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Everything posted by Badger

  1. Battle for Hair supremacy Giorgio Tsoukalos vs 1990s Dennis Rodman
  2. TI, purely for having some electronic toys from them as a little kid.
  3. Pat Robertson's relevancy ran out around 1988. No offense intended, but he is only considered about 2 rungs above Westboro at this point, for 95% of America.
  4. Yeah, I am aware of all the athleticism categories needed in soccer.
  5. Megatron had the voice. Mumma-Ra vs She-Ra
  6. I don't know, religious people would object to Man playing God, but I dont think it would be universal in punishing a creature who had no control over his creation. In that hgypothesis it isn't any different than clones at least.
  7. Punch Vanguard and the villainous ship owner, engineers proceed as planned. (at this point all non-stupidly loyal engineers will not care much if I curbstomp their boss)
  8. RKA- for the K part Master of Puppets vs Lord of Illusions
  9. Well, not being a Streisand fan, I dont remember her lyrics.
  10. Why must people always overestimate the Browns. When will they learn "no matter how much another team sucks, the Browns suck more"
  11. I am more of a SPD guy. You cant crush, what you cant catch
  12. I'm pulling for the cardboard box. Superfriends' Superman vs a cardboard box in a battle of wits
  13. What did the cannibal say after it ate the clown? He tasted funny. WHat?
  14. If a Streisand song is playing in my dream.....it's a nightmare. Note: Don't believe I ever heard music in my dream, except for what was actually playing on the radio at the time (needed to listen to the radio to fall asleep on occasion in my 20s)
  15. Yes, I remember the Detmer's (AKA with the Huards, the Magnificent Backup Brothers) Strange they would dump Jr. so quick, nepotism usually buys a couple of extra chances.
  16. There was more than one ST series, my mind doesn't seem to compute there were any ST on TV after 1969.
  17. ANybody catch the irony of using "analog" to describe "Data" Edit: Ok, I was thinking analog vs. digital
  18. Never date a porn star. As the one thing worse than not knowing where something has been, is knowing where something has been
  19. No doubt. Dont know how much I agree the businesses "control" bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is gonna obstruct, its their reason for existence (at least bureacrats think that, or at least it seems the more they obstruct the more they it justifies them having job security) But, businesses dont seem to feel bad about shamelessly taking advantage like a wrestler when the ref is looking the other way. (and even at their cleanest, they can pay people solely for the purpose of dealing with bureaucrats, where smaller businesses don't have such a luxury.
  20. COlor shade battle Crimson vs Scarlet
  21. Night in, because I am too lazy to leave the house (but, smart enough not to give the real reason). ANd even more importantly cheaper (again smart enough not to reveal that) Note: Any questions on why I am single?
  22. Yeah, I'd much rather have that myself, but I could deal with that not being so, if it is only those 2 games on a Thursday during the whole year. But, Thursday games is just too much in general other than them. I'm currently at a very low ebb of interest in football, but when it has been high, I don't have the interest for a Thursday night game. Give me 2 Sunday afternoon games, the Monday game, maybe the Sunday night game sometimes. If I am a football fan, I've already likely seen 2 college games on Saturday. I'm footballed out.
  23. Both sound extremely nasty to me. Cheese isnt meant to be wasted like that. THe Punisher vs Australian wildlife
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