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Everything posted by Badger

  1. back to SW vs ST Palpatine vs Khan
  2. Nay, Star Wars is now officially kicking the dead horse as it is.
  3. I would say a topic to avoid on a sports thread, but they are starting up the anthem protests again.
  4. Surprisingly, wet dog, but only because I don't care for the smell of beer, at least at the quantity that the smell would permeate me.
  5. Damn, I'm craving it too. (one of my late aunts was good at making pie)
  6. But, I hate fruitcake, Aquaman, and can do basic math. Am I an outlier? Note: And yes, I did get you labeled 3 things. (including 2 2s)
  7. Nope, I cant have any sympathy for the burrito, we cant help those that don't want to help themselves.
  8. Assuming it is the fruit, Kiwi, after eating one one time my dad proceeded to start sweating profusely, running for the bathroom, with ensuing cries of mercy coming from that bathroom. Mexican food va Chinese food
  9. So, uh, who is your new favorite team? *runs for cover*
  10. I'd have to go back and look, but I do have a couple of old preseason yearbooks of my dad's from the 1970s, and if memory serves it look like the horns changed from the 1971 one to the 1975 one.
  11. If it was almost edible, then putting a fruitcake in Antartica for 100 years will actually improve it. Note: My parents actually like fruitcake.
  12. You have a point, I went in expecting it to be a disaster, and it seems they made it even worse than that.
  13. Which is safer? Living in a demon possessed house vs watching the Ghostbusters remake
  14. At this point in time I like manga much better. Note: I've soured a bit on DC, and pretty much completely on Marvel the last few years.
  15. Unfortunately, you might be the lone voice of reason. Note: And yeah, I do put it on a spectrum, don't know the numbers however. For example, I know of one person in their 70s, whose only racial bigotry is being uncomfortable with interracial marriage, and it is specifically due to when they come of age, it was a stigma towards interracial kids.
  16. Dinobots beat everything, except Chuck Norris......maybe DInosaur vs Math
  17. Probably not, I am just saying that some of the people there might have been. (still pilfering through info, so my thoughts on that could vary wildly at any moment, I generally avoid the news on weekends)
  18. Well, both parties seem to thrive on racial division, so unfortunately good luck with that. FWIW, I think Trump did speak out condemning the action, but I don't know how generic or specific he made it.
  19. I will say a lot of those people, probably are not racist (or rather they aren't to their "knowledge"). As a person who does live in VA, I do know quite a few people who do identify with that flag, due to their ancestry. I wont claim they aren't heavily misguided, probably. And have bought into the mystique of that war, that was built from ashes of the South. But, they aren't racists per se. (or some of them, some are, of course, but it is obvious that outside of the South, the rest of the country know it only through stereotypes, and no desire to move beyond that). As somewhat of a historian, I don't like seeing things destroyed, good or bad. People don't really move beyond it towards closure. They either forget it altogether, or paint it a shade that helps them sleep easier. When it should be acknowledged for what it is, no mattere how clean or dirty. "history repeats, and all"
  20. *sarcasm alert* But, it's easier just to call those who disagree with you Nazis, where have you been the last 10 years. (if you don't you might actually humanize those you disagree with*) *While I am not sure that is a good thing to do with Nazis and white supremacists, but recent events have shown you throw those accusations at the "enemy" and then make sure it is true. Instead of the other way around.
  21. Fair enough, that tends to be the problem with protest in general.
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