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Pizza Man

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Everything posted by Pizza Man

  1. Re: A Possessed House Rose Red is a good resource movie. The land the house was built on was bad to begin with. Once a fabulous mansion was built the house began to eat people. Men it just murdered outright, Women simply disappeared (the only clue to their fate was a purse torn in half, soaked in blood). The house (Rose Red) identified itself as female and had a taste for latent and active psychics. The spirits of the deceased were never allowed to pass on, but lingered as slaves to the house (as it continually fed on them). The house would change its interior structure on a whim. No map could be made of the house, getting lost was always a danger. The explorers used a rope to find there way back, and discovered a wall had grown across a corridoor they just used. The rope was useless. Statues would animate. Floorboards would break like waves because something immense was moving underneath. Doors and rooms would appear where none had been before. ----after the mansion had finally been abandoned for being too dangerous, two new wings were added. No one knows just who built them. as to how to build a possessed house? Its too big. Make it a GM plot point, and just write out the scary effects you want to happen. Its big, intelligent and wants to eat the PCs...the players will pick that up right away.
  2. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO OK. I'm writing some fan fiction (on a dare) that I intend to submit to Equestria Daily. Yes, I will join the ranks of Nerd-dom forever. I need a bit of advice. This is a story human crossing over. He will end up as a unicorn, and his talent will be a bit of both Campion and Whimsy: He has near total command of trees. (he was a tree doctor on earth, and he will remain one in Equestria). He handles a manticore by animating tree roots and dragging it underground. I need two things, a vote on a color scheme, and a pony name (he intends to roam incognito at first). Gold and Red, the color of Fall or White and Red
  3. Re: Creepy Pics. If you haven't checked this out, do it...
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I've watched this three times and i haven't picked up the JWOW yet...
  5. Re: Has anyone seen this Star Wars scenario anywhere? Count Duku (Christopher Lee) voluntarily left the Jedi order, and the Jedi did not throw a fit. Only later did they find out he went to the dark side. The Jedi are not all encompassing. Anakin was able to keep a marriage secret from the order, and even Obi Won until after he went to the dark side. that implies major freedom on the part of the jedis. An unschooled Jedi still needs training, as the powers just do not materialize. So a "grey" needs contact with other "grey" jedi, and they would need grueling research to rediscover powers the Jedi already know. Your character would need some sort of support. or at least a few contacts who left at later stages of development.
  6. Re: Tramp Steamer Info and Deckplans This is gamer gold!
  7. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO I remember going over this in college. Guys who were tested with sleep deprivation were functioning normal after just 8 hours of sleep. This was like 4 and 5 days without sleep, getting up after 8 hours.
  8. Re: Vector Movement Plotter What's the Vector, Victor?
  9. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I just made Black Falconn (two N's) on Exalted. Got her up to 4, and she can access Flight. Used to be 14th level for that. I'm a veteran player and you get a bunch of bonus Enhamcements that are good to level 21. and get this, I sold my starting Inspiration Heal for 20k! Someone musta switched over a character with cash. Now its down for 2 hours, Need to get to work anyways.
  10. Pizza Man


    Re: Questions Turning to the dark side (sooner or later) is entirely up to you, It's an origin story: WRITE IT. No one can give you advice on such questions. Write it out yourself. and there is NO list of force powers. Zip. Nada. None. Read the book, write up the starting powers yourself. Please note, my character only had TWO starting powers. Now, I'm not answering anymore questions until you write your character. After that critiques will come, not before.
  11. Pizza Man


    Re: Questions Been outa town. Sorry. Well that a lot better than just a 17 STR. Thank you for writing it out. You are doing fine. All you need to do is pick your starting force powers and you are done. Full critique for you at that time. If you want a starting character, the max is 175 points. If you just want a detailed picture, then don't worry about points. --You will not need to pay points for your light saber. Its already detailed in the equipment guide. You will build/scavenge/or buy it with cash. No character points needed. The only critique I would have is the size. 15 feet tall? He will very uncomfortable in most human spaceships and buildings. And his movement will be hindered. But its your character. Make him your way.
  12. Pizza Man


    Re: Questions Print the character that you have. Lets see the stats. Until I see what you already have on paper, I don't really care about your d@mn respirator. The way you ignore all advice, and focus on ridiculous things...you're giving me the impression of a troll. and answer this question: Do you even have the Hero system rulebook? Yes or No.
  13. Re: The Treasure Thread We had an Ebberon Campaign. There is a cursed area where everyone in a nation just keeled over dead. 2 years later the nation still looked like it did mere moments after everyone died. None of the bodies rotted, everything was there for the looting. Of course the water and plants were all poison. No natural healing could take place. The land was twisted and filled with bizarre monsters and aberrations. In one town the PCs went thru the bodies were all gone. The people were inside every reflective surface. They were still dead, but rather upset about it. Taking shelter in one house, the PCs encountered a number of mirrors where the inhabitants were trapped, The dead would call them thieves and other nasty things, but could do nothing about it. and no one could hear the dead either, you had to lip read the foul language. Player: "Oh no! We're being attacked by scenery!" One smart-alec fighter took a fancy dressing mirror home, cause it had a dwarf in it who would flip off and cuss out anyone he saw. It was placed in the grand hall of his tower to greet all his guests. He forgot when the elven queen came by and had to scurry to hide the statuette of her too. I am continually amazed at what players will do...
  14. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Hmmm. Not bad...I see she traded in her cleavage for being evil...
  15. Pizza Man


    Re: Questions The armor you are referring to is an invention of the upcoming Star Wars MMO. In the movies Sith/Jedi did not wear armor. Why? Because the Light Saber cut thru anything. Further the only blaster protection to be had was light saber deflection, or the force itself as demonstrated by Vader when Han Solo tried to shoot him. In the very last movie, Order 66 saw most of the Jedi cut down by mere blaster fire. In the Star Hero rules I would say, 3 points of resistant defense, its just a starting respirator suit after all. With your toon being a 4 armed reptile I would say 2 points or resistant defense for natural scaly armor. 5 points, thats plenty to start with. Besides, you will be given or build a laser sword on your own. all that deflection makes you even tougher.
  16. Pizza Man


    Re: Questions Thats just a back story, you write it. there are no points involved. I'm assuming you have the Hero/Champions rule book? Here is the form I use to create a character. Try making as much of the character as possible. and we can sweat the small stuff later. Build the alien body and inherent alien powers first, Then pick the Force powers and skills you want. Get what you want written down and it will be easier to help you. Also understand there are no rules for Sith/Jedi in Star Hero. you will need to make them up as you go. Characteristics: STR DEX CON INT EGO PRE OCV DCV OMCV DMCV SPD PD ED REC END BODY STUN Total Cost: Powers: Total Cost: Skills, Perks n’ Stuff: Total Cost: Total character cost: Complications 75: Background/History Personality/Motivation Quote Powers/Tactics Campaign/Use Appearance
  17. Pizza Man

    Dark Jedi

    Re: Dark Jedi Seems to me you are looking for the equipment guide. Pre-made stuff is there. My advice: READ the rules. Learn them. People are not going to make the character for you. Good books to read are Star Hero, the Basic Rule Book and the Equipment Guide. Starting Characters in 6E have 175 points. 150 for 5E. Starting characters won't have everything you want. But then Jedi/Sith have to learn all their powers over time as well. Try not to make your alien a superman. He is mortal just like the rest of us. Force powers will take a lot of points, you need some for skills. I just made a starting Psionic Character: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/86772-Psionic-for-a-Space-Opera-Campaign take a look at him. As you will see there are not a ton of extra points to spare. Equipment is purchased, not paid for with character points. So build your Sith without the gadgets and purchase them with your starting cash. You suit is an environment/space suit. If you need to put it together, its Life Support vs Extreme Heat, plus whatever PD/ED you want to add. total the points, toss in a OIF limitation (-1/2), and ask Your GM how much it will cost in cash.
  18. Re: Long tours-of-duty on industrial/mining ships Sounds to me like 3-5 years of work. 7 days a week. You're out in space, no place for a vacation. Probably need to pass a psych evaluation just to get the job. Workers get their first break only after they return to earth. I would take a year long vacation, save the other 4 years pay and sign up again. I could retire in 20 years this way.
  19. Re: Psionic for a Space Opera Campaign Thats rather drastic. He's rather attached to his flesh. So far Tarras is convinced his cheap solutions have been working. Besides is a full 5 point Complication. The Player (me) is way to cheap to buy off a comp. Experience points mean more powers, skills, stats!
  20. Re: The Treasure Thread I had players go to extreme lengths to haul out a cast iron stove with a bound fire imp in side, The imp was foul-mouthed and didn't like his confinement one bit. they thought he gave the kitchen a bit of "flavor." The PC's had a castle of their very own, and each one had a tower, so they were going out of their way to furnish it will the "color" items I had been placing in the dungeons for years. They had a stuffed bear that would animate and attack anyone in the room, if killed it would reset in a month. They had no way to control it, so they sealed in the a trapped part of the castle. They even collected cursed magic items for a false treasury (to fool the thieves, and tax collectors I would send). They had a fortune in real art strewn about. Moving paintings. speaking statues that warned of death if any entered. The favorite piece was a nude statuette of an elven queen in a nearby realm. The PCs had worked with her before and it was a perfect likeness. They dared not sell it lest the elves get all uppity and trace the purchase, so they took turns storing it in their towers.
  21. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Its a right of passage in the villain world. If you can't beat up Aquaman and Green Arrow, then no villain will respect you
  22. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Say Goodnight Heroes...
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