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Everything posted by Nightfly

  1. Another View... I have to disagree w/ the above post. I think DOJ is catering to the massive audience for Space genre games by creating a template for others to co-opt (for their own world), or play in as provided. My first interest in H5 was thru Martial Arts characters, so I got those books first. But since I also buy WoTC's SW material, and Decipher's Trek books, I was pleased as punch when I finally got around to picking up SH. SH was exactly what I wanted / needed, then I got Spacer's Toolkit (which I thought wonderfully augmented SH) - then lastly I got TE (which I love as much as any DOJ book so far). I think it's all about taste. I doubt I'll be facing as many Orcs or Elves in my FREd gaming as some,... and perhaps not everyone wants to build a Starship base (like me)! Just another view.
  2. Thanks MisterVimes, Those sites are awesome resources! Sadly, I was pretty disappointed with the character I made, his moves were all simple wrestling (and Sumo) moves from the (available) FREd books... (of course) I was wantin some outlandish specialty stuff. The sites you shared look they could really inspire in that direction! I emailed those links to my Bro! So Thanks Again!
  3. The Races I particularly enjoyed the additional races in TE. Having got UV, (and even the Spacers Toolkit) before I could find TE, I must admit to being seriously impressed I knew it would be good, but this good (Wow)!! Other than the big black FREd book, I'd say TE is my next most favorite!!
  4. Thank You Thanks for tip bro, I just finished downloading all Steve's Trek netbooks I can't wait to look 'em over. Your TrekHero work was so awesome, I'm wanting to print it out into a book and have it bound at Kinko's. You Rock!! Thanks Again!
  5. The Defiant Awesome work, the TREK HERO pdfs!! In the TNG one I downloaded, it said to disregard (much of) the Defiant stats. I was just wondering if any more work has been done - or if there's a newer version to download that completes the Defiant. I just yesterday picked up the Starships book for the Trek RPG, and it's clear the ship I'd most like to build would be the Defiant [but a smaller version]. Thanks for the brilliant work. A great beginning for guys like me, working to adapt Trek into the SH sys. P.S. Besides SH, I do also have UV !
  6. 250+100 The 350 standard feels right to me. On the various FREd webring sites, usually every known Comic Hero is over 400 (even wringing every little bit out of multi-powers possible). I believe FREd is best for experienced players who've already done the Level 1 thing (one sys or another). Frankly playing normals are my idea of an occasional novelty game, otherwise I need some powers to exploit. Examples: Human Torch = 787 http://geocities.com/george_ruban/CombatApplet.html Dazzler = 628 Wild-Hunt Chow Yun-Fat (C.Normal) Surbrook
  7. Nightfly

    Irish Villains

    Bill The Butcher What about a variant (or distant relative) of 'Bill The Butcher' as portrayed by Daniel Day-Lewis in Scorsese's Gangs of New York. He's Irish.
  8. Surbrook's Seagal My first FREd PC was based on the Surbrook conversion of [cinematic] Steven Seagal. He cripples thugs (via disabling joint break) just for runnin at him (wrong) hehe. Could the Punisher exist in a world that litigates against Heroes? IMO cops are best left out of Hero adventures, unless they're captured and require saving. If cops were effectively dealing w/ the criminals we wouldn't need to clean up their cities in the first place! Right now I'm (in the process of) building a SH Klingon, FTR he does NOT have a code vs. Killing
  9. Then... then try building a base, vehicle, or robot 'n see where your Total Character Cost winds up.
  10. Exactly That's pretty much my point.... To create a reasonably "mature" (experienced) Hero usually will cost around 500pts. I know R2-D2 did. My GM makes me pay for absolutely everything. Not much is assumed, or given.
  11. Spider-Man So, just to keep it simple... how much do you think Spider-Man should cost? 350? 250? Lord Liaden, you hooked me up to the Surbrook site(s), where even an under-developed (4th Season) Buffy The Vampire Slayer costed 317pts (and she never got all that powerful, even in Season 7 - at least as compared to Spidey) and James Bond has a total [surbrook] character cost of 446pts
  12. Low Balling Yeah, speaking of "Cosmic".... I made up a R2-D2 conversion and I guess one would call him "Half-Cosmic" cuz just to build him as seen in the movies, he's over 500pts. I've seen X-Men conversions at the Wild-Hunt that put heroes like Wolverine, Cyclops & Storm all in the 470-650 range. I've so far mostly built martial artists, and at 350pts there's not a lot of room for much more Powers. Maybe at roughly 150 spent on attributes, I'm being too greedy. Surbrook (who authored Ninja Hero) puts most movie martial artists (Jackie Chan, Steven Seagal, Jet Li, etc) at near "Cosmic" (1000pts) levels also
  13. Question: I know this is (possibly) an incredibly obvious question, but am I correct in assuming that after purchasing FH, existing heroes I've created can start to use Magic Spells (even in Star Hero campaigns)? Much like is shown on Buffy & Angel, I think there should be loads of magic, even in contemporary settings. I definitely don't wanna always have to be dealing w/ Old Oerth just to get to cast spells.
  14. Luchador Thanks Crosshair, Yeah, he wants to do a lot of grabbing people's heads between his legs while jumping and flipping, etc. Your ideas are cool, and I know I'll be using 'em. Thanks Again
  15. web versions Where are these web versions you speak of? A shared URL would be greatly appreciated! I'd love to see the X-Men (and others) statted out.
  16. Nightfly

    Lucha Libre

    My brother wants to create a Lucha Libre [Luchador] Professional Wrestler type PC. Ninja Hero, Ultimate Martial Artist, and the core book all have moves for wrestling type PCs, but I don't feel any of the offered moves comes close to approximating the high-flying [dynamic] Lucha Libre style. Does anyone have any ideas? Or has anyone seen something similar to what I'd be looking for?
  17. Thank the Lord Thanks Lord Laiden, It feels good to be excercising my own imagination (for a change) instead of just watching others (via film, tv, etc). I'll definitely visit the link you referenced. I think it'd be cool to have special guest appearances (in H5) from the likes of Spawn or Spider-Man My Hero library started w/ Ninja Hero (along w/ the core H5) the first day, cuz I hoped to make some Matrix-styled action! I enjoyed reading the Woo-Ping thread on this board, which also basically referred to Ninja Hero, so I'm glad I got it. I think mixing some Star Hero (which I also got early) will be necessary to get the cyber-end of the Matrix-y feel. Thanks again for the 411 (URL) & gracious "Welcome" Lord! Nightfly
  18. Does anyone know of plans for a Matrix RPG? Or are there any known Hero conversions? I'd imagine Neo (as protrayd in Reloaded) would have to be near God-like considering even 100 Agent Smith's couldn't beat him down. Plus the whole remaking his environment thing. On another note - I'd love to fill a binder w/ Hero (conversions) of my favorite Comic & Movie Heroes. Does anyone know a site sharing such material? Nightfly's Bio (brief): After having been away from RPGs since 1987, I've rediscovered my old passion and have now gotten many RPG systems. Currently my game-shelf has material from D&D, Star Wars, Star Trek, Buffy, and of course Hero (which I consider the best). P.S. Sorry if I've put this in the wrong area, or am asking an over-asked question. This is my very 1st post here, plus I'm new to H5
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