a twist of drama? Lets say his wife was never really his wife. He fell in love from afar, and when she spurned his advances he killed her true husband and took his place. Give him just enough telepathy to fool her. --Now the players find the hidden body of the man he claimed to be...so just WHO is the Doppelganger? And so the players are left with that cryptic question at the close of the adventure.
  14. Re: Mistery Men music Mood music. Hmmm. The soundtrack to Indiana Jones couldn't hurt at all.
  15. Re: The Sinister Secret of the Silver Serpent. Oh, are there any published pulp adventures available?
  16. Re: The Sinister Secret of the Silver Serpent. I'm thinking 5th ed skeleton minions like the minion pages in the back of the Pulp Hero book. They would be far cheaper than the skeletons in the Beastiary, but would have some off defense that would help them last longer in a gun fight. That and normal gangsters with a twist, something they would pick up in a cult. Maybe a magic dagger. some strange ability. I intend to add some more 6th ed versions this weekend. Just remember a 150 pt character in 5th is 175 in 6th, so the points will be off. One character I've been toying with is a gangster named Mr Bones. He's a skeleton with eyeballs in a zoot suit and fedora. He's a major player and has ambitions of his own, mainly to return to life so he can enjoys life's pleasures again. Like a lich, he is hard to kill as he has a phylactery, destroy one body, and he'll still come back. The PC's must discover and destroy this little device too. He's not necessarily loyal to either the snakes or the gang, and he just might survive the adventure...
  17. Re: Avengers: Dublin Assemble! With the first avenger being a total babe, sounds like a lecherous leprechaun will be needed. For comedy relief. Kinda like Haposai in Ranma 1/2.
  18. Re: Panic Room Gallery Possibly. BUT you would have to know the room is there to target it.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Hmmmm. Looks like the target audience is...8 years old. Skipping this one.
  20. Re: The Sinister Secret of the Silver Serpent. Upper Naga is Kala, the aggrieved mate. She is surrounded by her magic flying swords. The lower naga is ______, the head of the New York Kali cult and chief necromancer. The cultists are gangsters assigned to serve the monster.
  21. This began as just a rationalization for a hunted I wanted to take and now its becoming an adventure. Feel free to add minions. All the stats I present will be in 6th edition. If you are still working 5th that fine, go right ahead. It all began in an obscure rural region of India. The globetrotting masked avenger “the Shield,” stumbled upon a grisly scene: a back alley, a mutilated body, and a monster. A gigantic snake with the head of a man rose from its feast and for a moment locked eyes with the Shield. Twin guns blazed, and the monster was dead. The mystery man soon left the country with a souvenir. A vest of black scales, taken from the monster. He had no idea it was genuine naga-hide. But the story did not end there for the monster had a mate, who swore revenge. The pair were part of a Kali worshiping cult of nagas and their human minions. The snakes had used their ability to take the shape of any human being to replace a local rajah. They had grown very rich, powerful, and fat ruling this obscure province. But this death was an insult to the cult and must be avenged. Kala, the aggrieved mate took three nagas and 10 human cultists and traveled to New York where this mystery man was frequently sighted. Using their shape-shifting abilities, the crew killed the owners of a nightclub, and took over the place. The club had extensive cellars and was perfect to establish a base. All the workers were fired and the Satin Siren club closed its doors. Enter the gangsters. Garry “Gunner” Thompson was the head of a mob that was losing territory fast. He was being squeezed out of New York city. The Satin Siren was one of his best paying customers (as he called the extortion racket). Closing the doors meant no money, so he paid a little visit. Long story short, he made an alliance with monsters. They would help him regain his power if he and his gang became Kali worshipers. The deal was signed in blood, and the cult now has more than a hundred human members. A brief gang war followed with Gunner’s gang supported by winged monsters, laughing skeletons with tommy-guns, and mysterious spies who seem to be able to enter anywhere undetected. The police have heard the rumors, but discount the whole thing as criminal superstition. Gunner is on top of the world now. He regained all his territory and more. He is feared and respected. Flushed with power, he plots to take over the city. The snakes on the other hand, have discovered a vast new avenue of wealth. While still maintaining the ruse of the Rajah, two more nagas have been sent to New York to investigate the possibilities. The Satin Siren has reopened to better disguise the comings and goings of the cultists. More importantly, the nagas have learned a good deal about the elusive Shield. He has friends. Adventurers, dangerous in their own right, have been seen with the Shield in several exotic locations. Further they are all known to be members of the Empire Club: a prestigious (and exclusive) club on the 70th floor of the Empire State Building. Now things are beginning to unfold. The nagas have come up with an astounding plan, They intend to make New York a permanent base, expanding the power of Kali into the US. It will all begin with an elaborate magic ritual to open a portal to the Indian Netherworld, allowing the infernal agents of Kali free access to the city. It’s a very precise undertaking and must be kept secret, as it will likely kill half of New York. At least one year of rituals, sacrifice, and artifact theft must precede the ceremony. Will the heroes discover the plot in time? GM Notes: the Nagas all need some good skills to compete with the heroes. While they are familiar with many ancient weapons, the New York branch will have gained a small arms weapon familiarity by this point. One of the snakes needs the 60 points of magic option with necromantic spells (to create the machine gunner skeletons). --All the run of the mill cultists here use the gangster template in the back of the Pulp book.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Videos mocumentary...worthy of SNL
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