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Everything posted by Nightfly

  1. I've been stating since the first epi that Archer has been more manipulated by higher-up mole Romulans than actual Vulcans. As part of the temporal cold-war, I believe the Romulans (of Archer's day) would be likely to be a pawn in such an effort. I don't personally believe Vulcans would choose to hold back Earth's progress, nor be so obviously aggressive, secretive, intolerant, etc. If pattern holds... next season (provided they get one) will certainly see the addition of a new high-profile cast member [ala Se7en on VOY, or Worf on DS9]. I predict this series will build up to & end with the Romulan War, similar to the Dominion War & Janeway's Borg confrontations. Just my theories
  2. Sacred duty, yadda-yadda-yadda. Probably cuz they have a pedigree of knowledge / experience in the area (at least the ones that're left). Despite the various difficulties they've had with 'em, I'm comfortable believing that (at least, if no one else) Giles retains respect for the institution and it's mission. Hearing Andrew say, "she's a Slayer" thus "she's ours" sure doesn't sound too much like a softer/gentler Council. Frankly, it sounds kind of possessive to me (shrug). Considering the progressions of (both) Giles & Wesley, I'd say the Watchers take their business extremely serious, and don't let a lot of sentimentality get in the way of 'the good fight'.
  3. Didn't someone write-up Adrian Monk (played by Tony Shalhoub] a few months back? That'd be a cool one to revisit. On another note,... Loved Susano's Capt. Jack! Great Work as Always
  4. Awesome work Eodin! Finally got around to getting your Dec update! Wow, this version is about twice the size as the last TNG pdf I had of yours Without fail, anytime I make a 5E-Trek character your pdf is an equal (if not greater) resource for the creation process than the official books [by Decipher]. Just wanted to let you know your efforts are sincerely appreciated, and utilized
  5. 30pts Dragon-Folk Wings: Multipower, 30 Point Reserve 2u (1) Flying (3 END): 15" Flight, Restrainable (-1/2) 1u (2) Wing Buffet: HA + 2d6, Hand-to-Hand Attack (-1/2)
  6. I loved learning where everyone took off to [Tara/Kennedy = Rio, Buffy/Dawn = Rome, Giles = England). Too bad the Scoobies aren't together anymore But at least they are in spirit / mission. I wonder what Xan's up to in Africa? Probably doin the spiritual journey of self-discovery thang Did I miss it, or, where did he say Faith and/or Robin are? Maybe Faith's out on the open road(s), like her spinoff would've had her [be]. - Can't wait for next week's epi P.S. Andrew's admission that Buffy & the council don't trust Angel anymore, really makes me believe they sent that (Wesley's Dad) Watcher robot afterall.
  7. Mr. Rand, My Slayer (I'm about to make another) carries a scythe axe like the one Buffy used in the show's final episodes. I'm figuring that (beyond a normal stake) it'd become the primary weapon of choice among Slayers - though neither being restricted to it, nor receiving any special bonuses for it. It's just great for both beheadings & stakings. How would you write up the BtVS Scythe? Based, in part, on your Stake writeup I came up w/ this: 12pts - Scythe, [Axe] 1d6 K (Medium, Thr); plus Stake (1/2d6 K, 2d6 N) Since I've only been into HERO for about a year, I suspect my version is over simplified. Would you do it different? Should the plus be changed to linked? Maybe you could add it to your Buffy writeup on Surbrook's site.
  8. Sounds Awesome, Mark! Nice Idea, Nice ethnic mix
  9. Utilizing the imdb website, I include (exactly) this type of info on my [every] character sheet, in the form of (a) Looks a Lot Like... section (in the background; appearance area) along with a circa. year specifier. Doing so (continually) helps me better conceptualize my PCs Especially the ladies
  10. don't know how relevant this is, but I have been itching to create a Scooby-Doo type character. I'm always amused at how Scooby can be in scenes with 'normal' (i.e., canine intelligence) dogs yet be so different w/out notice [by the public]. IIRC one of the DH issues had something modeling this type of character/construct, I'm pretty sure it was in one of the early issues. I plan to make some time to research that. I noticed, after some intense examination, that the Bestiary doesn't cover anything like a cartoon animal,... did I miss it? Time has been tight of late, imagine that.
  11. James Gillen, I don't really know why but at first I had a negative reaction to breaking (show) canon,... but upon reviewing the Buffy-rpg (by Eden) I noticed it allows for pretty-much anything. And afterall, Cleveland isn't exactly known as a spiritual nexus either (IMHO). Addressing your point, though Nevada isn't of the 4-corners region, it definitely carries it's own legacy (see Stephen King's The Stand). On another note, one Angel episode exposed Los Angeles to quite literally be Hell (I believe it was in Season 2), for what it's worth. Angel got in an elevator (with deceased Holland), intending to go to Hell, and ended up arriving exactly where he started. Joss created such a wonderfully open / imaginative universe, I'm starting to see that nearly anything is possible within it.
  12. Me too! Own it, Love it! As always, thanks Susano (for such awesome work!)
  13. That sounds really cool. I think it's imaginative (too) that you extend your characters families (up to and) even including 5th cousins My Slayer ('Cherish' as in Cherish The Vampire Slayer) was also martial-trained, as well as a mutant [already] before being "called" (to Slayer duty). She has two meta-brothers (though based in other cities), and is often joined [on patrol] by the great grandson of Riley Finn.
  14. A WWII era vehicle book seems a must, especially for pulp (Indiana Jones style) adventures - much less more 'period' serious gaming. This one actually may be silly, but I would really like to see an equivalent of Green Ronin's Ultramodern Firearms for FREd, getting into the detailed minutia of the various (present day) real firearms.
  15. If no one else has posted it yet (I haven't read the whole thread yet, myself) here's Surbrook's List
  16. Re: So many possibilties I would unquestionably buy all these books, especially Baseball Hero (genius idea)
  17. I'd take it even further and grant that as with The Initiative, they'd be willing to be the (emergency) calvary, and sometimes lend on-the-ground support (in addition to intel) This is exactly how I see it. Most Slayer's would either; 1) Join a super-team [as one of the admittedly lower powered members], or maybe even "enlist", which means probably not having an actual Watcher 2) Form a Slayer team of three-to four [like Charlie's Angels ], which virtually guarantees a Watcher (along with whatever white-hats they want) 3) Go it totally alone - almost guarantees not having a Watcher (would certainly need a specialized team of white-hats) You're totally correct. Vamps should surely be found in nearly any size city (internationally), and in gangs. And the Buffy-rpg allows players to make their own Hellmouths with Joss' (implied by licensing) blessing. Las Vegas would be a deserving (as any other city) candidate - especially cuz its both urban & remote (plus isn't it known as "Sin City"?) I'm liking it
  18. I believe The Initiative would share their knowledge / data. To confess, upon recently watching the Riley (conclusion) epis, it was said that the mission of trying to study / control the demon threat had been abandoned in favor of strictly search & destroy tactics. So, in that area The Initiative's research aspects probably would've been given over to UNTIL. Just my $0.02
  19. I completely agree. I bought the book, and I dig it
  20. Well, for one, my preferred rpg-world is more cyberpunk than Silver Age supes. In my game, Watcher's have a less direct hold over their Slayer charges. Slayer's tend to group up in teams of 3-4, often choosing to associate w/ other superhero types whenever possible (and of course w/ hackers & magic users). Watcher's are only utilized to oversee (said) groupings (of Slayers) and are around primarily for their arcane occult knowledge (as well as training of young newbie Slayers). While I do include State agencies like UNTIL & PRIMUS, they only appear rarely & almost never carry much impact in my scenarios. Even if I built my world w/ tons of caped-supers flying around, I'd still believe that most folks would (choose to, if necessary) remain blissfully ignorant (that includes the Gov't) of traditionally paranormal threats (ghosts, vampires, etc). Especially if there are other known (openly dangerous) threats around [such as worldclass villains bent on dominating the human race / planet / etc]. The fact that Africa, England, and the American Southwest (in fact a former Mexican territory) were chosen as cornerstones of Joss' mythology makes sense to me (especially as he is an athiest). I fail to see Las Vegas (or anything about it) as being next in that line of (spiritual) locales. From African (tribal) mysticism, to England's rich Arthurian/Merlin legacy, to the shamanism of the southwest, Joss' chosen landmarks belong to a certain paranormal pedigree. I believe the Watcher's Council would definitely reform & remain in England, their traditional home (where most of the books are) As to the public's blissful ignorance, I attribute that to the fact that (as usually depicted) Vamps are both cautious and a (literal) underground threat (ala they stay under the authorities radar on purpose). In L.A., Angel hardly spends a majority of his time fighting Vamp threats (quite the opposite). Who needs the feds when Gunn and his rag-tag group of homies were keeping the (regional / local) vamp threat in check?? As to Joss' writings, only two (spoken of) Hellmouths exist in this country (in) Sunnydale & Cleveland. Now, naturally vamps (as well as many other evil types) congregate near Hellmouths, but outside of such mystical convergences, I believe the assumption should be that vamps (deliberately & expertly) lay low. In a land where tons of folks have super-powers, even exceeding a Slayer's, I believe their covert nature would be [even] more magnified. Please understand,... how you create your own Buffy-fan mythos is up to you. The only reason I chime in w/ my opinions is because I'm known to be a massive Buffy fan... and it just doesn't (wouldn't) seem right if I (philosophically) couldn't enjoy a scenario created by another [great] Buffy fan. But then again, I never read fan-fiction of any (of my) beloved franchises. Perhaps a former Marine Sgt. would have his 5E Slayer join the military, I can kinda understand such stuff,... but for me I'd rather keep it as close to canon as I can get (if only out of respect for Whedon & his beloved creation)
  21. A more powerful Lightsabre One of my first 5E PCs was a Wookiee Jedi!
  22. My Heroes belong to the Majestic League. The league is named after the Majestic 3 (a group of siblings) which were the first FREd heroes I made (who made it a mission to assemble an interstellar Hero league, to belong to). UFO enthusiasts may know of Majestic 12, created (pre-Area 51) following the findings of Project Bluebook. As a sidenote, the controversial exploits of MJ-12 were featured (fictionalized) in the epic short-lived (Bryce Zabel created) tv show Dark Skies. I borrowed the Majestic name (both times) in honor of that tv show, as well as because my rpg-world includes extra-terrestrials!! I also give my heroes callsigns (ala Mountaineer, Lone Wolf, etc) for use during radio coomunication
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