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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Re: WWYCD Fantasy HERO Edition #1: The Princess Shell Game Why was this thread moved? I see no logical reason for this.
  2. Re: Champions Universe: The Unresolved Questions/Plots Russel Crow threw a phone at him, putting him into a persistent vegetative state.
  3. Re: Champions Universe: The Unresolved Questions/Plots Isn't Dr. Sebastian Poe supposed to have been released from prison by now?
  4. Having done a bunch of WWYCD threads for supers in the Champions forum, I decided to do one here for the fantasy genre: Your character and his/her party have been hired by the king to rescue his daughter, Princess Holly the Helpless, from the vile Dirk Darklord. After a long journey and battling Dirk's flunkies, you reach Dirk's castle only to find Dirk is long gone (parts unknown). You finally find your way down into the dungeon where he's imprisoned her royal highness. But now comes the puzzle, ready? You find that all 13 cells in the dungeon are occupied by young women who match the physical discription of Princess Holly, and each of them claims that she is the real princess. You hear evil laughter and then an illusion of Dirk Darklord appears before you... Dirk: "Greetings! My, my, you've been quite a thorn in my side. Well, if you're that determined to rescue Princess Holly, perhaps I should let you have her...always assuming you can figure out which one is really her. Of course, if you pick the wrong one...Well, why ruin the surprise? Mah Ha Ha Ha!!!! Good Luck fools, you'll need it." With a final mocking laugh, the illusionary Dirk vanishes. From what you know of the fiendish Dirk Darklord, the fake princesses could turn out to be anything from mere illusions to some vile, wicked creatures in disguise... or possibly something even worse than that. How do you determine which is the real Princess Holly and which are the fakes? WWYCD?
  5. Re: Top Signs You Need to Rethink Your Playing Style.... The most dangerous Hunted Disad on your character's sheet isn't VIPER, Dr. Destroyer, or Mechanon...it's all the female NPCs in the campaign world who are filing paternity suits against him.
  6. Re: Top Signs You Need to Rethink Your Playing Style.... When your Dark Champions group starts LARPing...with live ammunition!
  7. Recently, there was a major battle/disaster in Campaign City, resulting in the loss of many lives. In particular, an NPC hero your character worked with frequently had his life tragically cut short. Your character (and his/her associates, if appropriate) are attending the graveside service when you notice a group of local villains are there in the cemetary that day holding a funeral for one of their members who was killed about the same time as the hero your party is laying to rest. The tension is palpable as the hotheads in both groups sneer at each across the cemetary from time to time during both services, seeming to dare one another to start something right there and then, despite how gauche it would be to get into a superbattle during such a solem occasion as this. WWYCD?
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Dude, why are the monks chasing us out of the temple with assault rifles? A: Pride cometh before a fall...and a big messy splat on the sidewalk below.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Captain, why does that really hairy Ensign start screeching when ever Lt. Worf passes by? A: Kneel Before Sod
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey Michael, you want some Fosters beer and blackberry cobbler? A: Let it not be said that he was a man who lacked convictions...most of them were felonies, two were misdemeaners.
  11. Re: The Best Deathtrap ever The best frame in that collection: Pitbulls With Frickin' Lasers Attached To Their Heads!
  12. Re: WWYCD: The Jack-In-Th-Box Senerio Power: Thread Necromancy 30-
  13. Re: List of Professions Priest Required: PS: Priest, KS: (own religion), Oratory Recommended: Conversation ("confession is good for the soul my child"), Persuasion, possibly Familiarity with SS: Psychology (could definately come in handy). Related: KS: Theology. many a Priest might benefit from the Scholar Skill Enhancer. Notes: needs Fringe Benefit: Right to Marry and Membership (the clergy). Social Limitation: Vow Of Celibacy optional, depending on religion in question.
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's your recipe for eggnog? A: Pizza The Hutt
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Dude, did you tell Eddie to equip his Dodge Neon with armor plating and a pair of Vulcan machine guns? A: So anyway, a Succubus, a Djinn, and a Shinigami are sitting at the bar ordering drinks when...
  16. Re: WWYCD: Only So Many Shopping Days Till Christmas Devilfire: (Human half) Greg will probably order Rhea some new lingerie from VS online, buy his kid brother an iPod, and get himself that plasma screen he's been wanting. (Demon half) This is the time of year when the Devilfire demon retreats into deepest, darkest part of Greg's subconscous mind, sticks his fingers in his ears, and hums until about mid-January.
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Dude, they shot you over a million times, shouldn't you be dead? A: Well yeah, but it goes great with chinese take out.
  18. A group of whacko cultists recently performed a ritual to open a portal to Hell, and unleash the infernal hordes upon the earth! You and your party got there in time to defeat the cultists and close the portal, but unfortunately not before something, or rather seven somethings, got through! These seven demons turn out to be none other than the Seven Deadly Sins themselves! During your first battle with two of the Sins, Lust and Greed specifically, you find out the hard way that the usual methods of demon extermination don't work so well against them; they're simply too powerful for that. After licking your wounds, the appropriate member of your party does some research and finds their weaknesses: for each of the Sins you'll need something that symbolizes the Virtue that opposes them. What items/substances/etc. would your character and company gather to aid them in defeating the Seven Deadlies? What order would they take them on in? WWYCD?
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why did you throw a flash-bang grenade at me? A: I didn't hit it that hard, it must have had a self-destruct.
  20. Re: Villain power creation - I'm stuck
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Man, office productivity has really gone in the toilet. What's everybody doing? A: Here Lies Sir Dave, Killed By A Gazebo With 300 Pieces Of Gold
  22. Re: A blast from the past I stumbled onto while websurfing... For those who haven't played this in a while (like me, I must admit), an instruction manual can be found here.
  23. If you loved the old Rogue computer game, check out this Java version, assuming you haven't already.
  24. Over the course of a week, there's been a marked increase in the number of "dumb criminal" incidents reported in Campaign City. Just this morning, a man armed with a .22 caliber target pistol attempted to rob a local gun shop, with the expected results. Last night, a disgruntled former employee of a Pizza Shack in your neighborhood tried to break into the joint after hours by crawling through a vent on the roof, and (you guessed it) got stuck. The previous afternoon, a man was arrested for bank robbery after the braintrust wrote the hold up note on the back of one of his own deposite slips. The list goes on, and while common criminal types aren't usually the sharpest knives in the drawer, the sheer number of these incidents in so short a time span is enough to raise some eyebrows. WWYCD?
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