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Pizza Man

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Everything posted by Pizza Man

  1. OK, I've got a file on my PC....but it won't open....
  2. I don't think I get those skills do I? I bought his main punch as a 12D6 blast vs PD...I can only buy Levels in Blast and Drain. Right? OK and whats a good starting OCV/DCV? Its been years since I played. Thanks. (PS this is exactly the feedback I was looking for.) Thanks!
  3. I purchased Hero Designer 03/04/18 and I can't get it to upload, I installed a new Windows 10 computer (before it was a Windows 7), and I see nowhere to down load my purchase. I've been gone for a few years...so am I missing something?
  4. I bought it that high to simulate how difficult it is to dodge a giant fist. Thank you for the feedback.
  5. I have returned from a 5 year hiatus. I opened up my old Hero designer and made Talos. But I installed a new computer and HD3 will not translate to Windows 10. So I will purchase a new HD soon. Anyways, I would love your input as a GM on Talos, as if he was submitted to your campaign. I liked the concept enough to commission art for him. Please click on the PDF link to see his write up. Thanks. (thought it would post) Talos updated profile 15 STR 5 20 DEX 20 25 CON 15 13 INT 3 13 EGO 3 20 PRE 10 7 OCV 20 7 DCV 20 3 OMCV 3 DMCV 6 SPD 40 2 PD (22/20r) 2 ED (22/20r) 20 REC 16 60 END 8 15 BODY 5 50 STUN 15 ----------------------------------------------Total Characterisics 180 9 +3 CSL with the three Punch attacks in Multipower 3 Streetwise 13- 3 Charm 13- 3 Conversation 13- 3 Persuasion 13- 3 Interrogation 13- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Shadowing 12- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Criminology 12- 2 Campaign city: KS 11- 2 Super human world: KS 11- 2 Ambidexterity -1 with offhand ------------------------------------------------------ 42 total Skills POWERS 3 Nightvision (5 Active Points); OIF (OAF Visor; -1/2) 3 Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (OIF Visor; -1/2) 3 Mental Defense (5 points total) (5 Active Points); OIF (OIF visor; -1/2) 9 +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Conditional Power (Only usable for Presence attacks; -1), Gestures (Must use Gauntlets; -1/4) 13 Gauntlet hit points: +20 BODY (20 Active Points); Only for Gauntlets Power does not affect Characteristics (-1/2) 20 Power Defense (20 points) 60 Resistant Protection (20 PD/20 ED) 1 Life Support (Longevity: 200 Years) 17 Gauntlet Flight: Flight 30m (30 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Physical Manifestation (-1/4) 34 Fists of the Collosus: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (-1/2), Physical Manifestation Physical Manifestation (Gauntlets; -1/4) *** the gauntlets have 12 PD/ED and 20 hit points 3f Gauntlet Punch: E Blast vs PD 12d6 (60 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Physical Manifestation Physical Manifestation (Gauntlets; -1/4) 6 END 3f Pulled Punch: Drain STUN 6d6 (60 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Physical Manifestation Physical Manifestation (Gauntlets; -1/4) 6 END 3f Devastation Punch: Drain BODY 6d6 (60 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Physical Manifestation Physical Manifestation (Gauntlets; -1/4) 6 END 3f Gentle hands: Telekinesis (40 STR) (60 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Physical Manifestation Physical Manifestation (Gauntlets; -1/4) 6 END 3f Unstoppable. Tunneling 8m through 26 PD material (60 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Physical Manifestation Physical Manifestation (Gauntlets; -1/4) -------------------------------------------------Total Powers 178 ------------------------------------------------ Total Total 400 points Complications 75 15 Secret ID 15 Overconfidence 15 Hunted: IHA Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15 Hunted: The Hellions Motorcycle Gang (known to use supers as leaders) Frequently (As Pow; Harshly Punish) 5 Enraged: When innocents are harmed, go 8-, recover 14- 10 Distinctive Features: MUTANT: (Shines like a neon light on mutant detectors) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Height: 5’9” Weight: 180 Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Brown Background/History: Steve Drake was born in Phoenix, Arizona. He grew up camping and fishing all over the west. But his great love was boxing. He joined Golden Gloves as a child and excelled until his teens. He only quit when his powers began to manifest. His natural armor was making him harder to hurt. Realizing he may be a mutant, he quit to preserve his secret...Steve has reason to be cautious. A major IHA cell was hidden somewhere in the Phoenix area. At 16, he got a job, purchased a motorcycle, and camped out in remote areas of the desert to practice with his powers. It was on one of these trips he encountered the Hellions. They were a motorcycle gang that tattooed their faces to look demonic and wore prosthetic horns. They also had a habit of making supers their leaders. Steve heard them coming a long ways off. The gang was looking for a bit of fun, but never expected a full fledged Super to contend with. This gang had a super with fire powers as their leader: a man named Pyre. Steve won the day, destroyed their bikes, ripped out their horns, and drove the unconscious Pyre to a nearby town to wait for pick-up. All he had was a pair of shades and some gloves to conceal his ID. But he does sport a nice souvenir necklace made up of Hellion horns. Since then he has had several run ins with both the Hellions and the IHA, but mostly he kept busy saving people from burning high rises and such. at 18, Steve got a much better job saved up for a year, and left Phoenix for the campaign city to learn real hero work. Steve did share his secret with his parents, and they are proud that their upbringing produced a hero. Personality: Steve is a real easy going guy. He gets along with everyone. But. He knows when to throw a punch. He has seen every super hero movie ever made. He took up boxing to be more like a super...and now he has a couple of giant boxing gloves. So Steve has inadvertently trained to be a hero all his life...this is his big opportunity. Quote: Shut up! You talk too much! (Steve is not very good with playful combat banter) Powers/Tactics: The Fists of the Colossus are two Giant Gauntlets with a steampunk look to them. They appear to be made of steel and leather. They act like they are solid steel, but are in fact mental constructs. The parts of his brain that grant this ability are the same parts that provide mental defense - Steve will always be weak in that area. The upside is Magneto can't do a thing with them. Steve is no fool, he is not as invulnerable as he would like to be. He prefers to fight at range. Campaign Use: As a hero, Talos is just that. His mobility means he can be in for an adventure and out again As a Villain, Talos can lead or be part of a mutant motorcycle gang. But he would likely hire out for any villain that paid well. As a hunted …please make note of his PRE skills, they are 13-. Steve will use all his information gathering skills to learn of every weakness the hero has…including DNPCs. And he is certainly smart enough not to take your hero when there is a whole team to back him up. Appearance: The gauntlets are huge. Three and a half feet from brass knuckle to brass knuckle and six feet long. As Talos, Steve wears a leather jacket, a colored t shirt, jeans, gloves and a visor that Defender made for him. Talos isn't into that whole spandex thing, he doesn't trust his clothes, wallet and keys will be where he left them. His goal is to blend into the crowd and disappear.
  6. Pizza Man here. I think it has been maybe 5 years since I was last on these boards. I installed a new computer and and found I saved Hero Maker to my portable hard drive (which does not like Windows 10). So I spent a day making a fantasy summoner. Originally I was going t have Killian summon from modern day earth, but that was way to overpowered to summon WWII soldiers with hand carried weapons. I set this one up on the basis of a 45 active point power limit. I only broke once that with the summon soldiers at 46 points. I really don't think you can make a summoner with those restrictions. Everything in the grimmore is way more expensive. I still think the giant crab is the best bang for the buck with summoned creatures. I also used the magic system that divides the real cost of spells by 3. Frankly, I don't think a GM will allow this character...its way too much drama. Every summoning spell inconveniences someone on a particular alternate dimension. Or at least a GM will eventually kill him. He can summon a kings feast, his queen and kill his guards...those are acts of war! Anyways I would love the feedback. It's OK to be brutal, that's why I'm posting this. I just want to see what a GM would do if I submitted this for a game. I would also want to know what the consequences would be if you allowed Killian into the game - would you treat this as just another form of magic? Killian the Red Characteristics 10 STR 14 DEX 8 15 CON 5 18 INT 8 10 EGO 20 PRE 10 3 SPD 10…………..4/8/12 5 OCV 10 5 DCV 10 3 OMCV 3 DMCV 2 PD …………………….10 (r8) 2ED………………………10 (r8) 8 REC 4 20 END 10 BODY 25 STUN 12 Running 4 Swimming 4 Leaping Total Characteristics 68 Powers Cost 4……..END 0. Summoner's Amulet : Power Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), Perceivable (Amulet detects as Magic; -1/2) Cost 16…….END 0. Summoners Amulet: Endurance Reserve (80 END, 12 REC) Reserve: (21 Active Points); OAF (-1), Perceivable (Amulet detects as magic; -1/2) Cost 2………END 0. Summoner’s Amulet: Nightvision (OAF perceivable) Cost 1……….END 0. Life Support (Longevity: 200 Years) Cost 5………..END 0. Magesight. Detect Magic: Spells: Summoning Cost 5………..END 5. Summon Soldiers (two) (chainmail, Longsword and Med Shield): Summon 2 86-point Human males (page 464 FH). 46 active points (Custom Adder), Slavishly Devoted (+1) (16 Active Points); OAF Mirror (Focus ; -1), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) Cost 3…………End 8. Summon Beautiful Women (two) (based on Noble FH page 461): Summon (40 active points) 2 75-point Humanoid (Humans Elves, Half elves) all with striking appearance , Slavishly Devoted (+1) (16 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), OAF Mirror (-1), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) Cost 5………..END 4. Dispell Summoned Creature/Items 4 END/Phase: Dispel 45 active points Summoned creatures/items back to their plane of existence 10d6, Custom Adder, , Constant (+1/2) (18 Active Points); OAF Mirror (-1), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) Cost 4……….END4. Summon the Kraken. (tentacles errupt from the ground to entrap the victim): Entangle 37 active points 3d6, 3 PD/3 ED, Takes No Damage From Attacks (+1/4) ; OIF (Staff; -1/2), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Can Be Dispelled (-1/4) Cost 3…….3 END to activate: Summon Protective Aura. Resistant Protection 24 active points (8 PD/8 ED) ; OIF (Focus Staff; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) Cost 2……..END 3. Summon Good Food and Drink (along with plates and goblets) Major Transform (30 active points) 2d6 . The Summoner steals hot good food from an alternate dimension. it is always tasty and never spoiled or poisoned., (Healed back by digestion), Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +1/2); OAF (-1), All Or Nothing (-1/2), Requires A Roll (Summoning skill; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) Necromantic Spells Skill roll 17 (all white with golden sparkles, very pretty) Cost 3……..END 3. Magic Missile 30 active points: Drain BODY 3d6. OIF (Staff; -1/2), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Can Be Deflected (-1/4) Cost 4……..END 4. Sleep (no incantations) 40 active points: Drain STUN 4d6, (13 Active Points); OIF (Staff; -1/2), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Beam (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Can Be Deflected (-1/4) Cost 4……….END 3. Enlightened Retribution 35 active points: Drain BODY 2d6, , Area Of Effect (15m Radius; +3/4) (12 Active Points); Requires A Roll (Requires a magic skill roll; -1/2), OIF Staff (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) General Arcanist Spells Skill roll 15 Cost 3……….END 1. Enchant Item (useful for staves and mirrors): Major Transform 1d6 (makes an item enchantable (detects as magic). 10 active points, Healed with disenchanting magic. Total powers, 64 points SKILLS 7 Magic skill: Summoning: Power 13- 7 Magic skill: Necromancy: Power: His Drain spells come from here 17-with CSLs 3 General Arcanist spells: Power 13- 3 Spell inventor: Inventor 13- 3 Stealth 12- 1 WF: Clubs, Staffs 1 Literacy 2 Everborne common tongue: Language (basic conversation; literate) 2 World of Everborne (the other dimensional world he summons from): KS 13- 6 +2 CSLs with Necromancy attack spells: +2 with a small group of attacks 3 Bureaucratics 13- 2 KS campaign world geography and people 2 KS campaign world Magic theory and structure Total Skills n stuff: 43 175 points total Matching Complications 50 5 Distinctive Features: Detects as Magic (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses Magesight/detect magic) (0) Distinctive Features: Magic Spells, Incantations, and Gestures are not recognizable as belonging to any recognized school of magic. (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses) 10 Psychological Complication: Greedy and Self Centered: (Common; Moderate) 15 Psychological Complication Curiosity/Fascination about Magic: (Common; Strong) 10 Vulnerability: Summoner takes 1 ½ times stun from Clerical attack spells (Common) (0) Hunted: Hunted by agents of various powers in Everborne (alternate dimension) Infrequently (As Pow; Harshly Punish) Background/History Myron Bellweather was born into a long line of Bureaucrats pushing paper for the king. At 16, he followed his father's footsteps into a state position. Myron was bored with his entry level position. He grew up reading adventure stories and he haunted old book stores for adventurer's journals. When an opening came for a position on the frontier, Myron leapt at the chance. On his 18th birthday, Myron took a holiday and explored some nearby ruins. The flagstones gave way and Myron fell into a forgotten room. Inside was a leather bound book, an amulet, and a small pile of gold. Myron had found treasure, just like adventurers! The book was not a book of spells, but rather a book of magic theory. Reading the old tome, Myron gained his first skill with magic. Myron ended up a prodigy. He was able to write a few spells just with the instructions from the book. As familiar as her is with the book, he is always able to stumble upon, something new...like the book is adding content as he grows in power. Using the gold, Myron quit his job and supported himself for a year writing his own book of spells. He has sold copies to a number of individuals, including a necromancer who taught him 3 spells in exchange. Myron couldn't help but rewrite the necromancy spells, they were black and left a feeling of unease. Now those spells are white with golden sparkles and feel happy. About 12 people have purchased Myron's book and one unsigned copy has even found its way into a university - most of the freshman class seems to have adopted one particular spell. Myron used the funds he received to gain access to even more magic. He now has longevity - up to 200 years. At 19, Myron feels he is now ready to become an adventurer! Myron has since changed his name, and has started hanging out in taverns trying to hook up with adventurers. He now calls himself Killian the Red. Personality/Motivation Myron THINKS he is a nice guy. he will aid the poor and down trodden...of this world. But he has no care for his summoned servants from Everborne, he is not even sure they are real. in DnD terms, Myron is Chaotic Neutral. He just acts like he is Neutral Good. Basically Myron is a sheltered Bureaucrat finally given a chance at a real life. His skills are low but his heart is really into the adventuring life. Quote "You can call me Killian. Killian the Red!" "No, that's not a necromancy spell. It's called, 'Magic Missile' you silly paladin." Powers/Tactics Myron will always summon a pair of soldiers to protect himself. His attacks are all necromantic, but look white with gold sparkles, they leave a feeling of happiness and hope, He is always tinkering with his spells so they will always look different from the original. Campaign Use The summoning spells are new to the campaign world. They summon people and monsters from the world of everborne. People summoned are always slavishly obedient, and have no memory when they are sent back. Those who die in his service return dead. EVERY summoning spell inconveniences people in the world of Everborne. i.e. the Resistance spell turns off a similar spell in Everborne. It is only a matter of time (a year or ten) before a cleric begins to investigate and discovers an extraplanar connection... In fact, the book and amulet were placed there by a trickster/chaos deity, in hopes of starting intradimensional conflict. And it is already beginning to be noticed in the world of Everborne. The GM should assign a 0 point hunted to each summoner as agents and spies are sent across dimensions. Appearance Myron is a rather handsome fellow. He wears a red robe with white trim. His gloves/pants are white, and boots are black. He sports a red three pointed hat like the colonials did. He kinda looks like a redcoat, only the coat is as long as a trench coat/robe.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Happy New years
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKvipNCydac&feature=related
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures The Clone Wars, Underneath the Armor. New series coming next fall! (The gal is Keeley Hazell)
  10. Re: Creepy Pics. I was thinking, Put a trip wire in front of a charging angel, blink and watch it fall. Of course a noose around the neck, and tied to a rafter could stop one for a moment. skateboards, marbles, slippery liquids in its path...charging angels don't stop to look. Blindfolds, sacks, a face-full of spray paint If you have teams of watchers, you could shove a charging angels down the hall to the stairs and watch the fun.
  11. Re: Creepy Pics. Beware the Weeping Angels... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jr7XBOJQBk
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The film just arrived and I watched the first hour....wow! Its a good movie! and I mean that, it's GOOD! Its not so bad that its good, its well made. The trolls step right out of mythology and look friggen real! with dropping any spoilers, a trio of kids from a university film crew are chasing what they think is a professional poacher, and stumble onto a secret govt troll exterminator. RENT THIS! or buy it if you can't. This is a one of a kind movie.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0LGW8urTOs&feature=player_embedded
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl_ctXDMn_U&NR=1 I've seen this and I'm STILL Laughing...Priceless Parody!
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Yep. Got my CE on pre-order as well!
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb9yhhflmvY
  17. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO Trixie thought he stole her horn. There was never any overheard conversation. The whole incident is inspired by fan art with a Humanized Trixie using her horn as a magic wand. She sets it down for a moment, loses it, and then here is this guy running to the elevator with her horn...She was pretty pissed when she she met Brian. The wrong impression can be a dangerous thing with Trixie...
  18. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO Yep thats them...
  19. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO OK, this is chapter one of my fanfiction. I'm working on chapter two right now. --any feedback would be welcome. I want to submit this and the next chapter to Equestria Daily, but I would like a critical eye first. Mirror Image The anime convention was a blast! The gang was meeting at a tavern in the lobby. Brian stayed late to catch a sneak preview of MLP Season 2, and now he had to hurry. Taking a short cut through the Dealer’s room, Brian stopped dead in his tracks. Here was something he had not seen before. A table had a single unicorn horn for sale. It was blue, about a foot long, and looked organic. It was heavier than he expected, definitely not plastic. Brian was never an impulse buyer, but there was something about this horn, something significant. Twenty bucks later, Brian again was dashing to the bar, his prize clutched in his hand. The gang would never believe this! At the elevator, three people stepped on board with him. A woman in blue robes and light blue hair, and two guys in t-shirts with unicorn horns on their foreheads. The woman pushed the Stop button. “I believe you have something of mine.” Brian knew right away what she was talking about. The guys looked angry. “Are you talking about the horn?” “It was stolen from me.” Brian handed it over, it did match her outfit. “Sorry, I didn’t know. But can you guys tell me what table is selling these? I’ve always wanted one!” The woman touched the horn to her head. It stuck there. “Always wanted one? I can arrange that, Brony.” She made the name sound like an insult. The guys laughed. The woman’s horn glowed. Brian was overwhelmed by a sense that something was very wrong. The lights in the elevator flickered, and went black. Brian screamed. In the lobby, the elevator doors opened. It was empty. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crossover Brian groaned. He had a killer headache. He was laying on a soft bed of grass surrounded by trees. “Those guys musta been really mad.” Brian staggered to his feet, leaning against a tree. “They didn’t have to hit me.” Looking around Brian was in some sort of park. The grass was uncut but it wasn’t very high. Trees of every sort sprouted up around him. He had always liked trees. Brian majored in botany for two years before dropping out to become a tree surgeon. He could only recognize about three species, the rest in this park-like forest were completely new. There was a small brook babbling nearby, and what looked like a beaver dam. Brian headed for the brook, stumbling a few times and bent his head to drink. Wait. Something’s wrong. He never bent his head to drink. Brian went to cup his hand, but it wasn’t there. He couldn’t feel his hands! No. No. No! Those guys didn’t cut off his arms, did they? He gave back the dang horn. He ran to the pond. Hoofbeats. He stopped, and looked around. There were no horses here. A deep dread filled his racing heart. Brian slowly moved to the pond and peered in. The shock hit him like a sledge hammer. Another face looked back at him. The eyes were very human, as was his expression of horror…but the face wasn’t human at all. It was a mix of human and equine features. Tearing his gaze away, Brian looked behind himself. His body kept going. He didn’t lose his hands, they were legs, he had hooves! He ran back to the first tree. His clothes were scattered like they were flung away. Brian stood trembling for a moment, and fainted. Again, Brian groaned awake. Memory rushed back. He opened his eyes and looked at his hands, forelegs, whatever. He had a very short, fine golden coat. His hooves were black, but obscured by long golden hair like a Clydesdale. The effect looked like bell-bottoms. He got up again. “Now is not the time to panic.” He said aloud, more to hear his voice than anything else. His voice sounded normal at least. He walked back to the pond. Mental checklist: This could be a dream. But if that were the case he probably wouldn’t be considering this was a dream. OK. If not a dream, then could this be a hallucination? He had never seen things before. There was no history of mental illness in his family. He had never taken drugs. ---In short there was no reason he could not disbelieve what he was seeing. So what if this is really happening? He could talk, he had heard himself speak. Could it be so bad? Looking into the pond, his head though elongated, was very human looking. Brian made faces at his reflection. What looked back could make every expression a human could make. He was a tawny gold in color, and his mane and tail were fiery red. Brian started. He had a horn. A unicorn’s horn. Now it all came back to him. The people in the elevator, they had horns too! The woman’s horn stuck to her head. The last word’s he remembered was her taunt, “Always wanted one? I can arrange that, Brony.” He sat down. He was a pony. A unicorn pony. He couldn’t identify the trees because he wasn’t in Kansas anymore. His head began to swim, and Brian closed his eyes. Focus, he thought. In the cartoon, unicorns had telekinesis. OK, let’s give it a whirl. With a little concentration, Brian sent a small rock flying across the pond. Another rock floated before his eyes. He set it to orbit around his head and looked into the pond. His horn glowed. Brian was ecstatic. Telekinesis meant he had hands again. When he tried to lift logs and small boulders, the weight was too much. It seemed his TK strength was about the same as his human strength. Trotting back to his clothing, he telekinetically gathered his belongings. Using shoelaces he tied the feet of his pants shut and used them as a pair of saddle bags. He made a quick inventory: Tennis shoes, keys, a handful of coins, his wallet, ID and money, his shirt, underwear, Convention badge, and his glasses. Brian looked through his glasses. The world was distorted. His pony eyes were apparently 20/20. OK, he packed the glasses away (possible fire making equipment). It seemed possible that this world was Equestria. The clues seemed to add up to it. But with alternate dimensions and sci-fi rubber science, there was no real telling where he was. For all he knew, this world could have only unicorns, or worse: he would be the only one. “Why, oh why didn’t I piss off someone in a hentai video?!!” That thought suddenly alarmed him. All the main characters in My Little Pony were…girls. He lowered his head and checked. Brian sighed with relief. He was a stallion after all. But he noticed something else, he had no cutie mark. Brian shrugged. He had TK with fine control; he had everything he needed to survive. Vanity could wait, and he wasn’t even sure such things existed on this world. Now he was hungry. Ravenous. What did ponies eat? Brian looked around. It was getting dark. There was lots of grass. Back home, horses could eat all sorts of veggies, in the cartoon he remembered seeing apples, lots of apples. No such obvious foods here. Lowering his head, he ate a mouthful of grass. Bland and tasteless. Still it filled him up. He felt odd grazing liked this. But his father told him years ago, “Life will never be fair. You must live with the hand you’ve been dealt with.” Right now, grass is what’s for supper. Brian ate and drank deeply from the brook. Distant thunder brought his head up. Ominous clouds loomed on the horizon. Brian sought shelter under the very tree he woke up under. It seemed to have the thickest canopy. Brian just wished he could make the tree waterproof. In the waning light of the sun, he never noticed his horn was glowing. The leaves rustled in the rush of wind. Brian never noticed the branches moving overhead, coming together, and lowering towards him. Huddled on the leeward side of the tree, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Brian never noticed the Pegasi soaring overhead, herding the clouds. Morning. Brian woke up a third time in this new world and the light was green. He yawned and took a moment to focus. He was in a tent made of leaves! Wide interlocking leaves overhead with emerald chains hung to either side. The tree had moved! This shouldn’t be happening! His horn glowed gold for a moment and the branches rose, the leaves separated, the tree returned to normal. “Did I do that?” Brian’s mind raced. He was a tree doctor. In the cartoon, every unicorn had a special magic talent. Was his talent something to do with trees? Could he make them move? Brian looked at the tree. The branches moved about sending panicked birds in all directions. Was that magic or his telekinesis? After a long drink at the brook, Brian decided it was time to find other people, er, ponies. He would have to get used talking like the toon if he was going to fit in. That is, assuming the locals spoke English. Still Brian wanted to try something. One of the trees he recognized was a walnut tree. Trotting up, he examined at the tree closely. Everything looked like an Earthly walnut tree. He gently touched his horn to the tree and closed his eyes. He could feel the sap moving, the roots digging, the leaves stretching towards the sun. Brian stepped back in awe. His eyes narrowed. He focused. The tree shuddered, and the leaves rustled with a nonexistent wind. Flowers burst from every branch, opening in an instant. The tree was pink with flowers. Again, Brian’s horn glowed. A shower of pedals caught the wind as the flowers closed and dropped. Swelling seedpods grew and matured in an instant. A branch lowered gracefully before him, offering a hundred walnuts, even cracking them open. Munching on fresh walnuts, Brian began to ponder the possibilities. He may not get rich, but he had a livelihood. What else could he do? Maybe it wasn’t just trees. He turned and tried to make the grass grow taller. Nothing. He thought of carrots, strawberries, apples, potatoes. No plant seemed to respond. Hmmm. Better pack some walnuts for wherever I’m headed, he thought. Turning back to the tree, his jaw hit the floor. Suspended from the branches were carrots, strawberries, apples and potatoes. Stumbling backwards Brian sat down in stunned disbelief. It took him several minutes to telekinetically pick a strawberry from the tree. He closed his eyes and took a bite. It was the sweetest strawberry he ever ate. The tree lowered its branches. Brian ate one of everything. After last night’s dinner, this was wonderful. It made no sense, it was illogical, but it was ”magic.” Brian had stumbled upon his magic talent. Maybe this was his new body adapting to the rules of this world, making up for lost time. On the other side of the brook was a dying tree. The leaves yellow with disease. Touching his horn to the tree, he sent the roots deeper, tapping into a source of water. He increased the flow of sap. He could feel the roots spreading out, the new growth feeding from his magical energy. With a crack, the diseased parts of the tree sloughed off, dead branches fell, the gaping wounds closed, and healed over. New limbs burst forth and leaves unrolled to catch the sun. Standing back, Brian gazed up at a new healthy tree. It was beautiful. This is what I want to do, he thought. The effort had exhausted him, but on two worlds’ now: this was his calling. He felt a little feathery tickle on his flank. Turning he saw the image of a tree. He had his mark! No matter what the future held in store, Brian would fit in. Brian decided to call his new ability, “tree-shaping.” He had a million ideas he wanted to try out, but that could wait. It was important to find other people, um ponies. But where to start? He was in the middle of what appeared to be a nice manicured wilderness. Without roads, the only thing he had to follow was the brook. On Earth, people built settlements by water, wherever the brook was headed that was good enough for him. It wasn’t quite noon yet, but he took the time to make one more thing: a marker. Trotting up to the very first tree he slept under, he split the bark, and formed a protective woody callous. Words engraved themselves in the wood. “I am Brian Theodore Wilson. I am a human from Earth. On 4th of September 2011, I crossed over from my world, and took the body of a pony. I did not come willingly, but I come in peace. This very spot is where I first took a step (or hoof) into this new world. I bring greetings from the people of Earth, and the 2011 Animie Convention in Minneapolis.“ Pressing his convention badge against the woody bur, he had the wood grow around the plastic badge framing it. Brian figured this little memorial would last for a couple of centuries. With the sun at high noon, Brian set out, following a babbling brook. The land was gentle. Perfect grazing country, but he saw no deer or large animals. Small animals abounded, and all were earthly varieties. The birds were a myriad of colors, many of these Brian had never seen before. All of these creatures could have been lifted right out of the show. And that got Brian thinking. What really did the show reveal about Equestria? As a children’s show all death and pain would be removed. And the technology was a hodgepodge of styles: from typical fantasy, to turn of the century Manehatten, the Mild West, and the ultra 21st century fashion world. To Brian, the technology presented in the toon was just a tool to tell a story. The real Equestria may be very different. It did show the ponies had created a sophisticated environment for themselves with total control of the weather, cloud cities, even control over the sun and the moon. Magic and technology made for an interesting mix. The sun was sinking in the west when Brian came upon a dirt road. A stone bridge crossed the brook. The rains had muddied the road, but Brian did not care. No matter what direction he traveled, it would lead somewhere. Crossing the bridge, Brian galloped as fast as he could. It felt good to run like this, to just let go and race the wind. Having four legs gave him stability and grace he never had before. This body was made to run! The road led into a deep forest. The trees crowded together. The canopy of leaves arched overhead and the road passed into deep shadow. Brian slowed and stopped. He was not alone. Something blocked the road. It was big, blacker than the shadow. A black head turned. Red eyes glowered at him. Brian thought quickly. He didn’t have any weapons, or offensive magic. But he did have years of science fiction films to draw upon. Retreating he bumped into a tree. He could feel the slow pulse of life. Brian sent roots racing ahead, intertwining with other roots, connecting tree to tree. Light flickered in the leaves as bio-luminescence awoke, and the forest lit up like a Christmas tree. The creature arose, looking at the leaves. Brian stared as the light grew. The creature unfolded black wings. A scorpion’s tail reared overhead dripping green ichor from a massive stinger. Brian gulped. It was a manticore. The beast, gave a low growl and advanced. Brian dropped tree limbs, but the manticore dodged. Razor sharp leaves fell like daggers. The beast bounded ahead. Brian retreated trying to keep the trees between them. The manticore was agile and fast. In desperation, Brian threw up tree roots everywhere. The manticore stumbled and fell. That’s it! Brian understood. The earth heaved as roots broke free to grasp at the monster. It roared in frustration as roots entwined themselves around its legs. Writhing like tentacles , roots erupted from the ground and fell upon the struggling beast, wrapping around its torso and neck. Brian approached. “Can you understand me?” The beast bared its fangs and growled. “If this is the world I think it is, the rules are different. Do you think? Speak to me; tell me you are not an animal.” The manticore struggled mightily. Its paw shattered the root holding it. It leered at Brian in what appeared to be triumph. Brian sent a dozen roots to reinforce his hold. Brian stepped closer. The stinger strained against its bonds. “If you are an animal, I am going to kill you.”Brian looked the monster in the eye, trying not to look afraid. “If you are sentient, intelligent like me, I will attempt to reason with you. In neither case will I allow you to hunt ponies or any other sentient creatures.” The manticore roared, slavered and struggled in vain. “I’m sorry then. “ Brian tightened his hold around the torso. He winced as the wing bones snapped. The manticore glared at him defiantly. There was a great crack as the ground opened up. Seeing its fate, the beast struggled in vain, giving Brian a look of unrestrained hate. More woody tendrils reached up to drag it underground. Brian buried the manticore as deep as he could, entombed in a thick knot of massive roots. Brian cleared the road of fallen limbs. The leaves surprised him, they were no longer sharp, but dried and brittle. He left no sign of the battle. Exhausted, he continued on fearful that the noise might attract another large predator. Brian traveled long into the night. He didn’t want to sleep in the forest. Several times he was forced to hide as something large lumbered through the trees ahead. He wondered if this road passed through or close to the Everfree forest. At last the trees thinned and gave way to a grassy plain. The moon was full and bright enough to travel. Brian took advantage and galloped at full speed. He wanted as much distance between himself and forest as possible. He ran until he could run no more. Fearful of sleeping in the open (manticores have wings), Brian slept under a patch of thorny bushes. It was mid morning when Brian awoke. He was hungry but didn’t eat. Climbing a hill he scanned about. The road climbed out of the savannah into another lightly wooded parkland…and smoke! Columns of smoke rose into the sky! He had found civilization at last! Slinging his makeshift saddlebags over his shoulders, he cantered towards his destiny. Now he was apprehensive about making contact. The show presented the ponies with all the frailties of humanity. How would they react to an...alien? Brian decided to hide his past, at least at first. That meant using a pony name.
  20. Re: A Possessed House Or die... Whats a neighborhood without house that eats people... This is the perfect month to rent this masterpiece as well. Rose Red.
  21. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO OK, fixed it!
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