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Pizza Man

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Everything posted by Pizza Man

  1. Re: Project Pterosaur This has got to be a poe sight.
  2. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 No, I'm not the artist. I commission people to do the art. Look at my gallery on DA, and you will find the links to every artist I did business with. Paying for art varies wildly in price. The pic on page one with BF on a black field was just $20. I have another in the works that I paid $150 for. The one above was just $30. Its free to be a member on DA, so join. I like to surf around and I find a LOT of commissioning artists that way. I great way to surf is to look at people's Favorites gallery. Look at mine. each one will have a link to an artist and to the guy who paid him. and then hit up the Favs gallery of those guys...its a great way to explore a massive data base of art.
  3. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Thumbs up on Dr Dark! It just speaks power (and the willingness to abuse it).
  4. Re: Superhero Images Black Falcon, First Sighting.
  5. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 Black Falcon, First Sighting. Photo by Jimmy Olson
  6. Re: The Shade OK, a prelim look at Shayde. I like the gray aura you can get...but it can also be blue. Would blue be more appropriate for an air elemental style character? If yes, then I will need a new name...
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos LOL, great ending! Come on this should get some rep, right?
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos This is Hilarius. The words are translated just like they sound... You can hear the gal say exactly what is written...I've heard this before and I'm still laughing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXMz0H6LuiM
  9. Re: Pulp THIS! Whats the story behind the image? Quick Challenge: Where is this, and why is your character here? Featured [ATTACH=CONFIG]37916[/ATTACH]
  10. Re: Hey There Cthulhu Champions/Cuthulu crossover. Sure you may be a 600 point behemoth, but you will still squirm in madness upon the ground before cuthulu.
  11. Re: How would your character rate on a villian's threat matrix? Wow. How did you buy your invisibility?!! That is spectacular!
  12. Re: Pulp Hunteds...What are yours? Just an image search on Bing.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos As this would actually be reported...pretty good. about 5 minutes.
  14. Re: The Snow Storm Black Falcon would leap at the opportunity/lull and take a quick vacation at a warm beach. Psidestep would leap at the opportunity/lull and take a quick vacation at a warm beach. Shade would leap at the opportunity/lull and take a quick vacation at a warm beach.
  15. and I have a question for GMs. Would you allow a Naga from the Beastiary as a Hunted? Pages 361 TO 364 (6th Ed). The base is 160 points. They can shape change to human forms. there is an option to add 60 points of magical abilities. I like the idea of something different. In this case, the hero encounters one in India, kills it, and its mate follows the hero back to the US to exact its revenge... in any case, whats the weirdest Hunted you've ever come across?
  16. Re: 'Registration' as training card 41 points?!! OK. I'm an unregistered hero then. Ain't paying that. 1 or 2 points for a fringe benefit is one thing. 41 points for everyone to have the same exact skills is something else. This just means no other skills will be taken by the players.
  17. Re: 'Registration' as training card Would the heros need to reveal their secret ID?
  18. Lets say Viper was planning to open a base in your campaign city. And assuming they had no previous experience with your character... How much would they be able to find out about your character? Would advance agents be able to easily access pictures of your hero from the media? Would an agent be able to discover the full extent of your weaknesses from any source? How about a lowdown of your powers? would it be easy to find out? Finally, on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being Dangerous, send assassins right away) How would Viper rate your character? 1) No threat. low or no power, agents can handle this one. 10) Grave threat. Use of lethal force recommended. Termination required before base established.
  19. Re: Psidestep: an Intradimensional Summoner of Experience Points You're right, its 4 points I will never use in game. But its what the character would choose. Not every choice a character makes is going to be combat related (or wise). In this case his past choices may well kill him. All I'm doing is giving a GM a hook to work with. Players earn 0 point hunteds all the time. The slavishly devoted only means the gals will do as he says Here. Once they return its a different story. The dog soldiers are slavishly devoted. To me its part of the summons. Why struggle with an ego contest when you can pay twice as much and not have to deal with rebellion? Besides, I don't think a GM will accept him mainly for the "summon dog soldiers"...that's three 12D6 E blasts that can focus on one villain. No DM has yet commented on this, but I think they'll see it as unbalancing. So I'll have fun with the character concept. For me, then measure of success is if a GM says he would accept the character in his game, OR use the character as a villain.
  20. Re: Steampunk submarines Ya know, I like the washline with clothes hung out to dry and the chicken weather vane. Both essential submarine features.
  21. Re: Psidestep: an Intradimensional Summoner of Experience Points I have spent a few weeks searching the net for pictures of the dogs of war Psidestep summons. Most are way too cheesy or are just furry art. This is as close as I got to a more serious look at genetically bred K9 warriors. Just give them Hi-Tech armor and blaster rifles. http://udoncrew.deviantart.com/art/DnD4e-Werewolves-88043368 and http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=dogs%20of%20war&order=9&offset=144#/d1tqcoo
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KOPil9ABUg&feature=related
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