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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Re: WWYCD: Island Paradise An uncharted island? Far from prying eyes? That's easy:I'd spend points to make it a Base and go to every length necessary to keep it off the maps (I wouldn't want a bunch of idiot tourists dropping in on me).
  2. Re: Major NPCs from your campaign...who got ganked before their time. OP edited for better clearity.
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Dude, why is the church kitchen overflowing with soap suds? A: ...And that's when Yvette slapped him.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Who's idea was it to have that light on all the time; it's to damned bright. A: Of course I did, how else do you think I'd have got into the VIP room?
  5. Just about anyone who's ever GMed knows how this story goes: You spent a considerable amount of time building a cool NPC, usually a villain to be the focus of an entire campaign. You lovingly crafted every detail of the character from his/her/its background information to his/her/its stats. The result was a masterpiece; a triumph matched only by the tragic end this character meets shortly after encountering the PCs for the first time. The question, of course, is what's your story and how did you as GM handled being thrown such a curve?
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's Jillian Michaels' philosophy when it comes to personal training? A: Pipe...Wrench...Fight!
  7. Inspired by this Newgrounds game: It's a peaceful day in Campaign City Park...until gunshots ring out! Running to investigate, you are surpised to find that a park statue, one armed with a musket no less, has come to life and has started taking shots at the pigeons and/or other little feathered miscreants who've been *ahem* "giving him the business" for so many years. So far the disgruntled statue hasn't trained his gun on any humans, but that hasn't stopped the civillians in the park from fleeing the area in panic. WWYCD?
  8. Re: THE ULTIMATE BASE -- What Do *You* Want To See? At least one write-up of a skyscraper/office building and example maps of the important floors.
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Or your torso...
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How do those emos get all those cuts all over their arms? A: What an awful dream...Mr. Sandman's a dick.
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What are you going to do with that shrink ray you purchased from The Sharper Supervillian catalog? A: No bunneh does it better...
  12. Re: 4th Edition: Obsidian He's missing TF: Science Fiction & Space Vehicles and Fringe Benefit: Nobility, but otherwise he looks great.
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey Bob, how's things going with the "spay and neuter your pets" campaign? A: Oh, everything's just peachy...aside from the fact that there's a horde of Skellies laying seige to the town!
  14. Re: XM25 Individual Air Burst Weapon Well, now I know what I want for Christmas...
  15. Re: How to make a character that turns into a spaceship? Assuming your GM and the other players don't object, you could do it as Multiform into an AI/Vehicle combination (with Life Support, Flight, FTL, etc.).
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why have the tides and the seasons been wierd for 9 years? A: Eviscerate the proletariat.
  17. Re: Mind Control: What happens if the controlled person is knocked unconscious? For me, it depends on how long it's been between them getting KO'ed and when they regain consciousness. If enough time has elapsed (an hour maybe?), and I have no good reason to do otherwise, I'd consider handwaving it and saying the effect wore off while they were still out cold. I've seldom seen a Mentalist who would waste END trying to maintain a Mind Control on someone who's clearly down for the count. YMMV, of course.
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Private, was that the sarge who was just blown to smithereens by a hand grenade? A: I'm Lord Xenu, and i approve this message.
  19. Re: COM as a function of health...? BoneDaddy hit the nail on the head; you could be in good health and still be uglier then the back end of an orc. And for the record, I'm keeping the COM characteristic in my games whether I convert or not (again, at this point, that is still extremely unlikely based on what all Steve says he wants to do ).
  20. Re: Death Traps Anyone? In my experience, with the kind of players who usually chose to play bricks, is right.
  21. Re: Spectre of 6e At the risk of being a doomsayer... Based on what I've seen of the proposed changes over in the 6e forum, I would strongly advise you to purchase all the 5th Edition stuff you can while you can and just stick with that.
  22. Okay, here's the concept: The character, a criminal mastermind with psionic abilities has developed an ingenious way to avoid being discovered and captured: his true personality retreats deep into his subconscious mind and leaves a personality construct in its place in his conscious mind. This "shell personality" is so exquisitely detailed, including its own set of memories, that it will pass muster under most forms of scrutiny, even telepathic scanning short of a deep probe into the subconscious. The shell is, of course, unaware of the fact that it is a shell; which is a major part of what makes it believable. His true self, meanwhile, is still aware of what goes on while the shell personality is up and can easily reemerge once the pretense is no longer necessary. This, coupled with the fact that never allows even his own minions to see his true face, has kept the authorities from discovering his identity and taking him down. Would it be best modeled as Mental Group Shape Shift or Multiform? And what Modifiers would logically apply? Thanks.
  23. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Chesshire Cat materialized inside solid rock and now he's stuck, what do we do now? A: You were asked nicely not to do that.
  24. Re: Purple Powers In Mystic World there's this suite of lightening spells where the caster is free to choose what color he wants his blasts to be. If he were using those or something similiar, it may just be that purple is his favorite color.
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