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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side It's important to remember that World Domination is the ultimate rich man's game; the resourses need to make it an achievable goal--and indeed, a tenable position once said goal is finally achieved--neither come easy nor cheap. Seriously, ever try building a viable Weather Dominator Machine™ on Joe Burgerflipper's salary? Exactly, such would be ridiculously improbable. And what is my point you ask? Simple. The group will need what you might call a "World Domination Checklist", a series smaller objectives that will need to be accomplished before they're truly "ready for primetime" so to speak.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's one I did of Prince Lotor from Voltron. Turned out pretty good, though I had to do some post-production editing (the sword and his skull belt buckle) and I couldn't really find a helmet in their selection that does the Crown Prince of Planet Doom justice.
  3. Re: (WWYCD) Wake Up Wanted... Me thinks most people on these boards would consider this a table-flipping offense if the GM did it to their characters. anywho... My characters are mostly villians themselves, so they would likely be among the secret masters...
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: OMG, what the hell are you doing in bed with your girlfriend's mother, her sisters, and her dog? A: "So, Cthulhu, Xenu, and Tom Cruise walk into a bar..."
  5. Re: Mind Slayer I'll give them credit on this one, it's a step up from the farce they made of Menton; but this is by no means enough to win me over.
  6. Re: Machine Class of Minds Depending on special effects, just about anything goes. These days cars have onboard minicomputers to regulate engine functions etc.
  7. Re: A fistful of Comeliness rules Love it, and I'm definately putting it to use. Thanks, Bob.
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Dude, what ever happened to Dozar the Dozarian? A: I was watching my DVD of Daft Punk's Interstella 5555 at the time.
  9. Re: DEF and BODY of common items How about the cast-iron skillet? Sure, you may never actually need to break one, but who hasn't seen a movie, tv show, cartoon, etc. where someone at some point gets brained with one? Edit: Found it Ultimate Brick: 5 DEF, 2 BODY (sounds about right, would do about 7d6 as a blunt intrument)
  10. Your character and company have been involved in a battle with hostile aliens that were intent on conquering Earth. During the final, climactic fight aboard the crashed alien flagship, the leader of the invasion force--we'll call him Commander Zur--sustained what looked to be a potentially fatal injury and immediately turned and fled down the corridor. With his forces decisively defeated, your character and the others go looking for Zur himself, following the trail of his green blood to what appears to be the ship's Sick Bay and into a regeneration chamber, one of many rubber-science medical devices the aliens have developed. They find that the chamber has regenerated Zur's wounds, but due to some weird malfunction of the device, it has also caused his body to revert to an earlier life stage--infancy to be precise. If anyone has Telepathy, they sense that the memories from Zur's adult form are gone, though they can't say with certainty whether it's a permanent erasure or if his original memories and personality will gradually return if he's allowed to mature. Naturally, some appropriate member of the group remarks that, as much of a bastard as Zur was in his adult form, he actually seems rather cute and harmless as an infant. WWYCD?
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Seth Green just called; the Robot Chicken mascot has escaped the studio and is running amok in downtown Los Angeles. How are we going to stop it? A: I told you before there is no escaping the nature of the universe, and it is that nature that has once again brought you before me. Where others see coincidence, I see consequence...where others see chance, I see cost.
  12. Re: Illegal Cross-Continent Road Race Hero That's "one of dem fancy-pants illegal road rallies." As for short, easy 6 Hour dashes... With a suitcase full of big ones as the prize? No way, José. This isn't The Amazing Race. Mr. Big, the mastermind behind all this, has plans to make things far more interesting then that, I can assure you. Note: don't read the following spoiler if you think you might sign up for the campaign: As for the overnights, these are meant as opportunities for subplots and any other little surprises I might feel like springing on the PCs. IOW, they may not being getting the peaceful night's rest they were expecting....
  13. Re: Illegal Cross-Continent Road Race Hero More Notes: The Route: As mentioned in the OP, the race runs from Seattle to New York City, but between will be a series of checkpoints the racers must show up at on time or be disqualified. At the starting line on the morning the race starts, they're told where to find the first of those checkpoints and given until sundown that evening to get there. The checkpoint will be at or near a motel where the racers can lodge for the night. The location of the next one will be revealed at breakfast the next morning by Mr. Big's secretary, Belinda. Generally the same drill at the next one, and the one after that, and so forth until they're coming up on the finish line in NYC (Belinda and any of Mr. Big's other representives will be shuttled from checkpoint to checkpoint via helicopter while the racers are on the road). Again, racers who fail to show up at the checkpoints by the time they're supposed to are eleminated from the race and cannot claim the prize money. I just need to pick some good locations for these checkpoints. Things Start Getting Ugly: Naturally, some of the NPC racers will at some point start resorting to dirty tricks to thin out the competition. The first victim of these cutthroat tactics won't be a PC, of course, but (without giving too much away) it'll be someone they'll sympathize with enough that any of them who aren't completely jaded will be incensed at the guilty party, whoever they may be.
  14. Re: Illegal Cross-Continent Road Race Hero I hear you, bro. So, the roll might work out fine if I take into account Mods for locale? Roger that. And on a roll of 18 I could say they lucked out and the state trooper was off in the woods...*ahem* "heeding the call of nature."
  15. Re: Illegal Cross-Continent Road Race Hero What would you consider a more reasonable roll then? BTW, getting pulled over doesn't automatically mean you'll be going to jail; you may just need to fast-talk your way out of a speeding ticket. Depends on just how "souped-up" we're talking here. Might make them pay CP if significantly far outside the norm, though maybe make allowances for one or two minor mods if I'm feeling generous. I would propably have to handle that on a case-by-case basis. Write-ups of anything not in either book will require GM inspection and approval to be allowed in the game. The rule of thumb: no Batmobiles, KITTs, VIPER Defenders, Robotech/Mospeada Cyclones/Ride Armors, etc. I'll consider that.
  16. Recently registered at Hero Central and this is what I'm planning for my first campaign there: Basically, it's a modern-day normals campaign in which the PCs are involved in a secret and highly illegal road race that runs from Seattle to New York City. The prize: a suitcase containing a sh*tload of cold, hard cash! Each character would be built according to Competent Normal Guildlines and would each be allowed to have any normal, street-legal motor vehicle from TUV and/or Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook within reason (a car, a truck, motorcycle, a van, etc.) at no point cost. PCs who want to work together as a team can have a team of up to 3 persons to a vehicle (if their ride is large enough). Details I've been roughing out thus far: Speeding: Naturally, racers who get alittle too lead-footed are likely to run afoul of highway patrol and other law enforcement officers as they pass through different cities, towns, and states. One of the things I foresee myself doing from time-to-time is asking drivers to give me a "Speedometer Check" in MPH and, if they're exeeding the posted speed limit for an area, a roll to see if an officer attempts to pull them over. The roll I figure will be a 10 or less on 3d6 with a Modifier of +1 for every 10 MPH over posted speed limit. What they do when they see the flashing lights in their rear-veiw is up to them, though their actions will have realistic consequences. Stops: Obviously, the racers will need to make stops from time-to-time for things like refueling, meals, overnight lodging, directions, etc. These times will be be used as opportunities for subplots and possibly a barroom brawl or two. Weapons: Racers may carry with them any personal weaponry that's within reason for them to own and know how to use, if they wish. Realistic consequences will be enforced if an agent of the law finds them with a loaded handgun in the glove compartment or a trunk full of assault weapons, however... Comments? Contributions?
  17. Re: More COMMO Concept Art Yeah, but then again a broken clock is right at least once per day.
  18. Re: The Law: Felonies and other crimes A good starting place would be this Wikipedia article. From there, you should be able to narrow your parameters until you find what you're looking for.
  19. Re: Less Educated Social Limitation: Uneducated and Unfamiliar with Modern Society
  20. Re: Death of the Jester OP edited for clearification.
  21. Re: A Comeliness for Every Sense Group Not the same IMO. If I wanted the GURPS approach, I'd dig out all my old GURPS stuff and play that instead.
  22. Re: A Comeliness for Every Sense Group Since Steve seems dead-set determined to give Comeliness the axe in 6e, this is kind of a moot point. Though I agree with everyone that says COM covers more than just Sight Group.
  23. Re: Justiciar is up Considering the travesty that is their track record thus far, Sapphire, Witchcraft, and the other ladies would probably be better off if these clowns never touch them.
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