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Everything posted by Badger

  1. Never take back a cheating spouse.
  2. Who wins the DNA casserole? Cell (Dragonball Z) vs Serpentor (Cobra/GI Joe)
  3. The former united 12 other supervillains into a legion.
  4. I'll take 3d6s, I don't like d20s Whose more likely to win Cleveland Browns vs Dick Dastardly
  5. Actually those were teams 29 and 30. THey had 28 from TB/Sea up until then nearly 20 years. (then they decided to placate Cleveland for 31, and I guess they didn't like uneven teams forcing bye-weeks every week, so pulled in Houston) But, 30 teams does seem to work for NBA and MLB (apart from bitching about interleague) once they got the even division thing figured out
  6. Would Yoda Make a badass mob boss vs not
  7. Both should burn in the fiery pits of Hades
  8. SF would be exploded. Michael would find a way to.
  9. Balrog (LOTR) vs Balrog (Street Fighter)
  10. I'd love to see a team-up, but Decepticons (as long as crazy Galvatron isnt the one in charge). Battle of organizations with Cobra in the name, who is the most badass, and coolest? Cobra Kai vs Cobra-La Note: On Serpentor, I kind of imagine when the nerfed on Sun-Tzu DNA, (and Sgt. Slaughter), I figured they doubled up on Ivan the terrible DNA, at least it explains his crazed raging insanity in my mind.
  11. Back to Cobra who would make a better leader Serpentor (why did they use Ivan the Terrible DNA) vs a random crazy homeless guy on the street
  12. 300. those type movies should never have sequels.
  13. Well, Baroness was my young cartoon crush too. But, Destro could punch a whole in a brick wall, so we didn't have a shot.
  14. In Hernandez case, I remember he had character issues coming out of college, as it was. I want to say he may have gang ties then, but, I cant remember, and am too lazy to look at the moment. So, it is unlikely he would be a guy you would want to peg the argument on. This finding could make for an argument that it could have been a contributing factor in him killing himself, given free ex-players kill themselves for such reasons. That and being in jail....
  15. Well, when our late cat, became pretty much a housecat, in his older years, we tried 2 litter boxes so as not to have to empty as often, strangely he didn't use them the same way we expected. Instead of using one then the other. He used one for pooping and one for peeing. (which inevitably defeated our intended purpose to a large extent)
  16. Well, compared to Destro, we are all beta males.
  17. Well, the Chargers can be explained, our own BB is probably standing at the entrance of their games preventing fans from getting in. Well, he needed to have something to do on Sundays.
  18. I would have expected wife, after all siding with your wife, would cut down on last minute changes of sleeping arrangements for yourself.
  19. The latter, I guess, though some episodes I felt she was getting the Mary Sue treatment. They're arguing, and you obviously MUST pick a side Your wife vs your mother
  20. taser, I guess, at least you can get someone to say "dont taze me bro" LOck up your daughters and wives. Cpt. Kirk vs James Bond
  21. Hmm, heard a Green Day song, and Scar Tissue on the way to work today while also being stuck behind a log truck going 15 MPH, someone hated me today.
  22. Ehh, I always found him talented when he wanted to be, he just didn't want to be often. Politics on Family Guy? Wasn't a big reason, why I quit watching (I think we've already mentioned the main reason why one would quit watching) but he got to a point where he got too heavy handed on politics and religion. Something I didn't mind because it was a show that was supposed to an insult everything show (though, it became decidedly one-sided as time went on). I think I gave up on it, mainly because I just grew up, but I cant deny some of that other stuff didn't have a hand in it. (and with politics, I've gotten to a point I cant even talk about it anymore, which is why I've largely given up on the Politics thread. I'm utterly disgusted by everything with politics, and I don't see turn around on the horizon). Note: In any case, I could name parts of Family Guy I really liked from the older shows. I also cant deny, after the return from cancellation those moments became rapidly non-existent for me.
  23. Maybe Elliott's failure will be the excuse the Cowboys need to go back to their "glory days" of Romo, throwing 60 passes a game, including 3 pass 3 and outs when ahead by 3 TDs in the 2nd half.
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