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Everything posted by Nightfly

  1. good luck w/ that. The one time I tried to make a reasonable (film) version of R2 it came up to 507 pts (and that was trying to be conservative). I was able to bring it down to 360 pts, but that was a significantly different beast / droid [more like a super-powerful tricorder]. Astromech Droids are just too heroic for anything less than 400 or 500 pts. That is if you wanna make 'em like the R2 we all know an love.
  2. Chuckg, I was referring to the General (the surgeon wasn't shown) that removed Spike's chip in the demolished Initiative caves [in Season 7, The Killer In Me]
  3. On another note, I think the law was so irrelevant because the demon/vamp threat is so (very) underground. Even now, cops tend not to patrol areas in Compton (etc) becuase they're known as (simply too) dangerous. I don't see the motivation for setting up nationwide cemetary squads, unless they wanted a lot of mysteriously dead (via blood loss-neck wound) officers. Unless they put acedemy cadets to work on it, kinda like an entry exam (hehe) Edit -- Buffy is anti-gun, Anya is pro-gun Joss is pro rocket launcher:p
  4. Thnx for the google tip. There was a 'Shooting Scripts' Buffy site I used to frequent, but they're no longer around. So, I guess it was regular Army that knew how to remove Spike's chip? Chuckg, despite our arguments, I can totally tell you're a fan. It's fun having a thread to talk Buffyverse (relating to 5E) business
  5. Honestly, I woulda bet my balls that Riley remained with the Initiative after leaving Buffy (in the scene where she chased after him, but missed his chopper). I still would bet all the tea in China that Sam & Riley stated that they were in the Initiative. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I don't have access to the scripts, and Season 6 isn't available here on disc yet (I didn't videotape the airings).
  6. Close, but no cigar... Season VI - 'As You Were' Check it out - the saga continued....
  7. Sorry for intruding on your private conversation. Riley Finn (as portrayed by Marc Blucas) was a member of The Initiative [the Official Military branch / agency dedicated to demon fighting]. They're mission continued till the end of the show, and presumably stil would (as long as demon or vamp threats remained) in the future [distant or near].
  8. Randman, sorry for the misunderstanding. I should know by now that you know your [buff] stuff You did list Buffy's DEX @ 23 (as posted @ Surbrook's Stuff). Chuckg, (noticing no mention of inherent Healing for either Robin or The Bat), why specifically do you care so much what Primus knows? In my gaming univerese, they keep to their mission - while Buffy's mission is carried on (in the year 2377) by the Initiative (Military Demon Hunters), the Slayer Army (watched by the council), and freelancer white-hats. Vamps are considered myth to all but true demon hunters (of which there aren't many). Remember, though certainly prolific, Vamps don't usually group / clump together so tightly as they do around (a town housing) a Hellmouth. One of my personal PCs is named Samuel Forrest Finn (the great grand offspring of Sam & Riley Finn); he's not meta-human (a rarity for me). P.S. Angel (this season) mentioned Buffy & Giles' last known 20 as "somewhere in Europe"
  9. You make some good points,... and unless I'm still missing the point its Slayer Speed you most contest!? Do Batman / Nightwing also possess magical (albiet mild) Rapid Healing? If so, exactly how is it explained? I swear Joss' reason for the lack of guns was the noise. And cops would respond to a 911 call, especially if it's in regards to gunfire (they wouldn't know its about Vamps until they got there). He also admitted it had something to do with budget & violence (ratings; TV-MA etc). As for STR I'll go with (writer) David Fury which compared her strength to a Bear. As stated before, since a (common) Black Bear's STR is 23, I'll happily accept that as [full] Slayer STR [though some say it should be 20 or even as high as 30]. Definitely under 26 would be my judgment.
  10. The show, nor Joss, are politically anti-gun (quite the opposite), but it is a show about prowling graveyards in the dark of night. Joss has said gunfire would surely wake up the straights, porch lights would kick on, authorities would be called... sorta defeats her whole mission. Also most Jossverse Vamps don't go in for technological devices for combat, they prefer the thrill of HTH (instead of RKAs)
  11. Not sure about your facts, bud. 1) Until Willow's spellage in Chosen, only Faith & Buffy were bonafide Slayers (there's usually only supposed to be One) 2) The various Hellmouth's are guarded by Watcher's and potential Slayers, pre Chosen. 3) Each Hellmouth only gets one Slayer. The Sunnydale was the most "active" Hellmouth, and it only got the one (highly unconventional) protector.
  12. Buffy's magical Slayer healing is Constant, not an infrequent occurance. By my understanding her Healing is mostly regenerative (though not to the point of regenerating whole limbs). In the Buffyverse it's been confirmed (discussed but never shown) that Vamps regrow / regenerate lost limbs (except the head & heart [which resembles a hunk of beef jerky). Any casual observer of the series realizes (quite plainly) that high Speed & Stamina, as well as STR & DEX are primary Slayer traits (and the dream-visions). Plus not needing to sleep so much. Which of the above do you dispute? Also, wasn't Robin (or Nightwing) a comic book Hero? Do you assert that Buffy can't even match up to he?
  13. Wow! I guess there'd be nothing left to do but buy a coat, cuz Hell would've surely froze over (in your scenario)
  14. Question: would only All Crime End? Or would all EVIL be gone too? Afterall, not all things legal are necessarily free of evil.
  15. Chuckg, Why is it so offensive for you to concede that Willow & Xander were Competents and Buffy is a low-powered Heroic... not even Legendary (i.e., Superheroic)??? Riley was simply a borderline upper level Competent / lower level Heroic [as per Champions characteristics descriptions) Obviously, most people would concede that Batman is a borderline Heroic / Superheroic (i.e., upper level Heroic / lower level Superheroic. What's your complaint with that?
  16. Let's not forget Buffy bounces off walls (on occasion), and sometimes uses awesome dexterous acrobatics to slip punches, dodge attacks, etc. Anyone who really wants to judge Buffy should consider her beating a bonafide (albiet somewhat disabled) Hell God, and of course Caleb. I think Buffy's training has taught her a kind of Ch'i Focusing which kicks in when she really needs it.
  17. Next! Since my characters have collectively purchased a StarCrusier as their League base, we'd just warp on over to the next system/planet that did have crime & get crackin'
  18. although Archer seems to have won the (genius) prize for Uni-conversion,... I personally feel more comfortable going with the (Surbrook posted) baseline STR of 23. I do believe an experienced Slayer should also hover around (a max) 30 STR, but I'd prefer it reach 30 (from either 23 or 25) in the form of a seperate Aid STR power. However I must go with your premise of her cas-strength being [around] 15. Here's a question to ponder,... in figuring Slayer STR (post Chosen) might each among the *new* Slayer Army have slightly less (potent) attributes; since it has o be 'shared' by so many?? Perhaps by that rationale, Slayers made (post Chosen) would have STR more in the 23 range.
  19. plus with the wildcard Drama Points, it can get kinda wiggly
  20. Not to be a contrarian, but there actually is a (so-called canon) Buffy sheet [endorsed by Joss & Co.) via the BtVS RPG. Assuming the right genius (properly) converted EDEN's Unisystem, there would then be an unarguable (baseline) Buffy sheet for discussing. Buffy RPG
  21. Horror Hero (where)? What is this Horror HERO I keep hearing about? I can't find any links to it on this site?? I bought the e-books New Badlam Asylum & Widows & Orphans, and would love a large official genre book for Horror (HERO). Can someone drop the 411 on me? P.S. I'm thankful for this thread's subject matter, if only for raising the HH issue
  22. Mutant Enemy has stated that the 'Slayer Army' will be mentioned upcoming on Angel. I'm personally hoping a whole epi will be focused around it (the mention). Perhaps that'll be the show Willow guests on / about.
  23. To be more precise, Slayer's are known to be stronger than Vamps... Buffy delivered Faith's gut wound (a particularly hard wound to shrug off no matter who you are, provided one has a stomach of course) with the storied strength of a Slayer. During (or just preceding) the frozen moments you mentioned, while Buffy and Faith talked, I've always believed Buffy twisted the (considerable) knife, since her goal was to kill Faith. So,.. after being stabbed in the gut by the strength of a Slayer, and sustaining a direct head blow from falling off a (three or) four story building, she still required but a regenerative rest / sleep (i.e., coma) to come back
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